Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Thanksgiving Entry

I'm about ready for Christmas and I know that you all are too, but because I consider this blog to be sort of a "virtual diary", I have a few more pics of Thanksgiving I'd like to share. Each year I go back through my photos to see what I did back then, and try to come up with something different. I don't want to be tempted to do the same thing each year just because it's easy.

I like to make a transition from "Fall" to Thanksgiving and then to Christmas sort of gradually. One thing I started doing a few years ago was to bring out my little "Oatmeal" tree (it looks like oatmeal) here in the Entry. I usually have my big tree up by now, but this year I'm making it easier on myself, and not doing a big tree. I don't have a lot of space and I end up having to move furniture around. This year I don't feel like I have to display everything I have that's Christmas.

I really enjoy changing out the small prints I have seasonally.
I found this vintage print several years ago, 
and I've used it every year for Thanksgiving.
You can check out last year's Thanksgiving and read about it Here.

My Gold Leaf "real" pumpkin is still here for a few more days.

I hope you can stand a few more pics of Thanksgiving decor.
I should have gotten them out earlier, but
I don't like to do posts up in advance,
I like doing things in "real time".

Brenda from Cozy Little House and I are planning 
another Christmas Party Link-Up, for mid December.
I'll have the info and Party Graphic soon. 

Have you started to decorate for Christmas?
This year may just be "Thanksmas".
I think I'm about ready, I just never have enough time to enjoy it.

joining in here:

The Scoop at Stone Gable
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home



  1. Love your Thanksgiving tree. Very pretty. Glad you came back to blogger and hopefully that will help with the problems you were having. I feel lucky that I have been with blogger from the beginning and have had no problems. Knock on Wood lol!
    Happy Friday. Have a wonderful week end.

  2. Oh Debra I love your oatmeal Thanksgiving/fall tree! I think your thoughts on having Thankmas too! I read a blog the other day that said they put their tree up in November but don't decorate it until after Thanksgiving, which I thought was a lovely idea.

  3. Love your Thanksgiving tree, it is such a genius idea and so beautiful.

  4. Debra,
    LOVE the Cat with its tongue sticking out at Google+!
    I had to completely re~invent my blog over issues I had with them!
    Your Thanksgiving Entry is gorgeous!
    I love the print! I have a larger version of it which remains in our Entry!
    I'm so~o~o ready for Christmas decorating. . .
    but I'll wait until after my Tuesday Ladies Circle Meeting!
    Like you, I don't put "all" my Christmas decorations out every year!
    I love to rotate themes and color palettes!
    I'm especially excited to bring out the some of those stored away for two years!

  5. You always do things up so beautifully, my friend! Love the cat photo too. I don't have any Thanksgiving decor, and certainly no place to put any. So I skip right over to Christmas. Still crazy weather here, so having a little trouble getting in the mood. Yes, the comments with Google are a little aggravating. Hard to tell when you've actually managed to comment and whether it went through.

  6. Debra, I like your idea of the slow transition, and that oatmeal tree is very pretty. And why is we've felt we needed to display everything we have that's Christmas? I'm trying to get away from that, but it's hard when I entertain my entire family for Christmas Eve. I somehow feel obligated to do a big tree. I hope to curb things overall a little this year, but we'll see how it goes.

    That cat photo is funny. I started my blog when I think I only had the option of Google +, but yes, it's frustrating how G+ manages how and when what functionality works. Insert cat face.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Love the entry, Debra, but I pretty much enjoy everything you do ! You could also call it Christgiving -- I really like the sound of that.

    1. Oh Patty, that's perfect! thankyou for sharing that! xo

  8. Love the autumn tree...this might be a good idea for my small ranch you recall where you purchased the "oatmeal" tree? Going to check out last year's Thanksgiving post. Love the cat picture! Raspberries to Google+....

  9. At this point we aren't even having Christmas, so we may just do a bit around here, and do the Thanksmas also. LOL
    Lovely idea, we are still reeling from dismantling the house all year, and on the final stretches of finishing. I love the oatmeal tree, I think it's perfect and can easily slide into Christmas. Grins, Sandi

  10. I never get tired of seeing your lovely fall decor, Debra! So pretty! I do admit to some Thankmas decorating, too! Looking forward to the Christmas linky party!

    1. Thanks Linda, you're always a sweetheart and show up in style! xo


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