Friday, June 15, 2018

Summertime Views

(Sharing some photos from last Summer's Home Tour.)

Version: Revised Standard Version
Psalm 91

1. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty, 2. will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." 3. For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; 4. he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6. nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. 8. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. 9. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your habitation, 10. no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. 11. For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. 12. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. 13. You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot. 14. Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. 15. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him. 16. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

Thank you for your care and concern; your thoughts and prayers.
 I'm getting better every day.


  1. Oh I am so thrilled you are doing better and home. Praise the Lord the surgery went well. Now onward and upward God Bless.

    1. thankyou, Marty, I really appreciate you being there and for your prayers!

  2. Take your rehab one day at a time and don't overdo, just build. Recovery takes a long while. I'm grateful the procedure is over and went well, though I'm a little worried about that smaller one they couldn't get to. You're right about how it is often easier for the specialist to deal with his (or her) issue versus the whole picture. I wish you good luck on your journey. You have a beautiful environment in which to recuperate.

    1. thankyou Jeanie, I'm hoping that the AI meds will help with that smaller blockage. yes, I was disappointed to hear that, but sometimes smaller vessels can make other small arteries to help carry oxygen. thanks so much for your good thoughts!

  3. So glad to hear you are on the other side of the surgery. The waiting must have been so hard. Good luck with your recovery!

  4. what a great Psalm. God is so good to encourage us when we most need it. Love your blog, sorry for this physical limitation that God has allowed in your life. Thankfully one day we will have perfect bodies for all eternity! waiting for that day!

  5. Debra, I've been thinking about you and even mentioned you in a blog post this past week. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. Glad you're home and on the road to recovery.

  7. Hi Debra, so glad you are home and are sharing how your operation went and how you have learned so much by searching and putting facts together. Hugs.

  8. Hi Debra! I was so happy to read this. I don’t know that I have ever commented before, but I always read your blog. Praying for quick healing for you. I suffer from AI too- but not nearly as severely as you! Thank you for sharing that Psalm- it is one of my favorites!

  9. THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing. I have waited 4 months to see a rheumatologist and so hoping he can help with my autoimmune problems. My heart is good but my body is breaking down and I am a go-go girl (age 77) and I, like you, want to feel better. Blessings to you and for your recovery. Thank you also for the wonderful verse.

  10. So glad you are through with surgery and back at home! Take good care of yourself. Sending prayers of healing. Love you♥

  11. Dear Debra, somehow I missed the June 8 post altogether, but just now got caught up! So thankful you have the procedure behind you, and to know the largest of the blockages is taken care of now.
    Thank you for continuing to share your information. Alopecia (hair loss) was the main symptom that led my Dr. to my hypothyroid dx. As I've mentioned before, there is quite a bit of AI in my family, and a brother has just been dx'd with a kidney AI that is serious.
    I will continue to pray for you. The fact that you are thinking of a few small projects speaks volumes to your disposition, and for that I'm so happy for you. Have a good weekend.

  12. How I pray for you and so hope your heath problems become a light burden ! Trust in God and remember this ! My favorite saying , The Will of God will NEVER take you to wear the GRACE of God will not protect you ! Hang on ! You are on the downhill side of the mountain you just climed !!

  13. What good news!! Glad that is all behind you......keep resting and I keep praying for you. xoxoxo

  14. I also missed post about you having procedure,so glad you have been able to tackle that hurdle.
    Most important now is taking it very easy, don't overdo. It takes awhile to recover. The longer your wait for having had to get problems taken care of the longer it takes to get any strength back. wears us down mentally and physically.

    Sure wish for you not to have to deal with all of this and that there will be a resolution sooner rather than later. Keep praying and hoping Debra. From somebody who has had to live with auto-immune disease all my life, keep fighting. I'll be 78 next month but keep hoping.Take care dear lady

  15. Debra I hope you continue to feel better and better, stronger and stronger! My dad had lifelong anemia. That found out late in his life that he had Hemochromatosis. I wonder if you have been checked for this?
    You stay strong. Praying for comfort and repair for your body.

  16. Hi Debra, so thankful that your procedure went well and you are regaining your strength. Psalms 91 is one of my favorite passages as well. in 1994 when I had surgery to repair a ruptured aneurysm in my brain, it was the very same passage that spoke to my heart and encouraged me to trust that God was in control and is with me. So glad that the passage was also a comfort to you, I understand. I will continue to pray for your complete recovery and restoration. May the Lord continue to bless you!

  17. Hi Debra,
    Glad to see your post and know you are home and recovering nicely. Glad the bigger blockage is now open. The health community and the ways medical issues are looked at are very frustrating. Glad you do not give up and continue to push for answers. You are the best advocate for yourself. We all know our bodies and when something is not right or working the medical community needs to listen. Being a nurse for many years I always felt patients were not listened to enough. Patients know their own bodies and know when things are not right. I agree doctors need to lesson their thoughts on fixing the problem and more on listening to the patients and looking into the symptoms before fixing something. Just happy you are doing better.
    Happy Father's Day to your sweet hubby.
    Have a good weekend.

  18. Oh goodness, Debra. I had no idea. I've been so lame in blogging after my own back surgery, and I could not compare it to yours at all. Anything involving the heart is so, so scary to me, yet you barely wrote about that, nor having the one artery still blocked. I am saying prayers at this minute for you.

    We don't need pretty pictures (although I do love seeing them!). Please rest and be well. Get answers, I know you never settle for the pat answers. Try to keep us posted but not to the extent that its a burden.

    Sending love,


  19. So good to know you are home, resting, healing, and praying.

    May God bless you and keep you in the Palm of His Merciful Hands.

    Hugs. ♥

  20. Thanks for sharing this. I am glad you are doing so much better. Your information is very helpful.

  21. So happy this evening after catching up with you again, you are home and feeling better. I thank you for sharing your good days and your difficult days too. All your information has been very helpful here and to others I know. May God bless you with good health again.

  22. I love that Psalm. I have said since 1993 that that is my husbands Psalm. We have struggled with his health issues too and I've found that we have to be our own health advocates. That is the sad reality of our time. It took two years and six doctors to get to the root of his asthmatic cough. It took 6 years and finally a new doctor to save his life with his diabetes. Praying for you, Dear Debra. I hope you feel so much better soon.

  23. So glad to hear the procedure is over and you are doing well! I hope it helps you to feel better and live the life you want...get lots of pampering! xoxo

  24. Hi Debra, I know I'm posting late but I just ran across your site on Pinterest. Your home is beautiful and I've been drawn to your blog many times before because of the wonderful things you post. Your story about your heart surgeries and your journey through it touched my heart....I have had my heart stopped by doctors to stop it from racing and then an Ablation procedure to hopefully stop it from racing again....I feel so blessed that it worked and I have not had any racing since. This is minor compared to what you are going through...just wanted to you to know that I can relate to your story and that my thoughts and prayers are with you. My husband also had a heart attack and had a stent put in. By sharing your story I am now aware about scar tissue even though it's a small possibility...still good to know...thank you. I'm so happy that your procedure went well and I will pray for more good things to follow. God bless.


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