Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sunflowers on the Sunporch

I'm counting down the days to September...

And I'm transitioning my decor to those early Fall textures and tones. Of course Sunflowers are my flower "du jour" for late August, as they have those wonderful muted colors of golds, greens, and browns that I love so much. My Summer flowers are starting to go, so before long, mums will be showing up on the deck and front porch.

I love having a seasonal wreath on the mirror which hangs on the old chippy door. It always sets the seasonal mood out here on the porch. This is one I've had for a couple of years, but I still love the colors and the "dried" sunflowers look so real.

It's been a slow week around here, since I've been restricted on driving until later this week.  But last week I had taken pics of the settee's new quilt "outfit" for Early Fall. (last week it was "Late Summer", this week it's "Early Fall") So I'm just now getting to show them too you.

Please ignore my messy drawers peeping through.

My ticking pillows are pretty much a staple out here no matter what the season. Their black stripe is so easy to mix with florals and plaids.

Faux Sunflowers in an old painted white wooden ice cream bucket.

My washed gray basket from last week.

A little Sunflower bouquet in a white ironstone pitcher.

My Hull apple things are still out, but come next week,
the pumpkins will arrive... yay.

Always love the colorful illustrations in this little flower guide from 1945.

and now a question...

do you remember this amazing Sunflower Head from two years ago?
I've been trying to find another large one like this for ages. This one still had too much moisture in it and it molded inside the cloche. It made me so upset that I hadn't realized it was happening, and now I cannot locate a source for another one. Does anyone out there grow these that I might purchase one from you? It doesn't have to be this big, but I would love to have another one, and cannot find one anywhere. Let me know if you do or know someplace I could find one. I loved this look! guys are in for some fun this Thursday!! Since I was MIA last week, I'm dedicating Be Inspired to my 4 Year Anniversary Give Away. You have to wait, but be here with bells on, Thursday, because I have a Give Away for 2 lucky followers out here. I can guarantee you'll LOVE it!

House Party at No Minimalist Here
WOW us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farm
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire
DIY by Design

love you bunches,


  1. Debra I came over to tell you that I found that Vintage Style magazine at my local Rite Aid of all places...having said that, I have alot of BIG sunflowers this summer. How big is that cloche or how big is the sunflower head supposed to be..I have a sunflower post on my blog from the other can get an idea of how big some of them are, and then today's photo has a picture of the latest big one; you'd just have to let me know if these are large enough. And then what would I do? Dry them first or how to send it : )

  2. Debra - You are surely ready for Fall - everything looks so lovely! I went by the little old man's house where I got my sunflower head, but he had given all of his away. Sorry. Everything looks beautiful.

    Hope you are feeling better.


  3. Looks GREAT, Debra!

    It is really still very very hot here so I am not making the transition quite yet, though my hubs did gift me some cut sunflowers yesterday.


  4. your sun room is so pretty. Love all the sunflowers , Debra.

    is your ivy basket , real ivy and if so is it easy to grow inside?

  5. Pretty sunflower early Fall sun porch Debra. I usually start my Fall transition September 1st. Sigh... no sure what I am going to do as yet.. Thinking a lighter Fall, more natural.... Undecided :-/
    Hugs, Gee

  6. I always love your porch decor, Debra. It's so cheerful.

  7. Oh Debra... I am soo happy you declared it officially "early Fall"... I was sneaky and already put my Hull apples away and brought out a few pumpkins... couldn't resist!... love all your fall decor... now as for the giant Sunflower seedhead... check my blog posts (recent ones) and look at my giant Sunflowers the birdies planted for me... the seedheads are GIANT and I would be THRILLED to send you one when they are dried... it takes quite a while for them to dry though, so it may be a bit... yes, if the slightest moisture gets to them they will mold... maybe you would want to put one under a wire cloche where the air can circulate through?... I will certainly save one for YOU!... so happy you are feeling soo much better!... love you sweet friend, xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Spectacular fall transitions, just the perfect amount of color and textures! adore the wreath placed on the mirror!


  9. The sunflower wreath is magnificent! If you find a source for large sunflower heads let me know too!

  10. I always love seeing new vignettes on your sun porch! Love the wreath and that cute flowers vintage book.

  11. It all looks so beautiful Debra!! I'm so ready to start decorating for fall and just gotta get the kiddos back in school before I begin. I'm chopping at the bit! LOL!

  12. D, your porch is always such a haven. I love it! That sunflower head WAS gorgeous! Natural things never tend to do well when totally closed off from circulation, even if they appear completely dry. I would try the grocery store. I remember our Jewel had some last year in the produce and fall pumpkin section. Maybe your local market has them, too!

  13. Hi Debra,
    I love seeing your porch. It's always such a lovely place to see and enjoy. Love the sunflowers, they are my favorite for Fall too.


