Monday, September 16, 2019

Fall Sideboard and a few "Technical" Difficulties

This is one of those posts when I feel like starting out with a big "So..." which is always a telltale sign of frustration. This has been a few weeks of computer/blogging frustrations for me. We all use different computers and different software etc. I happen to like a desktop computer that has a big capability to house tons of photos and programs etc. But my tech skills are not particularly whippy. I freely admit it. I depend on my husband for his technical and computer expertise, so it's a PC not a Mac which I would be on my own with.

While I'm scratching the surface of this situation here with you, I'm sharing some pics of my Hearth Room Sideboard that I repainted back last Fall. I love having it "usable" again. If you'd like to read about it's makeover you can do that HEREI'll try to do the short version of said computer issues that doesn't involve hair pulling, deep sighs, harried discussions with my husband, or a litany of "words" that I may or  may not have uttered.

(I only tend to use this old tureen in the Fall. It's colors and design are perfect for the hues of harvest color. I have a few velvet pumpkins and some moss covered pumpkins mixed together with Fall preserved leaves. Here's a post from two years ago when I used this tureen at our previous place. Yes, I know much better photo because the light was so much better at that house, boo hoo.)

Back to the problem at hand... This whole scenario started out with PicMonkey, as I use it to edit my photos. I've tried other editing sites and software and I just don't like them because they are too detailed and technical and frankly, I don't do well with that kind of stress. It becomes work and not fun. When blogging becomes "not fun" I second guess what I'm doing putting myself through mental gymnastics just to take pictures, edit them and do a post. Can I get an "Amen"?

The problem is my big ol'  computer is over 10 years old and in computer years it's pretty outdated, slow, and lacks the capability that I'd like it to have. That just goes with "age" as it does in all things. Now add PicMonkey saying they are not going to use Adobe Flash after next year and are pushing everyone to try their new version "New PicMonkey" that isn't near as user friendly. Stress is starting to build as I'm trying to stay ahead of this curve ball. Waiting to the last minute then scrambling isn't a good look for me. I've been in email convos with PicMonkey techs, (I like PicMonkey, and their techs are very nice) but really nothing has been resolved. My computer workhorse needed to be put out to pasture.

Fast forward, my husband did the very nice thing and bought me a new PC and we've been working on it this weekend. I don't do well with technical changes. I'm a person that has to see, do, read, and hear the instructions with all things mechanical and technical. Since my health disaster last summer it's been even harder to adjust and learn. I've been on a lot of meds in the last several years and I'm trying to ween off some of them. But it is what it is. I know some of you, having undergone big physical and emotional trauma, understand. Near death experiences don't really enhance an aging brain... or personality. Just going through major surgery and general anesthesia can cause memory loss and impairment...  hopefully not permanent.

(I have some of my vintage copper pieces here on the small shelf. Copper is the perfect compliment to Fall with it's warm tone. I had a lot more copper several years ago but sold a lot of it, which now I kinda sorta regret.)

Anyhoo, I'm trying to get settled in with this new computer and Windows 10 which there again doesn't have some of the features my older version had. Picture storage is a whole new animal. Editing photos is faster, but options are not the same and now having to jump through hoops that weren't there before. So.... back to that. I took these in the Hearth Room which is an already dicey spot because of the lack of natural light, so they are not very good. But this has to be part of the process... practice. I don't mean to ramble, as I know you all go thru this same sort of stuff. I've known people who quit blogging because their computer pooped out and they just didn't want to go through the hassle of a whole new deal. 

If you use PicMonkey (and or Chrome) ... HEADS UP... you may have to make adjustments and make a plan. If you have a newer computer you'll probably do OK. And yes, I have a relatively new laptop that is my emergency computer, but I don't like to use it to post with the blog or edit photos, it's jumpy and I've lost whole posts on it.

This is just one of those posts that I needed to share with you all, because there may be a lot of you out there going through the same thing. (Not just the computer situation, but life and health issues as well). Let me know if you are, so I won't be the only (old-ish) fool gripe-ing about having to get with the program. Please bear with me if I have a few semi-senior moments. tehe. Thanks for listening friends! 

Hope to see you Monday Evening for All About Home.

joining in here:

All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
 Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters
Happiness is Homemade at Blue Sky at Home
Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Homestyle Gathering at Serving Up Southern  
Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode 
Share Your Style at French Ethereal 
 Style Showcase at Shabby Fufu  
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. I can so relate. I use to use picmonkey to edit all my pictures. Now I use adobe photoshop. I don't know how to do anything in it except edit my photos, but that part is so simple and didn't have a learning curve at all. So I only go to picmonkey to straighten up a crooked picture or to do a collage. I agree, I dont like the new picmonkey either.

    1. Adobe might be something to look at again. Thanks for mentioning your take on it. I feel limited on the other with color. not enough options to adjust and find just the right look. Hope you're having a great weekend... stress free!

