Sunday, July 21, 2013

Black tole tray, sunshine quilt, and some tweakin' going on...

Just wanted to share a few little Summery changes out here on the sunporch with you all, and show you my latest black tole tray that I've added to my illness  collection. Dee is having a super summer sale over at the French Bleu Vintage Shop, so you will want to go see what she has in. Check out her blog, I think she has a 30% off code going on.

The yellows, golds, peaches and reds just look so summery.
(from French Bleu Vintage Shop)

I had some cute comments on the post I did on the Patriotic Sunporch a week or two ago. It was suggested that it needs it's own book. It DOES have it's own personality for sure, and it's always wanting attention... So to indulge it once again, I found a sweet little quilt that was a substitute for a vintage version that "got away". Yes, I didn't buy something, then got home and thought about it. I went back the next day and of course it was gone. boo hoo. But I found this one, which is really bright and pretty, and filled the bill for my desire for "Yellow".

I've been enjoying the red fruity pillows out here, so I didn't want to start over, but it was time to put away the flags, and the blue accents, and concentrate on Summer, with some Apple pottery, which was the idea behind the reds and yellows. 

This is a vintage quilt from my hubby's family that has pieced sailboats on the front. I'd forgotten it was a sunny yellow on the reverse, so it's part of the color scheme, too.

My paternal grandmother's Hull Apple Cookie Jar, salt and pepper, and stove jar love to be part of the Summer Baker's Rack decor. I remember that this cookie jar always had fresh homemade oatmeal cookies inside. I can see her kitchen like it was yesterday...sweet memories...

(actually it's two peppers because the salt took a tumble a few years ago, and I need to find another one that's not an arm and a leg).

Can you imagine that everyone used to save their bacon grease?

Ironstone pitcher with some faux daisies.

I recently found this little oval plaid lunch pail,
 Love these little versions.

That checked pillow that's in the middle has the flag on the other side,
so I just turned it around to keep the great black/white check.

And speaking of "apple" things,
 here is a new little "skinny wreath" for the front door,
Lady Apples and Black-eyed Susans

And some appliqued feed sack tea towels that Ive been saving for Summer.

joining in for these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style



  1. Another great look for your sun porch. Very pretty! The yellows and reds are very fun and bright. You have a great selection of accessories to pull your looks together. Thanks for sharing this pretty spot and I hope you get some time this weekend to spend some relaxing time out there.

  2. So pretty! I really love the pitcher full of the daisies:)

  3. Debra always loving seeing your sun porch. Always beautiful.

  4. Debra, your sun porch makes me smile in its various versions. Loving the sunny yellow as much as I did the patriotic decor. Isn't it fun to mix things up and keep it interesting?

  5. You know I love your big ole' tole tray and your new quilt looks perfect in your sunporch! Your house and my yard seem to be in sync. My State Fair apples just started to turn red today. :)

  6. Your sunporch DOES need its own book -- you should consider doing a book just of the porch and its incarnations!!! Love the plaid lunch box - it matches the plaid picnic basket I just found recently. Sally

  7. HI Debra! Oh, love seeing your pretty porch and I'm loving the yellow and reds! Your quilt is so pretty! A book for your little porch ~ go for it! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Love the quilt! Your sun room always looks so pretty.

  9. I thought I couldn't like it any better than when it was all red white and blue but this is just as pretty! I love how you change this room out all the time.

  10. Debra,
    Great Summer decor for the sunporch, dear friend!!!
    I, too, am getting ready for the reds & yellows here on our side of the Prairie!!! I'm a bit behind this year with all the preparations for my friends daughters wedding, but hope to make the switch in this next week!!!
    Lovely yellow quilt! I like the blue ticking stipe pillows on the wicker couch! Great contrast and comfort for this seating area! The black check pillow is stunning. The fact that it serves a duo~purpose is fabulous!!!
    Thanks for adding the 'Good 'ol Summertime' feel to our great Prairie with such comfort and style!!!
    P.S. I did so enjoy seeing "kitty" in your photos!!!

  11. Love all your changes, so fresh and pretty!!! The yellow is perfect for summer into fall......this is my favorite room on blogland, so very down home and personal.....

  12. Every time you share you sun porch is a treat! You always have the most unique items displayed in amazing ways. Have a great week!

  13. How great your porch is. Love this summer porch with the yellow quilt. Everything works so well together. It is such a relaxing place to sit, have tea or read a book.

  14. Love the touches of yellow for the summer. xo Laura

  15. Love that tray and will be a wonderful addition to your porch:) Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  16. I love this room and all the bits and pieces that make it so wonderful, Debra.

