Monday, September 3, 2018

If a Lamp Falls in the Forest...

In my "real world" time I would be giddy that the calender has changed over to September, but I now seem to be living in the alternate universe of packing up my house for a move. The daytime temps are cooling down and the evenings are wonderful. Even the trees on my street are beginning to show some beautiful shades of Autumn color.

My blogging self wants to absorb all the Fall decor inspiration it can, but I have the whole house torn apart trying to make some advance headway on all the "stuff" that needs to be moved at some point. Right now I'm working on small decor items, books, office and craft supplies, miscellaneous dishes, glassware and Oh, did I say "decor"? Most specifically, vintage decor items... on more than one occasion I have felt the urge to slap myself.

Since I have tons and tons of photos archived of past Septembers, I'm going to be sharing some of my previous vintage Fall decor and vignettes. I did pull together some pieces for the Entry console since that seems to still be intact. (just barely) The other day I heard a loud crash and bang and held my breath. Hubby was on the loose with stacks of packing material and boxes, and since the Entry area has a little bit of free space the boxes tend to get deposited there.

A loud crash and bang, but no voice giving an explanation, like "hey, don't worry, everything's fine!" No, I had to investigate myself and see that my lamp on the console and the ivy trellis next to it were now on the floor. I guess he was hoping I was somewhere that the sound had evaded me. Like being in the forest where no one actually hears the boom of the tree.  Could be the same premise of  the age-old philosophical question of "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Apparently not.

Thankfully nothing was damaged but he got the "look", and a please be careful warning. 

These pics are from September of 2014 when we were living at the lease house before our current house. We were in the middle of painting the new house and I was trying to have a little Fall decor to help ease not having a whole house to decorate. That little house we leased for a year was such a huge blessing to my sanity and physical well being.

This time around we will be able to stay here and do some work and supervise our wonderful reno guy's team without having to live there or rent a house. We have quite a bit to do, but nothing major except hardwoods, carpet and some new windows. Lots of smaller agenda items, but our guys (we've worked with them twice before) are hard working so I'm praying it all goes smoothly. 

My brain is working overtime. It's hard to rest and fall asleep when you have lists and projects racing through your brain, but I'm trying to pace myself. That's why I sat down today to share a little fun from the past. I could hardly find my way to my desk and computer, since today I'm randomly emptying my office drawers. I'm easily distracted and start a box one place, then find I can't finish it because I need to do something else. I keep repeating, "stay focused, stick with it."

OK, I'll stay in touch. Just pretend that these pics are new.
 Hopefully soon, I'll have that  Fall Entry area done.

 So, how is your early September shaping up?
Do you have a little Fall creeping in? 

joining in here:

Sundays at Home at Little Farmstead
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Inspiration Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Style Showcase at Savvy Southern Style
Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Road


  1. Most of my fall things are packed away, too, and being moved, so I am in the same boat. We were planning on a garage sale this week, but my husband got sick. So today we made the decision to just donate all "this decor". Just needs to go to a new home NOW lol.


    1. so sorry to hear your hubby was ill. Right now if my husband feels sick I fall apart. I count on him for the muscle around here, so I know how it is. I'm having the same feeling about the stuff I don't/can't see mooving. It's probably not going to be a big sale, as I've done that before and it's just exhausting. sometimes things just need to go away!

  2. Well, today I am being lazy, reading magazines, books and blogs, lol. However, I am gearing up for a community yard sale in early Oct. The rain date will be summer 2019, to which I say, "it'll go to charity". Meanwhile, I am buying vintage (more stuff), even went to a new stock auction house grab bag sale (more stuff, not vintage, but yard sale if nothing else is how I see it). Made new front door decor, only to have husband act like he has to duck to get in/out of house (it came down). In other words, I can see my husband "accidentally" hitting a lamp in his way. I don't envy you, and I don't relish the thoughts of a move. But I love reading your journal of what it's really like. Thanks for sharing! And hey, that "new" fall decor looks great! Love that cloth pumpkin.

    1. Since the last few months I've been either in the hospital, recovering and/or now moving I haven't had a chance to go shop. It's been hard to not have my vintage fix. I'm going to have to take a day off soon and go buy something or I may dry up. Hard not to be out there with my wallet when it's the start of my favorite season!

  3. Little by little it is starting to make an appearance. Yours is always amazing.

  4. I think the fact that you feel up to this packing is amazing after all you have been through. I like that you say you are pacing yourself and then taking time to relax and rest. Moving is so stressful so I am glad you are taking it slow. It will all get sorted, packed in time. I love looking back at your fall decor. You always had a way with your vignettes.
    Have a great Holiday.

    1. Kris, if anyone knows about moving, it's you. You guys are so inspiring, and I know it's been hard to get settled and then know that another move is needed. I love your cottage, and love seeing all the great things you've done there. Now, I can't wait to see that mirror you all are working on!

  5. I know fall is your favorite decorating season. I'm sure it's hard to restrain from sprinkling some decor about while you wait and pack up. I hope you get into the new house soon. I cannot wait to see it.

    1. I know, it's a terrible deep seated need that I have to drag out some faux leaves and pumpkins. I DO have a couple of spots that are not yet demolished with moving paraphernalia, so be warned, haha!

  6. Debra, you are one of my favorite all time bloggers and I love your posts! Your home is always so beautiful and you have a way of turning everything you have into something magical! Thank you for all you do and for all your inspiration! I wish you a happy, safe move and hope all your "trees" are still standing when you get to your new home! God bless you! <3

  7. Debra, you have a big job ahead of you! Last year we were doing our new hardwood flooring and I didn't get to decorate for Halloween. Excited to pull it out this Oct. I love your vignettes always! That squirrel is fabulous!! Is it cast iron? Thanks for sharing with SYC and best of luck!


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