  2. This is so beautiful, Debra.. good luck with the new Pc!

  3. Debra, I can also relate, but with a different platform. I used Google Picasa for many years and then Google stopped supporting it. I had to learn to use Google Photos, which I really don't care for. It does not seem as user friendly to me. The older I get the busier I seem to be so I don't have as much time to stayed updated on every new blogging aspect, but I still enjoy what I can do and keep plugging away at trying to learn as I go along. Your blog looks lovely so be proud of it and continued good health--that is the most important thing!! xoxo

  4. Sideboard looks great, Debra. I am a big proponent of desktop use, and I am a Microsoft Windows / Chrome girl all the way! I'm tech aware and capable, but not an expert user by any means (other than spreadsheets). That said, Mr. P. is my general tech geek, and he keeps me up to date with software and hardware. We use OneDrive to store massive files of photos and documents. But one thing I never let him do is choose the time I'll update anything major. It always has to be after I finish taxes sometime in spring, or else... I'll be checking out the new Picmonkey too (thanks for that alert, I wasn't sure if they had something already in the works or not!). I hope you find your new hardware /software user friendly as time goes on.

  5. Debra, I thought I commented on this, but don't see anything. Like you, I so depent on my tech savvy husband. We are an Apple family though. I use Picmonkey for my collages, but not thrilled with the new changes.

  6. Debra,
    I use a 10+ year old PC and it's own personal editing. . .
    tried PicMonkey ONCE many years ago and trashed that program ASAP!
    I, totally, understand! Move over, I'm in the same line!
    I love your Blog and your Posts are filled to the brim with inspiration!
    Much like this lovely tureen filled with pumpkins!
    I'm thrilled that your took the plunge and painted the sideboard.
    I'm seriously thinking of doing the same with one here on the Prairie. . .
    as soon as my "back/spine" allows. . .currently doing Physical Therapy!
    Don't let this "techie" experience get you down, 'cause we need you!
    Hoping you just Keep On, Keeping On!

    1. oh gosh, thanks Pat. your comment has blessed my day!

  7. I too am a Picmonkey and Chrome/Microsoft girl. Windows 10 is kicking me, and I don't like the new Picmonkey. I don't know what I am going to do. I liked the old days of easy blogging. All this tech scrambles my mind. All of you fall decorating looks beautiful.

  8. I feel your pain Debra, I struggle with techy things, and I have been trying to use the new Pic Monkey, as I know I better get used to it before they fade the other version out...Parts of it I like and parts I don't...Wordpress is changing their formatting style too and I definitely am not a fan! Ugh, have to figure it out before 2020! Hang in there!!

  9. Oooh, I feel for you Debra. My Mac is 10 years old---and is getting very slow. I use the photo program with the mac, and it is pretty good. Only bad thing, I have to put pics in files on the desktop in order to access them from Google for blogger. Yikes, if they change everything I will implode, myself. Your sideboard is lovely and I do like the tureen filled with all those goodies. I'm actually dragging my Fall stuff upstairs to see what I can use and what to purge. We are skipping Halloween because of an October surgery and I don't want it hard for my husband to put away! Hugs to you, and I'm glad you are feeling better!

  10. I tried PicMonkey once and didn't like it at all. I used to use Picasa but Google quit supporting it. I used to be able to put Let's Add Sprinkles on all my photos. It didn't matter anyway because some steal the photo and crop the watermark off anyway. I use my 7 year old Mac Book and IPhoto. I will have to adapt to something new when this laptop of mine bites the dust. It still runs great so hopefully I won't have to deal with computer issues for a while. Your house is always darling. Sorry you are having issues. So frustrating.

  11. Oh, Debra! I am feeling your pains, which hit a little too close to home. First, your inspiration for fall is soothing, lovely, and such a tender antidote for these woes you share honestly. I am also in the throes of a health crisis and chronic illness so I may know a little of your stress because of post-surgical "wonderment" and trying to adjust to the new normal. I also rely on picmonkey and find these changes frustrating and time-consuming. And yet the thought of canceling my membership and starting a new editing program is overwhelming to consider! So I cope by allowing all this reality to simply be reality and welcoming it into the fold. I'll still do what I can, the best I can, but I won't become a slave to my blog which I want to work for me and to help others but not hurt my health or be my slavemaster. Holding things loosely is what is working for me at this juncture and staying anchored in my faith and belovedness welcomes grace (which covers it all in the most lovely of ways). Peace to you as you adjust, feel restored, and find your sweet spot, friend.

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. With that and dealing with a new computer, it can be frustrating. I use PicMonkey too. I also use Fotojet. I did write a review on it. Fotojet You can also upgrade for $39.99 a year. Take care of yourself.

  13. I totally understand. Debra. Changes to software and hardware are quite difficult to adjust to. I've tried using the new Picmonkey (I use it for my printables and pins)... and the collage aspect is not working yet (last I checked), so I'm waiting for that to kick in. Don't worry yourself. Your readers will be patient as you wade through these new waters. ;-)

  14. Here's your "Amen!" Debra. I am so annoyed with PicMonkey for changing things up and requiring that we use the new version soon. Every time it tries to switch me into Beta mode I revert back to the "Old" Picmonkey! But I suppose I'd better get with the program soon. You might have a tech guru at home but don't short change yourself or your abilities! You've created a lovely blog filled with so much inspiration. Your fall sideboard is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Charm. Pinned! Have a great week! xo Kathleen


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