Saturday, November 25, 2017

...On to Christmas

I imagine there are a lot of us that woke up this morning with plans to get busy on Christmas decor. We had a great Thanksgiving Dinner with my sis and her husband, boys (and friends), our youngest daughter, and my mom. We always keep it pretty laid back with a big buffet in the kitchen and since my sis has my grandparents antique oak table, we can seat 10 at the table in the Dining Room without problem.

This was my first Holiday since I've gone gluten-free, and honestly I didn't really miss those items that I didn't pile on my plate. I ate pumpkin pie without the crust (totally yummy) and I had made a gluten-free Chocolate Bundt Cake that was a hit with everyone. What I REALLY didn't miss was feeling horrible after the meal. It wasn't the amount I was eating, it was WHAT I was eating.

I got a jump on doing the Christmas decorating basics a couple of weeks ago and this weekend I'm putting the details out. I'm keeping my promise to go Christmas Lite this year, but I do want a few of the vintage ornaments to enjoy. I like to mix things up a bit each year, but I've realized I love my Tartan Plaids, so that has just become a Christmas staple to me. 

I'm sprinkling a few pieces of white Ironstone around this year.
... An easy Christmas decorating element that works whatever the theme.

Are you decorating this weekend, or recuperating from Thanksgiving?
My couch looked awfully comfortable.

I have a mess of boxes in the garage,
so I better get back to work...
Just wanted to pop in to say 
Have a wonderful weekend!

joining in here:

Sundays at Home at Little Farmstead
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Inspiration Monday atRefresh Restyle
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. I'm not feeling it yet. So I haven't begun decorating. When I do, I think it will probably be minimal.

    1. From your blog post sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. Put a little faux tree in a container and call it good. Minimal or not, you always have wonderful imaginative decor!

  2. The house is a mess with boxes of lights and decor, and I am waiting for inspiration. Looking forward to seeing how you decorate this year.

    1. I know how you feel. I really just need a big dose of "YES, that's it!" to hit me. So I'm just going with the flow and trying not to overdo it. Have fun!

  3. I am so happy that you has a great Thanksgiving, Debra. We have a buffet as well, and I wish so often that we had a huge table to seat everyone. Still, I use the good dishes, silver, and napkins, and I think out guests feel loved.

    On to the decorating - I am eating up your ideas already! I was going to start today but I had a lot of Thanksgiving clean-up, and I need to organize my Christmas bins so hubby doesn't transport everything upstairs...I don't use it all.

    Sending love, my friend!

    Jane x

  4. Yes, I'm on my way to decorating! The weather was great for outdoor decor yesterday, and my sunroom and a couple new vignettes (which seem to take the longest time!) are set. The rest should flow easily.

  5. Where did you get the holly runner in the photos? Love it!

    1. Hi, thanks so much. my friend and blogger, Judy Clark from 20 North Ora made it for me several years ago from her Etsy Shop. I just checked and she isn't selling now. I think she found the fabric at Hobby Lobby. I love it too and have used it for years!

  6. I thought I had a head start on decorating a day early this year, but our dining room always has me stumped. I've got stuff everywhere and today's the day to get it all sorted out. I find that like you, I want less of my collection out and the bonus is that in the end there's less to pack away, too! I like the white accents on your dining table, Debra.

  7. Let’s hear it for gluten free! This is my third Thanksgiving gluten free, and have not missed it at all! My daughter made a delicious gluten free pumpkin pie, with a homemade gluten free crust, and I got to keep the leftovers.
    Our decorating this year is going minimal too. We put up a skinny woodland style tree in the dining room with only white lights, and wrapped the base with a red plaid flannel length of fabric I’ve had forever. Next to it we placed a rustic bench my hubs made several years ago, and topped it with a vintage red and green plaid lap blanket and a metal lantern.
    The mantel is dressed with some black and white Staffordshire dogs, old books, and a tall metal lantern. A few sprigs of pine greeneryand white lights on a timer finish it off. Easy, and unexpected.
    Today we will hang the Christmas Door Sign ( and be ready for gift wrapping. This year plaid and dotted gift wrap paper will be wrapped with flat checked ribbon to make stacking easy for travel.
    Love your posts and your style using vintage elements.

    1. thanks so much, Sharon. Your Christmas decor sounds wonderful. Love the idea of wrapping the tree with red plaid flannel. Putting the lights on a timer is so smart. I hadn't ever thought of that but it would be so much easier and makes sure you get to enjoy them instead of forgetting to turn them on. As for gluten, that stuff had been slowly killing me for years and I just didn't know it. I just wish that doctors were more informed and took it seriously. They think that if you don't have Celiac Disease then it's not really a problem. Wrong!

  8. Just getting started here. I love tartan too, so it is a staple of our holiday. Of course I mix it with Courtly Check!
    Happy Holidays, Debra.


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