Sunday, September 20, 2015

Confessions of a Weekend Lounger

I have a confession to make...
I love to lounge in bed.
Especially on a weekend morning with a cup of coffee and my computer.
But even though I'm a bed-o-phile, I'm not a "sheet snob".
Actually, I usually don't give sheets much thought.

Clean, color coordinated, no cat hair...
OK, make that limited amount of cat hair.

When we moved last year we upgraded to a new King Size Bed and Mattress Set. My first priority was that the bed match our existing set of furniture in stain color and style. We did pretty well on finding a beautiful bed at Haverty's. Next was finding the new set of King mattresses that we both could agree on; those cost almost as much as the bed.

Then to find a comforter or duvet cover... something that met my Husband's approval. He may not have many opinions about my other decor choices, but he has lot to say on bed linens and coverings. (not too heavy, not too bulky, not anything "girly" or feminine. nothing fussy) Finding a Ralph Lauren quilted coverlet in a more masculine paisley pattern and a cotton weave breathable blanket was a real win. He helped me pick them out so no complaints later. That left sheets pretty low on the priority list, with all the other expenses during the move.

When Perfect Linens got in touch with me about reviewing a set of their new Second Skin Sheets, I was so excited. OH NO...Wait...our bedroom is still a work in progress and I don't have it really "blog-worthy" as we like to say! I had to think about making this commitment for a week or two, but finally realized this was a wonderful opportunity to have a set of sheets that might live up to the name.

I had to get past the idea that this post isn't about my bedroom, but about a fabulous set of sheets. I chose the Second Skin, Fern Green set. It's a variegated moss green border that matches our quilted coverlet perfectly.

I took several photos, but I guess I was so excited that my camera settings made for blurry photos, so nix that. Let's just say they were beautifully packaged with a sample bottle of their formulated sheet wash. I laundered them and then when they were almost dry put them on the bed. These sheets are very generous to make sure current mattresses have plenty of room. I hate tugging and pulling and trying to lift a corner of a heavy mattress; not these sheets, they had plenty of give and still fit snugly.

I'm not going to get all "science-y" on you, you can go to the website and read how they came up with the fabric for these sheets. What I will say is that these sheets are the absolute softest, most comfortable sheets I've ever had the pleasure to wallow in. I think that's a good term for enjoying your sheets and bed linens. I just wish they made pajamas out of this stuff! You'd never get me out of them.

So if you want the best soft, comfy, great to the touch, experience ever, then head over to the Perfect Linens website, and use this code at checkout CommonGround35. Honestly people, I'm telling you like it is. I've washed these sheets 3 times in a row and put them right back on the bed. It may be time for an extra set. (They're also "Husband Approved"!)

*I received a wonderful set of sheets from Perfect Linens to review for this blog post.
 They are everything I've said and more! Thank you Perfect Linens!


  1. I have sheets from that company with blue trim and love them! They really are wonderful. I like yours with the green trim.

  2. Your sheets are very lovely and go so well with your cover. Enjoy.

  3. Debra,
    Lovely sheet set, dear friend!!!
    Thank you for the recommendation!!!
    I'll visit their web site, soon!!!

  4. That's a pretty sheet set. I'll tell you what though ~ I am really into silk pillowcases. No more bed head for me! I am a bed lounger too so the longer I lounge, the greater the chance for bad hair, hence the silk. By the way ~ little Bentley is a bed hog :-)

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  5. The sheets do sound wonderful, Debra...and I may, or may not, do a little lounging around myself lol.

  6. Love the bedding Debra and those sheets do sound amazing....I love the color and design of the trim!...

  7. Hi Debra, I'm glad to know that I'm not alone out here as being a bed lover and lounger. It's where I head to when I need total peace and relaxation. Of course I also put my pajamas on when I get home! I think soft sheet are important and I love the ones you've chosen. So pretty. I'll check out their website.


  8. In the winter, I'll crawl back in bed with my coffee. Too hot to do that in the summer. Your sheet are gorgeous and I can't wait to see the bedroom when it is blog worthy.

  9. Kindred spirits, in more ways than one. I too have a "weekend" habit of bed, computer, coffee and sometimes pancakes! The sheets look wonderful, beautiful. It's hard to find perfect sheets, I'm off to look them up….Happy wallowing, friend!
    xo Lidy

  10. I need to check out this brand of sheets. I am always trying to find great sheets that don't break the bank! Ha! Sheila


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