Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Late Summer, (anytime after the 4th), has always been a time for the vintage chickens to come out and strut their stuff. I've been playing with all the chicks here on the old cupboard in the Hearth Room. I've had them in several different places on the shelves and think I finally came up with a good placement... for now. You just never know where a chicken will turn up around here.

(a small chicken bud vase in the Garden Room, where it's light and bright)

This spot in the Hearth Room doesn't have the best light,
 so the photos are a little grainy, so sorry.

As you can see they have been migrating all over the shelves.

sweet little Hen tea towel

I wanted to keep a few of my copper saucepots here for a bit,
 so the bigger metal basket went to the Garden Room to allow space for the flock.

I'm smitten with this little chick bud vase
 from the 30's Japanese pottery and Majolica days.

She has a few colorful blooms of Marigolds and Lantana
 from the containers out in the back.

So, let me share a little story from my childhood about having a "chicken collection". When I was in 6th grade we moved to an old farmhouse on the edge of town. It was like being in the country because we were surrounded by 40 acres of pastureland. We had lots of rural wildlife and critters coming around for a free meal and to take up temporary residence. My dad was an animal lover and would put out large bowls of feed and kitchen scraps which of course would in turn draw not only stray pets, but a menagerie of birds, skunks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, etc. We seemed to be a waylay station for anything making the rounds of the surrounding countryside.

One year we had a flock of chickens find us and set up housekeeping. I imagine they had come from a nearby farm or whatever, because they turned up "en masse" and took to roosting in the cedar trees. Nightfall they'd all group together clucking, and fly up into the scrubby trees. One by one we noticed they were disappearing... and after awhile there were chickens no more.  I think a coyote or fox found them and it might have been the original motivation for their looking for a new homestead. At any rate, we had sort of a soft spot for the chicken gang and were sad that they'd been bested by Wiley Coyote. So, another childhood experience causing a future collection of "something".

Have a great weekend!

joining in here:

 Celebrate Your Story at Celebrate and Decorate
Happiness is Homemade at Blue Sky at Home
Dishing It and Digging It at Angie at the Freckled Rose  
Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Homestyle Gathering at Serving Up Southern  
Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode 
Share Your Style at French Ethereal 
 Style Showcase at Shabby Fufu  
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge


  1. Debra,
    I loved seeing your Chicken collection...I currently have some hens and roosters in my Kitchen so you can see why your post interested me. Thanks so much for sharing the story of why you started to collect chicken! I enjoyed reading about it!!

  2. I love chickens. I collect them also. You always do such cute, beautiful vignette displays. And I always enjoy reading someone's childhood memory. I believe we should share more memories. Karie

  3. You have "hen-picked" a fine feathered collection to roost in your home, Debra! Your story is definitely the kind of trigger that gets us vintage lovers connected with our first one, which leads to more! We had a woman here in town (my mother's contemporary) who ran a restaurant which was decorated to the hilt with roosters, hens, chickens. It went to auction when she died and I bought many of her feathered collection AND her dishes, lol. No surprise there. In my purge, I kept just a couple of the roosters, several plates. Who knows? By this time, there may be a chicken or two of mine that've crossed the road and the Mississippi and made their way to your region, looking for a foster home. Have a great weekend.

  4. Debra,
    Great display of your chickens!
    I have an actual Chicken Coop in the Family Room
    filled with anything but chickens.
    Terrible experience from my childhood. . .
    now I want to part of chicken anything. . .except Chicken Wire!
    Your collection is quite lovely to view!

  5. This is adorable. I love your darling story as well. That bud vase is a cutie. You have some wonderful collections.

  6. Hello Debra, thank you for sharing your chickens. You have quite the collection. Love your childhood story. It’s a shame, those poor chickens didn’t survive. I have a special place in my heart for animals. I am always feeding them, birds, squirrels, etc. We live on 26 acres and have lots of critters. Thank you for sharing your prized chicken collection at “Love your Creativity.” Formerly Dishing It and Digging It.

  7. What a sweet childhood memory! We had hens for a while and so enjoyed their quirky ways and funny personalities.


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