Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Woodland Santa in the French Wagon

Do you have a favorite piece to decorate? ... a bookshelf, your coffee table, an Entry chest? Do you have something that just begs to be kept changed up for the Season or Holiday? While I enjoy decorating all those different pieces, I think the one element I love to decorate most, might be my little table top "Frenchy" wagon. (whoops, Santa looks a little tipsy here)

It usually sits on my Dining Room Table, but this Christmas the tabletop was full, so I thought I'd use it over here on the hearth. Last year I finally got around to painting it a pale gray from black, and once that happened I could use it so many more places because it blended in with all the other decorating elements.

Here's the wagon decorated on the Dining Room Table for Easter.

It's small size makes it perfect for a tabletop vignette, and even here on the hearth. It's easy to lift off so it doesn't get close to an evening fire.

Back in the late 80's my mom, sis, and I were really into handmade crafting. My mom is incredibly talented seamstress; she could look at a dress in Seventeen Magazine and copy it for me down to the details. During the 80's there was a woman in the area that created wonderful themed Santas, but she only did a few each year and they were terribly expensive. It was literally impossible to find one to buy, even if you did feel comfortable paying her price.

So, my mom decided she would try her hand at creating them herself. She made up her own pattern and created them to be uniquely her own. At the time, it was popular to have home Christmas Craft parties, so we hosted our own and then participated in several local Craft Fairs. She gifted me with this wonderful "Woodland Santa" the last year she did these, and I've treasured it over these last 30 years.

He's the perfect size to display in my wagon, 
so I added in a faux greenery tree, clay pots, 
painted pinecones, and some felted deer all on a bed of moss.

Mom even managed to get the jolly twinkle in his eyes!

joining in here:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Sunday at Home at Love of Home
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. Love your wagon, so pretty and your Santa is gorgeous. Thanks for the shout out about the tours. Can't wait to see your tour.

  2. Love your woodlands santa and wagon!!

  3. Beautiful display Debra .. and sounds like you have a very talented mama who passed down that talent to you too ! .. Thanks so much for stopping in at my blog and leaving your comment.. it was so very much appreciated ! .. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas

    Sweet Farmhouse Blessings

  4. Just wonderful! I am crazy for "smalls" and tiny treasures, so I love the little deer and pots in the wagon. Your Santa is just amazing! I don't want to rush time, but I can't help getting excited for the link party to see more of your wonderful Christmas decor!

  5. Love your Santa, and the story of your mom's handcrafting it even more.

  6. What a wonderful connection to your beautiful Santa! One of the things I love best is the color of his furry coat! That cute wagon makes the perfect stage. Love all the elements!

  7. I always love seeing how you decorate that sweet French wagon for each season...Love the Santa as it is beautiful and truly a very special treasure!!!


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