Sunday, March 31, 2013

Everybody's mad...

at me!

I knew this day would have to come.
But they weren't happy.
Lot's of griping and pouting.

Yes, the bird feeder on the deck had to go back to the tree,
so I could be ready to put out the hummingbird feeder.

These little guys kept me hopping last year until late October.
I didn't get a feeder up until probably July, but then they mobbed me.

(Google Images)

They come back to the feeder they summer at, and I want to be ready,
'cause I'm hoping to see a little of this...

(Google Images)

This afternoon was glorious!
Sunny and warm and fabulous...

So I took a little time to straighten up the deck.
(OK, I cleaned it, it was a mess)

and potted the daffodils and tulips that had been on the sunporch.
Yes, the ones that now have bite marks and chunks out of them.

wonder who...?

Just in case you missed the post with all the nasty grunge
that critter feeding can cause.

Earlier in February and March...

just downright gross...
but the kitties and I loved watching them.

So now things are looking more like Spring...
and a little tidier.

Still too early to bring out the geraniums that I winter,
but soon.

I have so much outdoor clean-up, but that will wait.
Today I did something I thoroughly enjoyed...

joining in with these parties this week:

Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
A Stroll Thru Life



  1. Your deck is so pretty. I think God likes it when we make things pretty :-) Glad you had a Happy Easter.

  2. Beautiful photos. Cute squirrel in your pan of seed. Lynda

  3. Debra,
    Your deck looks incredible!!!
    Loved the photo of the cats...the one on the left even looks to be smiling for the camera!!! Love, LOVE, L O V E that you captured them side~by~side!!!
    We, too, cleaned the back deck on Saturday...but it is bare to the bones and awaiting the arrival of my friend to give a consultation!!! Blog post coming soon!!!
    Dare we say that Spring has finally arrived???

  4. Yes, I think God would approve of you spending part of His Day in the beautiful world He created. And you made it such an inviting place for all the creatures, you included.

  5. fabulous post, debra! you have some beautiful critter pics! the kittens look soooo innocent:)

  6. so many wonderful pics, love seeing the bluebirds. i was just staring at my feeders, i must have 200 birds here today, no lie, ask my neighbors, they are not thrilled with my hospitality... i have 100 red finches, 50 yellow finches a dozen turtle doves and then a host of blackbirds and blue jays, it really is a sight to behold, but its the noise that drives my neighbors nuts! besides the shadows they create when they fly in mass... happy easter to you

  7. I'm also anxiously waiting for spring. Your kitties are adorable!

  8. Your deck is just so pretty. Soon we will be able to primp the out of doors properly, a little while though. I did the same thing today and I think God truly appreciates it when we appreciate what he made ;-)

  9. Debra, I just love seeing all the little critters around your place, AND your kitties too! It sure does look like a glorious afternoon over there. Your deck looks lovely.


  10. Great post! We had rain most of the day today, but happy to hear other parts of the country had sunshine. I love the birds too, and will be putting up my hummingbird feeder soon also. Spring is so wonderful!

  11. It seems that Spring is tip toeing into our area of the country, too shy to reall strut her stuff~!!!! I am DYING to get outside and plant some flowers, pots etc. We don't have a deck yet and I am antsy to get that started too. Your deck looks beautiful and I really enjoyed the winter bird pics too. XO, Pinky

  12. Sounds like a fun day! The photo of the squirrel in the bowl is so great!

  13. I have a friend that has a huge covered deck with hummingbird feeders spaced about every 5 feet...they swarm her feeders. You can sit real still and they'll feed all around you. I've counted 50 or more at a time, it is an amazing sight!
    Love all your critters!!!

  14. What a beautiful share.
    Love those little creatures and your deck was so nice as well.

  15. Debra,
    Your deck looks so pretty. I am hoping after the little cold spell tomorrow and the promise of nice weather now I can get my deck in some shape too. Love your kitties so cute.

  16. Your deck and sunroom look lovely! I know what you mean about feeding the critters. They do make a mess and the seeds that they spill into the yard grow some weird looking stuff, but I love watching them and teaching my grand babes about them. Hummingbirds are so much fun! We have a couple of feeders that they come to as well. Are those bluebirds too? I have only seen one bluebird in my life! They are so pretty! Hope you had a Happy Easter! Hugs, Leena

  17. Amazing shots...especially the squirrel one was the best
    Android Developer

  18. So many wonderful creatures coming to your deck restaurant!
    You did a great job of the cleanup, it's still too cold here to attempt anything much outside, so I'm looking at everyone else's pics!

  19. I also feed the birds, mostly robins, sparrows and blue tits where I live. The cats love watching them as well... But yours are so pretty I bet they can do anything they want and get away with it!

  20. Haha the birds keep us busy here too. The entertainment they bring is worth it though. They sure do let you know when they're not happy. Great photos! Your deck is so nice. Right now it's snowing here. Last year when people were upset because we had a beautiful winter and spring I kept saying its a fluke. It's a once in a lifetime experience and I'm going to enjoy it.. Yep, we're back to our never ending winter. I can't wait to see the hummingbirds again. I'm trying to remember when I'm supposed to put the feeders back out there? I guess I don't have to rush.

  21. You can please some of the birds, some of the time,...
    No sense in killing yourself with clean up all at once! It looks great-so far! :)

  22. It's time for me to move my feeder from the pussy willow to the evergreen tree. I have the same situation, messy area around my porch. It's not like we are abandoning them or something. Maybe I should post a sign, look behind you. lol

  23. Love your critter pictures. I can imagine, when God created Chic-a-Dees, He had in mind, how much they would delight our hearts, and those baby Hummers, I think they are a result of God giggling.
    Blessings from Canada

  24. Your deck looks wonderful

    as far as angry birds, you know, you cannot make every one happy all the time. =)


  25. Love your deck! I am jealous that you can use it already. I love putting out my hummingbird feeders too! They are such interesting birds to watch!


  26. Sweet post...Love every bit about it.Soothing...thank you...:):)

  27. Debra, it sure looks like Spring on your deck! Love your pictures! I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! Hugs, Maria

  28. Your deck looks beautiful and ready for spring sunshine!

  29. Hello Debra!... love seeing all of your preparations for the Hummers arrival!... I put our feeders out mid~April (soon!) for those traveling through... then, "ours" that spend all Summer and part of early Autumn arrive the first part of May... I have missed them so!... one of mine is a window feeder, and the sweet little Hummers come to the window and hover and check us out like we do them, so cute!... Happy Spring to you!... xoxo Julie Marie


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