Sunday, July 13, 2014

French Garden Inspired Frame

I've mentioned before that vintage garden goods have always been my favorite kind of "vintage". I love it all, but I have a real soft spot for old garden tools, wagons, ephemera,...anything "seed" related, etc. I've had to pack up most of my garden goodies for now, during our move, but I've kept a few little things to play with and decorate my baker's rack in the sitting room.

When we cleaned out my in-laws garden shed a few years ago I confiscated several old garden tools, and I've had my radar up for a few different ones recently. (more on that next week) These little ones below are of the "mini" variety that I use with my tabletop wheelbarrow. I've been collecting garden inspiration on Pinterest using the old tools, and thought I might try a little summery wall vignette with an old empty chippy frame from my stash.

Inspiration for a French Garden Frame from the Graphics Fairy

I have this hanging in the sitting area in the kitchen.
I'll share the rest of the summer garden baker's rack next week.

I included a mini bee skep among the flowers in the old watering can. I recently bought a little bigger one, (that I haven't shown you yet). I've had this little one for ages, complete with "bees".

My Black Eye'd Susans are really blooming crazy this year,
 so I thought I'd do a little nod to them on this.

Hope you're having a great weekend.
We have a contract on the house, YAY!!!

joining in at these parties:

Sundays at Home with Thoughts From Alice 
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life



  1. Fantastic news. I love vintage garden stuff! Such a cute wreath idea.

  2. I love your arrangement, charming and summery! Congrats on the house contract!! And thanks for the heads-up on the magazine...looks like a good one!

  3. I like what you did with that frame, garden tools and bee skep, Deborah! Love the sound of that magazine "Vintage Gardens" :)

  4. The wreath is so cute! Love the little beehive in it!

  5. Debra, I absolutely love your frame all dolled up! Wonderful. :)

  6. Hi Debra,

    Always so excited to see a post up! I love your frame with vintage garden goodies! It really is so cute and charming. I'll look for the magazine. I love garden anything! Take care!

  7. I love the frame arrangement. Gorgeous!
    I'm going to look for the magazine.

  8. Love love love the frame and watering can arrangement Debra. Those tools are so sweet. I cannot wait to see the whole bakers rack too. I have been to Jeanine's home and her gardens are gorgeous. She lives on a beautiful piece of property. Love to go to her pop up sales at her home and then just take in all the beautiful garden land she has. So happy she is in this great magazine. I just got a copy too and love it. Hope you are feeling good. Been thinking about you. Have a wonderful week end.

  9. First, congrats on the contract on the house, Debra! One less thing to worry about now. I think you did a great job on your frame. You've captured that Graphics Fairy image perfectly! It is such a pretty display, too.

  10. Love your wreath, so adorable! You are such an inspiration with all your talent for decorating. That magazine looks wonderful too.

  11. Debra,
    Congratulations on the contract and upcoming $ale of your home!!!
    I adore this wall hanging!!!
    The watering can and Sunflowers are classic for Summer adornment!!!
    I think I'm really going to be sorry about a piece that I passed up at theAntique Mall today. . .
    but I had so many other things, I couldn't justify spending more.
    Keeping my fingers crossed it will still be there on Saturday next!!!
    Thanks for sharing your amazing styling talents with us, dear friend!!!

  12. Love your sweet garden arrangement. It is darling and so perfect in your lovely frame. I would have never thought to combine all those elements together. So genius!

  13. Congrats on the sale of your home Debra!! And I just love that garden frame. So sweet!

  14. Beautiful job! Now...why can't I just create something beautiful like you! Congratulations on the sale of your home.

  15. Debra,
    The French inspired vignette is perfect! Thanks for sharing it; now I'm inspired to look for more vintage tools.
    Wonderful news that you have a sale pending on your home... I'm looking forward to seeing your new bigger bee skep.


  16. Hi Debra, Congratulations on the sale of your house. That's wonderful and you can relax in this regard now. Your garden vignette is beautiful. I love the small rusty tools.
    I'm so excited for Carola. Her cottage garden is just gorgeous.
    I hope the new medicine worked and you feel better already.

  17. Love your sweet frame, Debra. That magazine looks wonderful. I will definitely look for it. xo Laura

  18. Your wreath is adorable! And congrats on the house contract! :)

  19. FANTASTIC!!!!! That's great news! I'm sure they walked in and saw your creative touches and were sold. Lovely new project. You should do staging for cozy restaurants. You could take a nothing of a place and give it charm with a few of you brilliant projects.

  20. I also wanted to add, thanks for the magazine tip!

  21. I love how you used an inspiration picture to help with the design of your gorgeous frame, great idea!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  22. Your garden-inspired frame is charming and so imaginative. I love that your inspiration was a vintage drawing.

  23. Love how you styled the frame, Debra! Just sooo pretty!! And I love old garden tools, too! We just got some from my MIL house. Not sure what I am going to do with them yet! Probably nothing til Spring!!

    Hugs to you!
    Hope your week is good, sweetie!

  24. Debra, what a terrific idea for your frame. I, too, am drawn to vintage garden tools. Mine sit in a box on my potting bench, but I should be more creative in their use so I can see them and enjoy them. Thanks for the inspiration.

  25. Oh Debra, I LOVE your framed vintage garden goodies!! Such a cute idea and the frame is so pretty as well.
    Mary Alice

  26. Debra, Congrats on the contract! Looks like all your hard work on the house paid off. The frame is adorable and very creative.

  27. Great news about the contract on the house! Fingers crossed it will be smooth sailing from here. That magazine sure looks like fun. Love your vintage garden inspired frame!

  28. I love the addition of the miniature tools to your frame. Love that you were inspired by that vintage illustration. I must pick up that magazine! I've found several good ones myself lately but not that one! I'll have to go on a hunt for it...perhaps Barnes and Noble. I have the day off from work today. One day off before I work seven in a row. I have been keeping up on your health issues. I hope you are managing....I feel like you are in limbo. I'm praying for you. You have a special place in my heart as one of my first friends made through blogging. So even though I haven't been here much of late because of my new thoughts are always with all of my blog friends....and of course you especially.

  29. Love your wreath, thanks for the tip on the magazine, and a huge congratulations on your house contract! Boy, that was fast!

  30. I am sad I have not visited in so long :-( . Seems I never have time to visit everyone as I used too.Well I love your wreath absolutely gorgeous! Your moving I totally missed that! Hope all is well!

  31. I have not seen that magazine, but I plan to run out and buy it now! I always love Jeanine's photos and have pinned a lot of them in the past. Your frame/wreath/gardening vignette is very pretty.

  32. So cute!! Love the little bee hive in there! Congratulations!! Happy summer! xo Holly

  33. I just picked up a copy yesterday! I haven't had a chance to read a single page yet. But soon!!! Love your pretty arrangement.

  34. Debra,
    What a darling garden frame you have here. Thanks so much for sharing it at my Show and Share will be featured at next weeks party. Congrats on the sale of your house:)



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