Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Cozy Winter Living Room

January is all about warm and cozy for me. Find a comfy spot and snuggle up with a blanket and a  cup of hot tea or cocoa and a good book. Part of my January routine is to make things visually cozy and warm so that means I bring out the fuzzy stuff. Leopard print pillows and my leopard print throw for my chair and ottoman are basics. I like to focus on neutrals and textures here in the living room, and then using the leopard print as my little touch of fun.

This is MY chair, and you can find me in it most evenings. We watch TV here in the Living Room at this house, instead of downstairs like our previous home. I love having everything within easy reach, and Hubbs watches the news on TiVo while I finish getting dinner together.

I put an off-white matelasse coverlet on the chair this Fall to keep from extra wear on the fabric. Funny, I'd only sat in this chair once or twice at the other house as it was in the Master Bedroom. But once we moved I've used it non-stop.

I use my little chippy shabby bench as a side table
for magazines, an extra throw, or my drink.

I cleared everything off the mantel except the lanterns 
and then brought out my faux Amaryllis arrangement,
and tied some leopard print wired ribbon around the lantern handles.

Pottery Barn Lanterns

After Christmas it seems a little bare,
but with all that busy-ness in decor, 
In January I want something calm and neutral.

We have the TV stashed here in the armoire that matches our bedroom furniture.

Once I started using the wire bottomed tray several years ago,
 I haven't found anything else I like better on the coffee table.

I try to keep in mind the pattern of the area rug when choosing pillows and accent decor. It has a large overall pattern, but so far it's not given me trouble and I love the black accent that echos the bronzed lantern and iron stairway spindles.

I needed a pillow for the middle of the sofa, but couldn't find anything that worked with the leopard print, so I used one from Christmas and just covered up the Christmas design with this darker linen grain sack fabric.

Shhhh. Please don't turn the pillow over...

Next week I have a few little Valentine things to bring in.
Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Joining in Here:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
The Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Foodie Friday and Everything Else at Rattlebridge Farm
Best of the Weekend at MsToodyGooShoes
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Sundays at Home at The Love of Home
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. It does look so very cozy, Debra. Love your tray on the coffee table - it does look perfect there. And I won't tell anyone your pillow secret, that was a great solution!

  2. Oh Debra, how cozy . Hahahaha, luv the pillow cover up 😆
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Warm, cozy and inviting! Love the little chest beside your chair. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Candy

  4. Your coffee table looks positively magazine-worthy! I love your bee candle and your cozy chair.

  5. That looks like a very comfy chair and spot. I, too, love leopard pillows and any other touch of leopard in a room. I also love the little nook on your fireplace, it seems like a great spot to decorate. Stay warm and cozy!

    1. Actually, it makes me want to pull my hair out, cause it's so deep and cavernous. things get lost in there, but thank you!!!

  6. Your living room is very homey and comfortable. You normally show your sitting room off the kitchen and I, for one, am happy to see your living room. It's very nice - you should show it off more often.

  7. Hi, Debra. I have never made a comment on your blog but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy receiving your posts in my inbox. I love your style! You are so talented. Your living room Winter décor is beautiful. I hope you are feeling better in 2017. I have a feeling that you are because I am receiving more emailed posts from you and that's a VERY GOOD thing. All the best to you. Thanks and take good care! Jill Jones, Sacramento, CA

    1. Hi Jill, thanks so much taking the time to comment and say Hello! yes, I'm feeling better, now if the weather will just warm up so I'll get out and do more!

  8. That looks so comfortable and inviting. Beautiful.

  9. Beautiful, calm, serene and cozy...

  10. Only you can do leopard the way I like it, Debra! How cozy your living room is! And we should all have a fave chair. I know I do in my den. You've made this such a cozy room, no matter what it's called! Love your coffee tale arrangement, too!

  11. There's nothing quite like an incognito pillow!

  12. Your little corner looks like the perfect place to snuggle in with a good book, Debra! I love all the soft colors of your living room and the simple mantel decor for the winter months. Your wood coffee table tray is just the right size to hold all your vintage goodies. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  13. I'm like you Debra, wanting calm and neutral after the holidays. Your chair looks like the perfect spot to call your own. When we refinished our wood floors, I settled into my now favorite chair which had rarely been used prior to that (looks like a slipper chair, is one of two that were part of a large sectional previously). I also cover mine with a throw to minimize wear. Love that Napoleon bee candle on your side table too.

  14. Your living room is so lovely and cozy! I love the patterns and textures, and love the idea for your Christmas pillow! I also like to reuse mine in different ways and that's a great way to reuse a runner, too!

  15. Looks so beautiful Debra. I love the animal print touches and the fabric on the chair is so pretty. I think you have the perfect cozy spot. Love the entire room and the mantle.


  16. GORGEOUS, Deb! I sure like your home!

    And I love your new bio pic - your hair is so cute and sassy!

    Big hugs! ♥

    1. Thanks Michele! it's super easy to take care of, just have to have a can of hairspray!!!

  17. I really like how you used the leopard print in that room. It's a nice addition for the winter months. I know it gets very cold where you live so it's great to have a cozy home to retreat to.

  18. Really pretty, Debra. The leopard prints warm it up for a winter touch and go beautifully with your rug..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  19. Soooo cozy! Love all the sweet touches. Have a good weekend, Debra!

  20. Everything looks so warm and cozy! I love your pillow idea.
    Thanks for also sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  21. Debra your living room looks not only stunning but very cozy too. Your pops of green are so pretty against the neutral background and I love that you use your living room for "living". We do not have a family room so we spend our family time together in the living room as well...what a novel idea right? Wishing you a wonderful week!
    XO Barbara

  22. Debra,
    Oh I love that clever pillow idea.


  23. I love the leopard print !! Very fun.....
    Your room looks lovely!

  24. Beautiful as always! Thanks for also sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  25. Classy living room decor, I love it. I do like that bee candle. The cottage journal is a magazine I am not familiar with but I know I would like it, will have to order it. Beautiful home you have!


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