  14. Suzanne of Simply Suzannnes at Home

    Hi Debra!
    I LOVE your sunflowers!
    Summer, end-of-Summer, and Fall are my favorite times of year to enjoy them.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a beautiful week,

  15. It all looks great, Debra! Love that wreath. You've added in some great early Fall accessories, which are not rushing Summer out the door. I can't wait to bring my Fall stuff down from the attic but with the temps near 90 this week, I'll be waiting a bit longer.

  16. Debra,
    Love, Love, Love your Sunflower wreath, dear friend!!!
    The Sun porch looks fabulous with your Autumn quilts
    and faux Sunflowers sprinkled throughout!!!
    The heads on our Sunflowers are plentiful,
    but not as HUGE this Season as in the past!!!
    If I had a large sunflower head, I would certainly send it your way!
    Glad to see you're up to posting...looking forward to your upcoming Anniversary!!!

  17. I love your porch Debra, it's so warm and comfy looking. And there's something so happy looking about sunflowers. What a great place to hang out.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous. I always love visiting your blog. Such beauties. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  19. Great early Fall touches!

    I'd love to have you link your post to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Your porch is just so warm and comfortable looking. I could sink down there and spend an afternoon. I really miss having a sunporch. I have always loved them. I bet you will be glad when you can drive yourself around again without restrictions. xo Diana

  21. I love your Fall items. I'm trying so hard not to drag all my stuff out for a few more days. Maybe til next week (if I can)! :) Love the warm colors you've used. The quilts are perfect.

  22. Debra, your creative Fall decorating is so inspiring! If I stay in my A/C, perhaps I might feel more like taking some of my Fall items out and begin to "prepare" our home. I had a couple of errands this afternoon and while driving, I noticed the temperature in my car read 97 degrees. The air is so heavy, it's like a hot blanket over my heard. When I got home, I felt like I'd been through a steam bath.
    So, what a treat to sit down this evening and see your beautiful post today. I love it all, especially your gorgeous wreath on the mirror. Think I'll just sit here and browse your post again and pretend like Fall is really trying to arrive. Gorgeous!

  23. Debra, dried decor .com has 5-10 inch dried heads for $9.99, and Curious Country Creations has 2-4 in. Heads for $8.99.
    I bought some at our nearby Wild Bird Store & dried them in the oven overnight , as I do with pine ones and acorns.

  24. You sun porch is always so cheerful and homey, I just love it!!! It's hot and humid here and more on the way, so Sept. will begin in the heat.......but today I put out some Fall things in a neutral color and I like it for now.....

  25. you do fall beautifully, debra! just looking at your pics--i feel cooler:) take care!

  26. ooohhh how pretty! My faves are the "God Bless this Home" sign and the big dried sunflower in the cloche! It's all beautiful...

  27. Fall decorations are always the prettiest! I love the fringed pillow on your chair! And all of the soft colors! Hugs!

  28. I love the look of sunflowers this time of year...and your wreath is beautiful! I picked up a copy of the wonderful Vintage Style magazine, too!

  29. I can't seem to get enough of sunflowers right now, I'm crazy over them! Your porch looks wonderful with just the right touches of color and sunflowers here and there. The one under the cloche is stunning!

  30. Sunflowers are always wonderful to see. Love your wreath and the wooden cart is just adorable.

  31. It sure is looking like FALL on the sunporch...looks like I need to get my sunflowers soon.


  32. I always enjoy looking at all of your pretties on your sun porch, Debra.....your screen door looks cute with its sunflower basket! Good luck with your hunt for a large dried sunflower head!


  33. So many pretties in one post! Your porch is so pretty and warm and the sunflower wreath is beautiful and perfect for fall. Eveything looks gorgeous.

  34. Such beautiful photographs! I just love the sunflowers :) they always make me feel happy x

  35. Everything is just beautiful! Sunflowers are wonderful flowers!

  36. Everything is just beautiful as always you are such an inspiration! Would love it if you came by and shared it at One More Time Events... Hope to see you and all your great Fall inspiration there....Tammy

  37. Hello Debra - your fall sunporch looks marvelous! Congratulations on your blogiversary - this has been an awesome summer - so much going on! I'd be delighted to win one of the pillows!
    Have a blessed day,

  38. Debra, Love all your beautiful sunflowers on your sunporch! Great Fall Ideas!!


  39. everything looks very pretty. I am not ready to give up on summer yet. That is a shame about the sunflower head it did look so pretty. I hope you find another one.

  40. Glad I found your blog . I love all the fall things you have posted. I also love the pillows. my fav is the Vintage French Butterfly Postal Document Burlap Cotton Throw Pillow . I love the blue butterfly. I am a photographer and have a picture of a blue butterfly alot like this in my home.

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  42. Debra, I love Sunflowers for August. They work right into Fall. Yahoo! Tomorrow is September. I have just finished decorating my home for Fall The porch will get a few more mums. Love all of your sunny sunflower touches! Last year I had huge sunflowers. This year, no large heads. I put my largest one under a cloche, but not nearly as big and beautiful as the one you had. Wish I did, I would be more than happy to send you one. Hopefully, someone already has! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  43. Forgot to mention how much I love that little garden book. I would love to run across something similar!


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