  17. Very pretty, Debra! Love the tray and that quilt is so pretty.

  18. Do you remember when the TV show "Walt Disney Presents" changed to "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color? Well that's how I feel every time you show an episode of your sunroom. It's like Disney land for the eyes and soul.
    P.S. I spy with my little eye the elusive now-you-me now-you-don't kitty cat!

  19. Good morning Debra... I think your kitties love your sunporch as much as I do!... hello kitties!... yellow is perfect for Summer and your new quilt is gorgeous!... I hate it when I go home to think about buying something then go back and it's gone... but your new one is so Summery looking!... I love it!... I also have the exact same Hull apple set... it was my mamas and we always had yummy cookies in the cookie jar too... always homemade and soft!... and yes, I remember my mama saving bacon grease... my how times have changed, but not our memories... always there with us in our hearts... love love love black~eyed Susans... mine have begun blooming and I can't get enough of them!... I want a sunporch like yours sooo bad!... trying to talk Jack into making our back porch a screened in one... I need to have him look at yours and see what we are missing... thanks for sharing your favorite room of mine again... you have such a knack with putting things together and making them beautiful!... xoxo Julie Marie

  20. PS I will keep my eyes open for a salt shaker in good condition at a fair price!

  21. I love how the sunporch looks with the yellow added~I had a lot of yellow in my decorating years ago, and I think every is cyclical and it is coming back with a sunny vengance!

  22. So charming! I love your summer changes.

    Beautiful quilt. Yellow is such a happy color.

  23. I always love seeing the "Porch", it always puts a smile on my face. I miss my sun porch from our previous home. Love the tray, love the pottery, love, love the quilt. Well I love it all...And I do remember my mother saving bacon grease. I probably did also when I was just starting out housekeeping because that is what everyone did. Good thing we all decided we needed to be healthier in our eating habits.

  24. I just completed building my sunroom and when I saw your blog and sun porch I decided to model it after yours, since it fit the vision I have had from the conception of my room! Keep posting lots of sun porch ideas, as I can never come close to your creativity and fun stuff you are using! Thanks again for all the terrific ideas!

  25. It's such a pretty space...looks like a wonderful spot to relax. I love the cookie jar and how it evokes such good memories.

  26. Helloooooo Debra...
    LoVe those chippy metal coasters!.!.!
    And a belated Thank you for pic & mention with my Flag Vignette!.!.!
    Hugs Jeanine Burkhardt

  27. I always love seeing your sun porch. We spend most of our time in our lanai and when I see your room, I always want to change my decor! Hugs!

  28. I have my grandma's same cookie jar...I need to show it sometime. I remember it filled with Fruit Cocktail Cookies! I wish I had one right now!

  29. This looks like such a fun room to decorate and spend time in! No matter how you change things up, it's always cheery, inviting and lovely! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  30. That plaid lunch box sure caught my eye! Plaid and red are two of my favorite things. Love the yellow and red porch details.

  31. Debra, your porch is just wonderful..I love all the reds and yellows...
    Love, Mona

  32. I love your little sun room, it makes me happy every time I see it!
    Hope your summer is great! karen...

  33. The yellows and reds make the porch look officially summer! Love the tray - I have a tole obsession, too.

  34. I LOVE the yellow and red decor! Your sun porch is such a wonderful environment. It really is inspiring! I would love for you to join my Inspired Sunday link party at

  35. How I love this little porch! It's the ultimate cottage playhouse! So much inspiration here, Debra, I just love love it all.
    xo, Andrea

  36. I love your sunroom --The "sunshine" quilt is so pretty. I also like the wreath on your door. My MIL uses to keep bacon grease -Yuk!

  37. I seriously swoon every time I see your porch Debra. Truly one of the sweetest, most charming porches I've ever seen. Great job once again!

  38. I'm back for another look today for the party Debra... LOVE it!... somewhere, I have a little old black tole tray... now I must find it and put in in my "wannabe" sunroom!... xoxo Julie Marie

  39. It's all just TOO adorable!! I could sit here and stare at every last detail all day, make mental notes, try and remember textures, colours, patinas, shapes and so much more! Sweet and summery and smiling ear to ear!


  40. You've managed to create a whole new look for your lovely porch by reversing some terrific quilts/pillows! I love the yellow and red - so fresh and summery! I had a little plaid lunchbox just like that one when I was in Kindergarten! Takes me WAY back....!


  41. It is always a treat seeing your porch! LOVE you yellow quilt and the cookie jar...what a treasure! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday!


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