Thursday, October 1, 2015

Share Your Style #33

Welcome Friends,
Glad you're here to Share Your Style!

First, I have 3 great features from last week,
 then please read on, I have a little blogging news.

Nancy from Nancy's Daily Dish gave us

Rhonda from Ramblings of a Southern Girl shares

Mary Jo from Masterpieces of My Life shows us how
 to take Dollar Tree pumpkins and make them over 4 different ways!

pssst...I think the moss covered ones are my favorite!

And this last week was spent giving my 
China Cupboard a Fall Makeover,
Here and Here

and now to my update...

I just wanted to let you all know, this will be my last week co-hosting Share Your Style. Nothing dramatic going on, my health is staying stable, but my life is changing, as it has a habit to do. Traveling with my Hubby and some family things are on the horizon, and I know I need to dedicate more time to those things. I'll still be posting, I just can't keep a weekly time schedule. Stepping down frees me up to post when it's easier, and hopefully no pressure. Don't worry about me, you all that have been with me over 6 years know I tell it like it is. I hope you'll still come visit me, and I hope you'll link up all the fun and inspiration with one of the other seven great bloggers who are still participating in Share Your Style. Thanks, you all! You know how much I love you guys! OK, hard part done...

So now,
Let's get on with the party!


  1. Hi Debra! I am sorry to hear this will be your last party but with hosting my own link party I know how much work it is! Thank you so much for hosting this party and allowing all of us to share what we have been up to! Take care, Tara

    1. thanks so much, Tara. Hopefully I'll still get around to joining in on some parties myself!! I appreciate you always leaving a sweet comment!

  2. Debra, I wish you and your family well. This linkup has been a wonderful source of inspiration to me, and will be missed. But there is a season for all things, and perhaps a new season is approaching for you. All the best. Mimi xxx

  3. I'll probably drop out of this party going forward though...was just linking up since it was yours :)

  4. Hi Debra, I'm sorry to hear this is your last week hosting but I hope you'll have fun with more freedom and travelling :)

    1. Mary, I've said it before, but you are one of the highlights of this party, I always love seeing what you're creating each week!

  5. YOU, my friend, are going to be sorely missed in this weekly roundup! It's certainly understandable, though, as I suspect this is a major exercise in organization and evaluation, given all the participants. Thank you for your part in making it what it is, Debra. I always love your selections. I will definitely keep hangin' around your posts - always a treat to visit. Enjoy the freedom in your decision!

    1. Hope you'll stick around my friend, thanks so much for always sharing a great post each week!

  6. You will be missed as a host of Share Your Style! But I can understand your reasons! Glad to know that you will still be blogging, and look forward to many more wonderful posts from you! Thanks so very much for featuring my Decorated Icebox this week... I am very honored! :) Take care and enjoy your travels! Hope you'll share some of them with us! ~Rhonda

  7. Your the one party I always looks forward to joining. But also having had a weekly party know how time consuming it can be. Life moves on and there are better things to do. Hubs and I have been traveling too...and there's life out there to enjoy and be part of. I will miss your party, but I will always be a friend and will visit. I didn't' party last week cause hubs and I were out having fun with Minnie Driv'r.

    1. thank you, Cathy! I'll still be here, and coming to visit you, too!

  8. Debra, You will be greatly missed as a co-host! Thank you for all your time and help making this party a success. Have fun with your hubby and I'll be dropping by your blog regularly.

  9. Thanks Debra - I hardly ever post these days but got one up and linked to a few parties. Enjoy the extra time that leaving Share Your Style allows you. Seems as though there is never enough time for everything we need/want to do.

  10. Debra, you always have to put what's best for you first. I am so glad I got to 'meet' you through these parties. But I will be keeping up with your ever changing pretty vignettes!

  11. Debra,
    Sad to see you go as a host but i will still visit!!

    Thanks again for the party!!


  12. Debra, you'll be missed each Wednesday evening. I'll look forward to catching up with your adventures.

  13. Sorry to see you'll be leaving but it's certainly understandable. I would love to host a weekly party but I know I can't commit to that schedule right now. I'm sure it's a lot of work. Traveling is an awesome reason to give it up though!!! Enjoy these times and thank you for the feature. I featured your hutch on my FB page a few days ago myself and linked back to your post. I LOVE the way you decked it out for Autumn.


  14. Debra, you will definitely be missed at Share Your Style, but I totally understand! I will certainly always visit. You are one of those people that I felt a connection with from the get go. I have appreciated you taking the time to link up to Share Your Cup. I wish you and your hubby the best! Loved the features you chose.

  15. Love the china cabinet. You have such a nice way of putting things together. Sounds like you'll be having some enjoyable time. I'm glad it's not a health issue. I quit joining the party because there are too many food related entries.

  16. Sometimes it's just impossible to spread yourself thin enough. This is a great time of the year to take a little time for yourself. Enjoy! Maybe one day soon we could even have lunch.

  17. Even though I've never hosted a party, I do understand the work involved in putting together blog posts. I've even noticed a slow down with my blog since moving. We are enjoying doing more things with family and just simply enjoying our new home and neighborhood. I know you're loving our beautiful state and I hope your adventures in travel continue to be a source of joy for many years. And of course, any time with family is golden!

  18. Thank you Debra for the time and effort you have placed into hosting! Life does change for sure! Best wishes on your new phase in life! Regards, Lynn

  19. Debra, Thanks so much for all the hosting…I don't think my blog would be off the ground if it weren't for people like you.
    Have fun with the family---that IS what it is all about.

    And again, HAVE FUN!…Sandi

  20. you've done a great job!! thanks so much, I've so enjoyed your posts. best wishes! <3

  21. Debra, you will be missed but 'life' is always so much more fun than the internet! I'm glad to hear that it's all positive! Thanks for hosting one last time! Be blessed!
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  22. Debra thank you for hosting another great party this week. I wish you all the best in whatever endevours you choose to pursue in the future.

  23. debra thank you so much for the feature & hosting such a fabulous party. i love the moss pumpkins too & i upgraded their stems which you can see on my fall decor post. i know it was probably a hard decision for you to take a step back but being present for your family is very important. i'll be checking in regularly for sure. xo- maryjo

  24. Hello cute lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! We would love it if you would stop by our party. We pin and tweet every masterpiece! Lou Lou Girls

  25. Thank you for hosting while it was your season. Enjoy your new season of travel and other adventures! ~Ann

  26. Debra, I hope you are doing well and I want to thank you for hosting SYS and before that VI. I can barely find time to keep up with the few blogs I follow, so I can totally understand how time consuming hosting a link party must be. Sorry I haven't visited much lately, but my old laptop is struggling to open truncated posts and link parties. It's on the never ending list of things to buy at this old house. I hope you feel less pressure from blogging and enjoy your free time.

    Your fall china cabinet looks lovely! Enjoy this beautiful season while it lasts!

  27. Thanks for hosting Debra! Some really great links!


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