Friday, July 10, 2015

Table top Conservatory

Little by little I'm making headway with some of my display pieces. This table top conservatory made of old windows and siding sat empty in the corner of the basement living area for months. I'm hoping, now that I have a few more decorative pieces unboxed, that I can keep it up to date with the seasons. So far I've only made one attempt, and that was in May, so it's still dressed for Spring... or late Spring... or early Summer. 

You may have gotten a glimpse of it earlier in the week when I shared about some furniture down here. You can see it hiding over there behind the recliner. 

Before the move it lived on the Sunporch, and I tried to keep it decorated seasonally, there. Problem is, that it's "dark" inside and always looks much more interesting with some kind of small lamp lit inside. This was a piece that's purely decorative and I had to be creative to justify keeping it. I'm just glad it fit on the table that was a keeper.

I wanted to do a Spring-y Bird theme with pastels, (since it was May)
but soon I'll go for a Autumnal display. (yay Fall!!)

 An iron urn with silks

Glass Birdhouse

This is a page from a Cavallini Calender a few years ago.

...and one of my birdies in a nest.

let's see...
pumpkins and bittersweet with an owl or two.
maybe some twinkle lights for good measure.

I know this sounds terrible, but I'm not a Summer person, so after the 4th of July, I start having thoughts creep in about all things Fall. I know, I'm bad. Anyone else out there a shameless Autumn Addict?

Joining in on these parties:
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Dream Create Inspire at Lehman Lane
Share Your Style at Common Ground
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt From My Front Porch to Yours
Your Turn to Shine at Anderson and Grant
French Country Cottage
Craftberry Bush
Rattlebridge Farm


  1. I love your terrarium and think you have it styled so well! NO!!! I want it to be summer forever! Of course, here in Michigan we're just now getting into the 80's. We lived in Alabama for 5 years and it's a whole different world. So, I'll just be hoping it cools down where you are and summer lasts into October here!
    Joss&Main has a cute little moss sheep on sale today and I thought of you! :)
    love and blessings~

  2. Debra,
    Hello, my name is Pat. . .and I, too, am a shameless Autumn Addict!!!
    I can side with you about n o t being a Summer kinda' Gal!!!
    I love the awakening that comes with Spring, but hot, arid and dry are n o t for me!!!
    We are experiencing an unusually "wet" July and everything is still green!!!
    Your conservatory looks marvelous on the table in your lower level living area!!!
    Oh, yes, I agree, bittersweet, pumpkins, leaves. . .
    I can already see a vivid picture in my mind's eye!!!
    Now, don't laugh.. . but today, I told "Mr. Ed",
    'I'll be shopping for some magnolia blossoms to use in my Christmas decor."
    Yes!!! I did!!!
    Heaven help me. . .

  3. I love summer because I'm a teacher and there is no school but I didn't like the heat of summer. When we put a little pool out back it made all the difference. Now, I love summer! Everything is so much more enjoyable when you can cool off.
    I think that there is something to love about each season. When each one comes along, I think it is my favorite. Oh, Bittersweet- I love it!

  4. Your conservatory looks wonderful! I think it could go thru the summer until you decide to "Fall" it up.


  5. Oh yes, I'm shameless!! Come on Fall. Sally

  6. Oh, Debra I love fall too! I can't wait for it to cool down. Love your decorations. Di@cottage-wishes

  7. I love summer but I also really enjoy fall (every season is great with me, except winter!) I like what you did with the conservatory, Debra. I agree about the darkness inside those...I've been battling with that myself!

  8. What a great piece, Debra! I'm glad you kept it and were able to find some place to put it in your new place. I love how you've dressed it up. I am so bad with things like this although I love them. I have a small conservatory {or terrarium} and I have kept it the same for years. I really should move it somewhere different and redo the inside. Pinning your ideas! : )

  9. I'm also a Shameless Autumn addict and have been poking around in my boxes, Love your conservatory and it looks really good on the table. So glad that you kept it.
    Have a terrific weekend.

  10. I love summer I am more a summer girl but love the fall too. Your chippy conservatory is gorgeous. I love that glass bird house too. That is pretty awesome. Happy Week End.

  11. Oh, Deb, I am definitely a Fall girl!! Come on Fall.....bring me some cool, crisp weather!!

  12. I loved your conservatory in the old home, and it's already looking great now. That's a great, portable way of making a seasonal display.
    I love all the seasons guessed it - winter. And winter's ok up until Christmas (when winter begins, lol). I do find if I use the traditional red, white & blue decor for summer that I'm anxious to change it up to a more fall-like scene. I love fall, but I also love lazy summer days after the 4th when there's no real urgency in the garden - you just lets things go. I stay inside and either read or get into a project, away from the heat.

  13. Love how you style your beautiful conservatory....I am a Fall girl too....maybe it is because I have lived most of my life in Florida where it is summer all year round for the most part!...and now I love the Seasons, especially Spring and Fall....Love the glass birdhouse!

  14. Hi Debra.....
    I just love your Conservatory.....I have been searching for old windows so my husband can make me one.....and I must confess also, I too am not a summer person! I am a Fall and Winter kinda gal......Once the "Stars & Stripes" come down, I am already thinking Gold and Rust plaids with pumpkins and the smell of the wood crackling in the fireplace! For now though, I'll enjoy the Petunia's and wild roses!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  15. Your conservatory is wonderful! I've always loved it but in that spot you can really see the size of it. WOW! It's gorgeous.

  16. Me! I love looking at summer decorating, but I really don't go all out with changing things around. In the fall, I can hardly wait to bring on the orange! Your conservatory looks charming (and summery!) with the items you've filled it with, Debra.

  17. That is such a pretty conservatory! It definitely lends itself to a summer look since it's all about gardening. I am ready for summer to end too. Well not really summer itself, but the oppressive heat and humidity that comes with it. It is almost unbearable to go outside this time of year.

  18. What a great piece Debra, and I love the eclectic mix you used to style it~ you have reminded me that I have a similar piece, although much have inspired me to get it out of the garage and summer it up! Thank you!

  19. I've always admired these tabletop conservatories. What fun to style them with each new season or holiday.

  20. I love table-top conservatories, and yours looks very pretty! Plus all your nice spring things work just fine for summer. I especially love the Cavallini calendar bird.

  21. I love, LOVE Fall! It is my favorite season to decorate because those are my colors!!! I do NOT like the fact that Winter is right behind which I hate but the older I get the more I dislike the HOT summers. We are getting a break right now with 2 beautiful days. YOur conservatory is beautiful and I love how you filled it. I have a similiar one and haven't used it in awhile but WILL in the Fall too! Isn't it fun finding things as we unpack!? Have a great weekend!!!

  22. Debra, that conservatory is awesome!!! It fills in the corner next to your fireplace very nicely. Can't wait to see how you change it seasonally!!!

  23. I have always loved this piece so I'm so glad you were able to keep it! I have a collection of old windows and have wanted hubby to make me one, but hasn't happened yet. :) I love how you've styled it and I know it will be fabulous for Fall! I do love Fall, but Spring is my favorite season. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  24. What a beautiful conservatory! I love old window projects and your is amazing! Thank you for sharing at Dream. Create. Inspire. Link! I hope we'll see you there again thins week!


  25. Really lovely, Debra. I always love to see something that can bring some smaller random decorations into focus. The conservatory is really a beautifully constructed piece.

  26. I'm so glad you justified keeping your conservatory Debra because I adore it!


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