Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Transitional Autumn Tree and a Christmas Home Tour Link Party

Last weekend  I was left to my own devices, like I am every start of deer season. I took advantage of the open garage space and decided I'd try to look through my Christmas tubs and boxes. Over the course of the Fall I've managed to combine a lot of smaller tubs into bigger more heavy duty bins, that stack easier and ultimately take up less space. But the Christmas decor situation is another story...

I put away alot of Fall decor and concentrated on getting the garage ready for finding some Christmas decor that I will use. That means moving all the Fall stuff to the back and bringing the Christmas goodies front and center. It's much easier access now, than at the old house. There, I had a small storage room downstairs that caused me fits.

I decided to have Hubbs bring up the White Christmas Tree from last year. Treetopia gifted me this amazing white 7 foot tree, but this year I decided to just use the top 2/3 of the tree. I didn't want to move the clock and frankly I wanted a smaller tree to deal with. I wrangled it into my olive bucket and really like how it turned out. There were a few minutes of prayer to get the electrical part attached correctly, but I wasn't going to give up. I really wanted it to work.

I was afraid the white tree would be a little too "elegant" for the rustic French olive bucket, but I'll be using naturals to decorate with, so hopefully, that will keep it from being too foo foo. Right now I'm using Fall leaves and berries, some faux vibernum, and my flock of birdies. I never get tired of the look of nature adorning a Christmas Tree. Everyone has their own favorites, but it just seems to fit for me. Here it is lit for night. The tree puts out lots of subdued glowing light.

The tree is in a little bit of an awkward spot...
 right in the middle of the walk thru from the hall to the dining area. 
This is a small living/dining space and my options are really limited.

Here are a few pics from the past where I put up a tree before Thanksgiving. I think a lot of us do this, maybe just leaving it unadorned with the lights aglow for our Thanksgiving Celebration. Either way, I love the idea of an Autumn Tree, and then again, it feels great to be a little out front for Christmas!


And I'd like to personally invite you to a little 

"Come As You Are" 
Christmas Open House Link Party

There are a lot of Blog Christmas Home Tours, 
but this one's for YOU.

Sometimes it's sort of like "not being invited to the party".
We're all dressed up and nowhere to go.
No need to feel left out of the fun.

So put on your party attire, or just come as you are...
Link Up your Christmas Home Tours, 
Vignettes, Mantels, DIY, Trees.
Even if your not finished decorating,
 share what you're working on for the Holidays.
Recipes can be linked if it's Christmas Themed,
and to spread the invitation, please have a link back 
and this invitation image within your post.
You can link up to 3 posts, past and present of your Christmas fun!

Share and Receive the Christmas Inspiration!
If you'd like to share the Invitation Image in a post or on your sidebar,
that would be wonderful,
thankyou, my Friends, in advance.

*Update...Brenda from Cozy Little House 
will be joining me as Co-Host of the Come As You Are Party

Early Party Link-Up starts Tuesday December 8 at 6 pm Central.

I'll be sharing features from the party,
 the rest of that week.

joining in here:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Dream Create Inspire at Lehman Lane



  1. Debra,
    I adore the Christmas Tree for Autumn within your Olive Bucket, dear friend!!!
    I had a chuckle about the Tree sitting in an open pass through. . .
    one year, I placed a Christmas Tree in front of our patio Door in the Dining Room.
    You'd have thought the entire Fire Department of our Town had come to write me up for blocking a Fire Exit!!!
    I LOVE the Come As You Are Link Party!!!
    Thank you for the invitation!!!

    1. so funny! no one uses this path, so I'm hoping I don't get any complaints!

  2. I like your idea for a transitional Autumn tree. Your tree decorations are perfect!

  3. Your tree is very pretty, Debra. It can be really hard sometimes to find the right spot for the tree. Thank you so much for the party invite - I hate to admit it but sometimes I have felt like the one who wasn't invited to the party!

