Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On top of the Cupboard...

We've been working hard lately to get more boxes opened and unpacked, so we'll have space to bring more over from storage. It's a domino effect, with storage shelving going into the basement storage room first, then organizing the garage and getting Holiday tubs and decor stacked up and out of the way. I'm finding things that honestly I didn't remember I had... and probably don't need. But that's beside the point, because I'm now having to go through box after box of "stuff".

I am finding some of my favorite little things, though.

As I've said before, wall space is pretty limited here, so I have to make sure I really, really want it up. I found my scrolly chalkboard that had been on the Hall Sideboard at the old house, but there just wasn't a good place here at the new house. So, it's sitting on top of my kitchen china cupboard for lack of any other workable space.

I actually really like it there, since the black sets off the birdcage and basket, giving them a little backdrop and contrast. Because my counter tops are black, I feel like I need to balance the rest of the room with small touches of black. You can also see the botanical prints I posted about last week. I'm sure I'll have something else up there soon... I think that's called Decor ADD.

Last week I mentioned that the little pot of faux Iris has been all around the house. So once again, here it is in my latest Spring vignette. It needed a little color up there.

Those pears in the ironstone tureen don't look too Springy, 
but I don't have my hands on anything else as yet.

My birdie is building a nest in a flower pot inside the birdhouse, and she looks like she might not be too happy to have us snooping around up here. Actually, the male goldfinch is the bright one, so this may be Daddy telling us to quit taking pictures.

Do I have too much time on my hands?...

OK, folks...

Hope you'll come back Wednesday Evening at 6 PM Central 
and join in for

I'm joining in these parties:

Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Tweat it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspire Me Tuesdat at A Stroll Thru Life
Share Your Style at Common Ground
Share Your Cup at Mrs.Olson's


  1. I just love it. It is so spring / summery...the feel is almost of a cozy outdoor room like a screened in porch if that makes any sense. Well, you DO have a door there so it's probably magic and if you close your eyes you walk through it to wonderland :)

    1. thanks Deb, I'm missing a porch out back. Every sunroom or porch post I see, I have to drool a little!

  2. Your home is looking better and better all the time, Debra! When I go through boxes is when I purge. I just don't have the room, or I'd be collecting most everything!

    1. Thanks Brenda. I'm starting "Garage Sale" boxes as I go thru what I have. hopefully I'll be ready for one by this Fall!

  3. Debra, that's a great balance above your china cabinet. Oh dear, speaking of stuff, I've got to get busy in my basement and ready some things for a community yard sale. It's the only way my Panoply sisters and I can really purge. We were just in our space last week, adding yet more 'stuff', and my sister said, "can you imagine if we ever quit and had to haul this stuff out?" I said, "we'll give it away before we haul it out". lol. But we love our stuff, don't we?!

    1. that's what happened to me a couple of times. Had to leave a space and it all ended up in my garage and house!! I sold so much and gave so much away, but I still have too much!

  4. It looks FAB! Can I link up and share my style, even if my style is "Dead Peoples Stuff"?

  5. I'm sure it has been fun finding new places for all of your things. I like the vignette on top of the cabinet.

  6. Your cabinet staging is lovely! I know staging a vignette on top of a cabinet can be a bit tricky though. I had a post about the same theme some weeks ago. Would love it if you would check it out:)

  7. really pretty! love the pieces you've tucked into the large basket, esp, debra! and the chalkboard is simply fabulous!

  8. Just beautiful Debra!...and love the chalkboard as the backdrop!...

  9. Debra, you are a 'master' at this! I love your vignettes and I'm watching and learning. So many fun, Springy details!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  10. Debra, I LOVE your blogs because they seem so real to me, no huge house, no money always at your fingertips, just everyday normal like myself. I also love your vignettes, I always look forward to reading what you have to say and seeing your beautiful pictures.

  11. Love your vignette on top of the cupboard. Everything works so well together. Looks like everything is coming together.
    Have a great week, isn't fun to find things you have forgotten about. just like shopping.

  12. Debra your vignette is so pretty and I agree with you...that black of your scrolly chalkboard really does draw your eye up and make your lovely birdcage pop! Such a cozy room.
    XO Barbara

  13. I love it Debra! So pretty! I also suffer from the decor ADD as well. But I'm not looking for a cure and I bet you aren't either :)
    sending hugs...

  14. Lol! Not at all, love your Spring vignette and that you're having some fun while unpacking!

  15. I always LUV your vignettes, Debra. You have such a great eye.

  16. So cheery! Love the pops of yellow. Seems I never do that. All so vintage homey.

  17. Who does all of the dusting in your house ...???

  18. I love this vignette full of layering and spring goodies. Don't you love finding things you forgot about?

  19. Lovely. The pears add a nice texture and the color makes me think of Spring grass as the green comes through. That nice speckled green. I am looking forward to the goldfinches turning bright.

  20. Hello beautiful! I’m stopping by to let you know that Cassie chose your cupboard as her favorite from our last party and we will be featuring it at Monday’s party. Happy dance time! Thanks for partying with us. Lou Lou Girls

  21. Debra, I've always loved that chalkboard. IT looks great up there! The faux iris is the perfect pop of color. it looks so real, I love it1 Thanks for sharing it with SYC.


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