Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Be Inspired Showcase

I always love going through all your links from Be Inspired Friday. We've had so many wonderful posts on Spring and Easter. Here are few, that were also top visited links from last week.

Mary from Home is Where the Boat Is has had changes in her Spring weather, like so many of us have had. In her post, "Hopping Up and Down the Bunny Trail" she shares her Spring and Easter decor in the Potting Shed.

OK, I want one of these stamped spoons!

Jennifer's Daughter's Wedding
 from Town and Country Living is such a beautiful event.
Here are mom and daughter. They could be sisters!

found a great new way to use beadboard wallpaper.
What a neat idea, on the Fridge!!

and Denise on a Whim gave us One Shutter Two Ways
Love this great turquoise for Spring!

See you tomorrow morning for Be Inspired!

Gotta question for you...
anyone else out there having issues with your "comment email"?
I'm having multiple emails show up of the same comments.
And it's making me a little crazy...
just wondering.

Oh, and Be Inspired will go live a little early tomorrow,
so just a little heads up!



  1. Such pretty wedding pictures!! Erica

  2. Debra- Is your email addy- Gmail? I have had problems for the last 3 or 4 days with it! Great features here! xo Diana

  3. I'm so honored to be featured tonight. Thanks so much and can't wait to party again this week. :)

  4. Lovely wedding. I love those spoons too. My daughter is making some for me for my herb garden. She also does wind chimes with them. x

  5. Debra~ Thanks so much for featuring my Potting Shed, it's an honor and I'm always inspired by all the creativity at your party! See you again later today :)

  6. I love the beadboard fridge, I'm off to check it.

  7. Great pics. love that turquoise shutter holder.


  8. I'll be heading over to check out that fridge with the wallpaper!

    My fridge is still working fine but it's been getting rustspots on the front and I've wondered what to do...this might be the answer! :)


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