  4. It's all so beautiful! But then you have a knack for that. I'm glad you're doing this link party. I emailed you several weeks ago that I was staying here and asked if you wanted to go ahead and have a Christmas party with me, but I must have had the wrong email or something, because you didn't answer. Then I got so caught up in other things, time just flew by. So glad you're doing this!

    1. oh Brenda, I'm sorry I didn't see it. I'm emailing you now!

  5. The party sounds fun! I was thinking of doing a little house tour! Love your beautiful autumn tree! We've cleared out a spot for our tree...now to get it out of storage!

  6. Hi Debra,
    Love your tree so pretty. The Christmas house tour party sounds wonderful.

  7. Hi Debra,
    I love trees any time of year, very pretty.
    You'e party sounds wonderful. I'll be sure to visit!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  8. Debra, first of all, all of your nature-inspired trees are gorgeous, and have me wanting to really re-think my traditional scheme (but probably not this year, oh my, it takes so much thought and time just to put away fall and get organized!). Secondly, I personally want to thank you for the open invitation to your holiday house party. It will be special, and I look forward to coming.

    1. Putting away my Fall things takes alot of time, almost as much as decorating for Christmas. Thanks for "getting" the idea of the party. Hope to see you there!

  9. What a great idea to use just a part of the tree!...So beautiful...and loved going down memory lane with the other gorgeous trees!....See you at the Link Party!

  10. I love the tree. Using just part of it is a great idea. Thanks for hosting the link party. See you there.

  11. Love your transitional tree!! I will be sure to stop by and party for sure.

  12. Debra,
    LOVE your Fall Tree!! Beautiful!! Ad I want to THANK YOU for hosting a Christmas Home Tour Linky party!! I know you remember the time when there were tons of linky parties for Christmas but not, as you said, the parties are not open to everyone and only a select few. I applaud you for not following the current trend in Blogging that highlights only a select few.
    Kudos to you!! I will be there with Bells on!!


    1. Hi Debbie, you are so right! It's easy to feel like you're on the outside looking in and not included in the fun. Hope you'll plan on coming and sharing the word!

  13. Thanks for the link party. I need to remember! Ha..pretty tree. Sheila

  14. Love your trees, and your first one reminded me of my Mom. She loved white flocked trees and back then she had a light on the floor that changes colors, white, green and red. My Mom went way over the top for Christmas, I think it was her way of giving us at least one special since my Dad was a cruel. Beautiful as always Debra.

  15. Hi Debra, I love all your trees and the Autumn tree is such a great idea. I"ll plan on linking to the Christmas Party.

  16. Brilliant to use the top part of your tree in your olive bucket Debra! I added your linky party info to my sidebar!

  17. So thoughtful of you sweet ladies! It will be fun to join in! Love your tree! It all goes so fast. I'm enjoying an early start before it gets too crazy.

  18. Hi Debra, I was home alone last weekend as well. I was a fishing widow instead of a hunters. I spent some time doing the final yard clean up and crafting. Your white tree is gorgeous! I have plans of using my olive bucket for my small bedroom tree. It's a small sparkly tree. I like the mixture of elegant and rustic. I love the natural decorations. I will put your party button on my side bar. Hope you are able to join our Creating Christmas link party as well!

  19. Hi Debra. Your autumnal tree is beautiful and what a great way to kick off the holiday season. I am so thankful that you and Brenda have set the wheels in motion for a Christmas Home Tour. I will be there with bells on and when I send out my next post, which will be next Tuesday, I will add your invitation in. Happy Weekend..Judy

  20. Such a fun idea to make an Autumn tree before Christmas! I am really excited about your Christmas Open House too! Thanks so much for sharing this at my party:). I hope you have a fun weekend and Happy Thanksgiving, take care, Tara

  21. Debra, Thank you so much for hosting this upcoming party! I don't know if I will be able to join in with a post but I certainly will be visiting as I think this type of "gathering" is in the true spirit of Christmas! Looking forward to seeing all the Christmas fun! Linda

  22. Thanks so much for the "invite". I am taking photos around the house today so I will join in.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends