Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thoughts this Easter...

I've been saving this for Easter, and actually, I'm not finished yet with this small statue. It still needs to be sealed with a spray clear poly or sealant. I had it on top of my craft cupboard in my old studio along with some vintage religious prints.

I found it quite a few years ago, and it is from Mexico. It had the brightly colored robes and somewhat "touristy" look to it. I'm not Catholic, but I still love the presence of religious icons and crucifixes to cause us to be mindful of His great sacrifice, love, and care. And when I began my collection of vintage Jesus prints, this statue remained with them.

When I started packing the studio, I knew that I wanted a more subdued look, but hesitated to change the original. I knew if I was going to keep this, it would need to be more calming to the eye and spirit. So a mix of chalk paint with a wash of burnt umber was in order. Please don't be offended by my decision to "makeover" Jesus. I find this much more contemplative and soothing in the grays. 

This is an old postcard from Jerusalem that I've had for years. The frame is chipped and cracked, but is original with the inscribed card. I used Google translate and found that it's German: Ev. Erlöserkirche, which means Church of the Redeemer. I found it in an old musty antique shop in the very oldest part of St. Louis. 

I thought about the scripture that I wanted to share, and over and over the account of the two women in Matthew, who came to the tomb to finish the burial rituals, came to mind. An angel met them and told them not to be afraid, that "He has Risen". They were given the charge to go tell everyone what they had seen and heard. Never underestimate the spiritual power of a group of women!

And then on the way, the two Mary's met Jesus on the path.
He is still with each of us today,
 abiding in our hearts if we will only invite Him in. 

Be blessed this Easter,
much love to all my many Sisters in Christ,

joining in for Grey Dey at Petite Michelle Louise


  1. He is risen! What a message of joy and hope to all who believe! Have a blessed Resurrection Day, Debra.

  2. Beautiful! I don't think you have to be Catholic to appreciate a truly lovely treasure.

  3. Easter Song is ringing in my heart this morning!
    Joy to the world, He is risen!

    I like what you've done with the statue.
    ~ Violet

  4. A beautiful post this Easter morning, thank you for sharing your wonderful message.

  5. So beautiful Debra. Hope you have a very blessed day today. Enjoy. Happy Easter.

  6. I love your Jesus statue.

    Many blessings this Easter day, my friend.


  7. Gorgeous statue of Jesus - I love it. Happy Easter to you and your family. Wishing you all the blessing and hope that Easter brings.

  8. Happy Easter Debra to you and your family.


  9. Beautiful, Debra! And it doesn't offend in the least. Catholic or not, it a representation, a symbol, and its beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Both items are very nice - enjoy, and Happy Easter!

  10. Happy Easter, I love the statue, the whites and grays are beautiful. Blessings to you. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  11. Beautiful post. I love that, "Never underestimate the power of women." Happy Easter.

  12. What a glorious day, and he has risen! I like Jesus in a rawer state, it signifies the struggles he went through. I enjoyed this beautiful day on Easter Sunday! You should post this in your "day in the life - walking with God" so enjoyed the post you have there. Hoping you've had a joyous day with you family and that God embraces you in his loving arms, today and tomorrow.

  13. Happy Easter from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  14. From your sister in Christ....wishing you all the blessings of this glorious Easter season!!!

  15. Beautiful! Hope your Easter was truly a wonderful day for you. Praise the Lord....He's alive! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. love it! hope your day was wonderful, debra!

  17. hello
    j'espère que vous avez passé un exellent weekend de Pâques sous le regard de Jésus
    mille tendresse
    edith (iris)

  18. I love the finish on the very serene looking...and truly love that post card...Hope you had a great Easter filled with many blessings...

  19. Debra,
    The statue and your message to us is precious, dear friend!!!
    Jesus knew the power of Christian women. I amso grateful for His sacrifice for me.
    Hope your Easter was Blessed!!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Lovely Blog. Found you thru a link on Pinterest. I am from Guyana, South America

  22. what a serenely beautiful statue of the sacred heart of Jesus. lovely. and a postcard from Jerusalem? so unique!


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