Saturday, April 11, 2015

Before they're gone...

We've had a few storms and windy days lately, so I thought I'd better get some photos of my blooming branches before all the blooms were blown away. I had planned on doing this early yesterday before a heavy down pour that I knew was headed our way...but something else came up.

I took these pics from the deck the other early evening. It was dusk, so these had to be lightened up alot, and they're stilll not very good, but today there are very few of these pink blooms left. I'm not sure what this is, whether it's a Redbud or what, if you know I'd love to know.

This is some kind of fruit tree...
not sure.

The trunks on these two don't look alike, but the branch blossoms do look like Bradford Pear...only they're not stinky like the ones from my post last year at the lease house. These don't have much fragrance at all. Today, there's much more green to them. That's another little fruit tree to the right. I think that's an apple.

This is my post about the Bradford Pear Branches from last year. 
They smelled horrible, but made a pretty coffee table vignette.

(photos taken exactly one year ago, today)

So, before they're gone I cut a few branches and brought them in for a little kitchen centerpiece in my Robin's Nest, A.J. Wilkinson Transferware Pitcher. I don't think I had it at the lease house, so it's probably been awhile since I've used it.

I have a one of my little English pitchers for the extra blooms.

I'm using one of Austrian Grain sacks with a caramel stripe for my kitchen table runner. The kitties have a hard time staying off of it. Or I should say, I have a hard time keeping them off of it.

She's ignoring me, hoping I'll go away...

Miss Jenkins hardly ever looks straight at me when I'm using the camera, so this is a rare pic. She's my sweetheart, and on my lap constantly when I'm at my computer. The twins are eleven now, and still up to being feisty when they have a chance. (like chasing paper Easter eggs)

I'd had a molar that had been sensitive since at least before Christmas. I'd been putting off getting it checked because I wanted to change dentists. So, yesterday at lunch I was munching on one of my new obsessions, Stacey's Pita Chips, when I accidently bit down hard on the right side. 

"Hmmm". I told my husband, "I think something just happened." 
Almost half of my tooth was gone
 and I'd swallowed it along with the pita chip.
So, I called the dentisit, but he was out of town. 
A new dentist was taking his emergencies. They worked me in and now I'm waiting for a new crown. I haven't had any major work done for quite a while so I was white knuckled by the time it was over with. Today I feel fine, and go back in a couple of weeks for the permanent one. Glad the worst of it is over. I've had too many heart angiograms to count and open heart surgery, but one dang little tooth about took me down. Let's just say I'd rather do almost anything but go to the dentist. But I really like him; he has little white New Testament Bibles for the kiddos in the waiting room. I was about ready to grab one when they called me back...

Have a great weekend,
Be careful what you bite.

joining in here:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Sundays at Home with Thoughts from Alice
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Style at Common Ground



  1. Debra, your pitchers and branches are beautiful! Now I can't stop thinking about that tooth breaking though....I live in fear of a toothache. Hope it all gets fixed without any pain. :)

    1. oh Stacey, there was some pain involved. and some of it was to my pocketbook, ha ha!

  2. Love the Robin's Nest pitcher! I'm with you about the dentist - I've had lots of other medical procedures, but hate the dentist the most!!! Sally

  3. Debra the pitcher from Robin's nest looks like it was made to go with your fruit tree clippings. So pretty.

  4. Sorry about the tooth, Debra. That might be meant as a warning to me as I have put off going for a LONG time even though my teeth have been bothering me. I hate going too!
    I love the flowering branches and your pretty pitchers!

  5. Debra your blooms look so both of your pitchers! I can't wait until our trees start flowering!! I feel your pain with the dentist...I chipped a molar the week before Easter and had to go and get a crown:-(

  6. Sorry about your tooth, hon - but glad you were able to get in and get it nearly done.

    LOVE all your blooming fruit trees, how wonderful is that!?

    That DOES look like a Red Bud to me. We have a huge skinny tall one in the front yard - not blooming yet - but as I recall it did look quite similar.

    As far as the pear trees, yes they're really stinky but they look so awesome. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE your transferware pitcher. I squealed out loud, seriously. Love. It.

  7. Hello Debra, Love your spring blossom arrangements and your beautiful English Pitcher.

    I have a very sensitive molar which needs attention before we go to Europe. I'm hoping that my Dentist will work on it with the help of "Conscious Sedation". That is how he removed my lower wisdom takes away all of the anxiety.

    1. That would probably have been a good idea, but since I'm a heart patient, he wanted to keep me awake in case my heart started acting up I would have much rather been knocked out cold! Be sure you get your molar checked before you head off, that would be difficult to deal with somewhere else!

  8. Love your springy branches arrangements! I like to use pitchers as vases, too--to me they are charming containers for flowers.

  9. Love your transfer ware pitcher!

  10. Hi - I am very familiar with dentists - they are a necessary evil. I love your branches etc. but am in awe of your cat = she is beautiful. Can you tell I love cats and have a very furry one myself.

  11. There's nothing worse than going to the dentist...hope you are feeling better!
    Thanks for sharing the blooms, hope to see some here very soon!

  12. Oh my gosh, Debra, the same thing happened to me ~ swallowing half the tooth and all! I was horrified at that. Hope you weren't in too much pain.

    Love your flowering trees. They remind me of several we had back in NY. I do miss their blooms since we don't have any here around the condo. The Kousa Dogwoods were a favorite as well as the flowering cherry.

  13. Loving your spring blooms. For some reason I've stopped receiving your posts. Tried to resubscribe but wouldn't let me. I've missed you.

  14. Love your spring branches in the pitchers! We had a Bradford Pear at our last home and I agree the smell was not so nice, but the blossoms were lovely. Sorry about your tooth.

  15. My cat looks VERY SIMILIAR to your cat!!! Too cute. Check our my pet board, see if you see my kitty :)

  16. My cat looks VERY SIMILIAR to your cat!!! Too cute. Check our my pet board, see if you see my kitty :)

  17. I can see that I shall be pinning some of your pretty pics!

  18. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth, Debra. Visiting the dentist is never fun. It's good that the worst is over.
    I love blooming trees. We have some fruit trees in the garden as well and don't know what kind they are. Cherry and peach trees would be nice but I doubt they are.
    Miss Jenkins is a very pretty girl. Grain sacks must be an interesting thing for cats. Ours love them too.
    Have a great week!

  19. Love how the blooms look in your beautiful pitcher.


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