Thursday, July 23, 2015

Share Your Style #23

Hi Everyone and Welcome to 
Share Your Style!
Let's see what was happening last week here at SYS.

Pam from Everyday Living shared a great post on Sunflowers, one of my favorite late summer flowers. She had tons of inspiration pics and several from her daughter's wedding. She shows that Sunflowers can be mixed with so many other flower varieties for some beautiful wedding arrangements and bouquets.

Last week I put together a Summer Seed Box for the kitchen sitting area. See how a chair can double as a great place to display your seasonal decor. And I shared a precious little Czechoslovakian Bird Vase filled with Lantana from my containers on my deck. Hope you'll catch up with me if you haven't had the chance last week.

Thanks so much for coming by link up,
Ron is our host this week!

 Hi there friends ...
Welcome to week 23 of Share Your Style!

It's Ron from the blog Uptown Acorn and I'm your host this week!
I am just returning from a couple weeks on the West Coast where I had a wonderful time. It was my very first to visit Seattle, Portland, Palm Springs, and Beverly Hills. 

You can see more from my trip out West by clicking on the following links:

I love partying every week with this great group of bloggers...and I love how your post is seen on all eight blogs!

You amaze us every week with all the great inspiration you link up!
 Here's a few features from last weeks party...

I love hydrangeas, and the Hydrangeas at Cloches & Lavender look great in their first year.

The nautical anchor tote by Reduce, Reuse, Renewed is a great storage solution for any beach home.

Sunflowers signal the warmth and sunshine of summer. Check out Here Comes the Sun(flowers) at Everyday Living.

It is so HOT here back in NOLA that the Fresh Limeade from Life of a Southern Mom would be so refreshing.

If you were featured be sure to grab our Featured button below...

I can't wait to see what inspiration you have for us this let's get this party started!!

Share Your Style, y'all!



  1. Debra,
    I adore Sunflowers, dear friend!!!
    "Mr. Ed" has begun seedlings three different times this year. . .
    and each and every time our baby resident bunnies nibble them to the dirt!!!
    I can not be angry with them. . .as they are"teeny tiny" (twins) and know no better!!!
    There will be other Seasons for Sunflowers. . .and hopefully other Seasons for baby bunnies!!!
    For now, I will content to enjoy others Sunflower Harvest!!!
    Thanks for hosting Share Your Style! each week!!!

  2. Hey Debra, thanks for co-hosting the party - love being a part of it.

  3. Thanks so much fro the party Debra!

  4. thanks for the party peoples! I have many sunflowers blooming in the garden it's great they are such heavy reseeders and are generous in providing us many grandchildren.

  5. Thanks for hosting another great party!

  6. Thanks for the lovely party Debra! Love, Mimi xxx

  7. Thanks to you Debra, and the rest of the party hosts for a great get-together! It really is time for those late summer blooms. I guess I will try to stay cheery about it. (Love summer!)

  8. Ron
    I know right where you were in Portland Oregon in the Pearl district
    I love Portland all the great adventures to see around downtown

  9. Debra, that sounds like a fabulous trip! sigh

  10. Great features - thanks for hosting! It's nice to be joining in the fun this time around!

    Hugs! ♥

  11. Hi Debra, thanks for Share Your Style. # 23 on the 23rd !

  12. Debra, thanks for being a great hostess!

  13. Hello beautiful! I’m thrilled to be a part of your party. I hope you get a chance to stop by our party that starts on Monday at 7 pm. We would love to party with you twice! Lou Lou Girls


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