Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ode to a small white table...

I've always had a "thing" for small white tables. 
I think it's something about having a clean white canvas...
a place to decorate that's not overwhelming.
It can be seasonal, Holiday, themed...
a small white table can be anything you want it to be.

and I haven't had one at this house, 
at least not one that's easily decorated.

Yes, I really DO love a good vignette.

I'd been using this petite cutie in my office at this house,
I don't have room for a work table in my office/studio
and the desk I had used at the lease house
was also large too.
so this was it.
But now it needed to move into the kitchen.
Because that's where the best light is.

 You might be wondering exactly where in my kitchen
 I would have room for anything else.
I asked myself that same question.
But, where there's a will to do a seasonal vignette,
there's a way.

I tried several decor items.
the breadboards are the basis for whatever is layered in front.
I've missed having all the spaces to play on that I did before,
I grabbed a few pieces that were already here in the kitchen,
then just got started.

I changed out one of my shepherdess prints for this 
Hanging Botanical Science Print.
You can see I added and then subtracted.
First my lamb print in the black frame...
then adding my pastel fruit plates.

No, too busy.

The ivy and the little cottage went back to the baker's rack.

in this case...
less is best.

Who knows what will be here next week.
It's almost time for the red, white and blue to show up.

*on a side note, a little over a week ago we did some technical blog "stuff", putting in a new header and template. At that point my advertising needed to be reworked to get back up and running. I know there were several problems at that point; I hope we've worked through them. Also, in a separate issue we had a temporary problem with our in Linkz code for the party. Would you please let me know if you experience any problems or have any issues with accessing my blog? I would really appreciate it. Sometimes we don't know what you all are experiencing when you come to visit. Thanks so very much!!

See you Wednesday Evening at 6:00 Central for

Joining in here:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Share Your Style at Common Ground
Shabbilicious Friday at Shabby Art Boutique


  1. Your little table vignette is beautiful and that is no surprise to me! :)

  2. You always do the prettiest vignettes, Debra!

  3. Yes, I love a charming white table...perfect spot for a seasonal vignette! Love, love, love the botanical print hanging above your sweet table. Perfect with all your vintage goodies!
    Mary Alice

  4. Debra - Beautiful vignette. Love that sweet little table. The botanical print is gorgeous also,


  5. Debra ~ I love your vignette. Botanical prints always stop me in my tracks, very pretty.

  6. Thanks so much for the kind words about my living-room-in-progress. I'll look forward to seeing it on your features, and I am very flattered. Your little table is very sweet. We can never have too many little tables to tuck in here and there, can we?

  7. Debra, you are so good at putting these together! Fresh and charming!

  8. Debra I LOVE everything about that space...the table...the vignette....and that pretty botanical!

  9. Love your white table and your sweet vignette. Looks awesome. Have a great start to the new week ahead.

  10. What a lovely white table, Debra! I'm crazy about your sweet vignette, I agree, nothing like a great vignette. It's like playing to me, I could decorate all day long!
    Have a happy week!

  11. I've always thought you do the best vignettes and these are no exception. Each one is gorgeous! Thanks always for the ideas!

    Jane xx

  12. Great little vignette area, and end result, Debra. What you're experiencing with less space is a fear I would have in downsizing.

  13. Well...I just love this, Debra.

    I am working in the dining area trying to incorporate this and that from our former home. I moved in a small table yesterday. It's a challenge. I am enjoying the process, even though slow. We still have storage to clear out, even though the furniture and heavier things were moved here last week. I am finding, even though there are similarities in the basic style of this home and our old one, the look I am coming up with is different. so that is fun.

  14. Love it! Yes, a small white table is so versatile! I have several I need to paint... as they are dark brown. :) Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hubs gets bit agitated at me when I proceed paint any table I find or have had for while white or gray. Am so loving soft grays. Your table is perfect for many awesome vignettes you come up with. Love that little metal picnic basket. I have one, don't see them in our part of CO, got mine in KY when we lived north of Bowling Green. Found more treasures there and out/around Helena, MT when we lived in that area before KY.
    Every thing you used in your vignettes is striking, love putting those together.
    Since our house here is smaller than house we had in KY I got rid of things could kick myself for now, til had time to really see what could fit in this house. We have a single wide (16x80) mfg. home now and home in KY was 1500 sq. feet with more rooms. It's amazing how much more I could get in that house the way it was laid out. Loved that house but climate there didn't agree with me so after 5 yrs. we moved back West. Grand Junction is so much more expensive for any real estate compared to KY. What we had there would go for at least $300K here and we paid $55K for our newly rehabbed house and 1 1/2 acres in country. We bought what we could afford here, not our dream house but we're getting older so hubs says no more moving. After almost 9 yrs. in this house am still working on getting it way I want it. Keeps me off streets, out of trouble,lol.
    Enjoy redoing and having fun with your new home. You have lovely home plus lovely things to make it home.
    Happy week

  16. Great looking vignette. I feel the same about creating vignettes. I'm always puttering around changing things up. Cheap entertainment! Ha!

  17. The vignette is just lovely. I love everything about it. I need to make a few changes around here. Hope you're having a great week.

  18. The vignette is just lovely. I love everything about it. I need to make a few changes around here. Hope you're having a great week.

  19. Your idea of using the breadboards is great. I always struggle with adding height, so this is a great idea to do so.

  20. Love this table but I am having serious envy for your Hanging Botanical Science Print....can you share where you found it? Thank you!!!!

  21. It's all so charming...love the basket underneath too! : )

  22. It's all so charming...love the basket underneath too! : )

  23. When you said that a white table acts as clean, white canvas, a light bulb blinked on inside my head. I'm going to remember this! Your vignettes are stunning, and each one tells a story.

  24. Debra,
    I love, LOVE, L O V E your small white table, dear friend!!!
    I have a similar one in "RED" in the lower level Family Room!!!
    It is such a versatile decor piece, I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!
    Your vingette is stunning, especially for Spring / Summer!!!
    Love your new blog design, for me, I've experience no difficulties!

  25. You create the prettiest vignettes and love that beautiful white table!

  26. Love your vignette. Isn't it great when things come together like this look has? Your small white table is beautiful and I LOVE those giant cutting boards.

  27. That is one adorable little table!

    I think you nailed the vignette.

    Can you even believe July 4th is right around the corner? Holy moly time flies.

    Too hot hear, I hope it cools off soon, I need to be outside!!!!

  28. You are the queen of the vignettes Miss Debra! Love the little table but boy how you styled it is amazing! I love all of your little touches and how they are all tied in and connected in theme. I also love all of the different textures you used. So pretty!
    XO Barbara

  29. Debra, I love everything about it! The bread boards in the back are just perfect! And yes, the white table made the perfect palette! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. Hi Debra, just hopping by to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC this week.

  31. Debra you just brought back so many childhood memories for me with you display. My mom had a picnic basket just like that when I was young. Love it. Thank you. Jo


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