Sunday, May 22, 2016

French Cottage

Hi Friends, I wanted to share a new publication by Hoffman Media that I think many of you will really enjoy, but may not have heard about. It's from the company that puts out two of my favorites, Victoria Magazine and The Cottage Journal. Last Spring they released a Special Issue called French Cottage. It was in magazine form, but could have been a hardcover "coffee table" edition. This year Hoffman came out with a second edition, this time in the hard cover.

I love decor books and magazines, but what I'm not fond of is thinking of purchasing a publication without some idea of what waits inside. Recently I heard that one very popular decor book (from a different publisher) has been "re-published". The same book was put out again only a few years later, with just a different cover. really bad on that one... The original was wonderful, but so tacky to confuse buyers, thinking they are getting a new book. Not this one, even though it has the same name and a similar cover. This 2016 Edition is full of wonderful photos and articles about one of my favorite styles, French Cottage.

I just happened to snap a few photos here on my French Grain Sack, 
so you can see what's waiting inside.

As you can see it has a mostly white and neutral theme, but it does show color.

Last Fall I did a post on A Nature Inspired Autumn Urn, 
an inspiration from the 2015 French Cottage publication


This is NOT a sponsored post, I just wanted to share a beautiful new book;
one that I thought you might enjoy as much as I have.

I finally made it to the plant nursery, 
so I can put together a container for the front courtyard.
I'm way behind on Spring...

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Looks like a gorgeous book! Thanks for sharing with us. How are you feeling? Good, I hope. Praying for your health.


    1. thanks Judy, I'm having a surgical procedure this next week, hopefully it will help get me to a better place. xo

  2. I just got this magazine at Walmart and it is wonderful. I was surprised that Hoffman put it out.
    I hope it comes out more than once a year.

    Hope you are doing fine and have a wonderful week.

  3. I really wanted to buy it, but can not find in UK... Even from USA no one sends to UK

  4. Looks like a beautiful I'd definitely enjoy!
    Mary Alice

  5. I love all the "Cottage" books and magazines that Hoffman publishes....I will definitely have to get this one! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hoffman Media is the best, and thanks for the review, Debra. I think Spring is way behind on Spring, Debra! This weather's so crazy, and still pretty cool. I also made it to the nursery for container plantings - finally. It can be overwhelming, so many choices, and so many cheater containers out there. I saw some made up with split personalities - some shade & full sun together in one pot. Either the nurseries have an ulterior motive (let the customer buy & they die) or they allow assembly from those who don't have a clue when putting them together.
    Glad to see in your comment that you'll have your procedure this week. Prayers lifted for you.

  7. Thanks for the review n the book looks very enjoyable., Glad to read your doing good , and the waiting is over for procedure. Just know you are in my prayers.
    Be Blessed and hugs

  8. Lovely magazine and I don't usually buy me cheap? I did pick up one called Cottage Country which I love....I'm hoping and praying your surgery goes well and you find a better quality of life.

  9. Ah, this looks like something right up my alley. I need to go get a copy! Thanks for sharing.

  10. It looks like a wonderful book. I hope you are well. I think it is low for publishers to crank out a book with a different cover. I've fallen for it before with fiction and it made me mad.
    That bedroom with the pop of red has really inspired me. Have a great day.

  11. Debra,
    Thank you for the review, dear friend!
    I, too, have fallen into the purchase of the same publication with a different cover.
    I can tell you, it left me being "gun shy" to purchase from that magazine in the future!
    Love the "glimpses" you've shared!
    I'll be watching for it on our newsstand!
    Also, your beautiful Spring planter when completed!

  12. Debra,
    I just bought a new issue of the magazine-styled version of French Cottage by Hoffman (display until July 4, 2016). I love it! I will keep a watch for this hard-cover version of French Cottage.


  13. Hello Sweetie,
    Beautiful book! So glad you got to the nursery! Praying that you will feel God's covering on you, and that this procedure makes you feel much better day to day!!
    Love ya tons!

  14. That book looks like a good one! I remember seeing a magazine on newsstands that had that title too. I wonder if it's related to that book?


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