Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Romancing the Mantel

I wanted to bring in a little bit of a Valentine feel to my mantel. Last year I used some of my frenchy "couple" figurines, but this year I just opted for feminine and some pastels. I don't have a lot of pastels for decorating, so I turned to my kitchen china cabinet for some inspiration. How about some vintage English teapots? that sounds pretty romantic to me.

Last summer I was gifted with this precious monogrammed heart by my sweet friend Julia, from the blog Vintage with Laces. I had tried a few different things for the center of the mantel, but hanging this lovely linen heart from a scrolly mirror seemed to be the answer; a subtle nod to Valentine's Day, with just the right amount of romance.

I brought back my two white urns with faux and dried hydrangeas and roses in place of the white Wolff Pottery. This mantel is always hard for me to style as it is over 7 feet long...eeck.

My layered vintage mirrors are always my backdrop.

I would say that vintage teapots is my oldest collection, 
as I started it before I was married. 

Even though this didn't end up staying, I wanted to share this wonderful German wedding certificate that I found last year. I need to find a frame for it, but wanted to let you see it today as the graphics are so pretty, and definitely full of romance.

(just click on the  photo for a bigger image, then click again for details)

And another little random bit of romance is this little cardboard crown that I found in St. Louis several years ago and haven't yet shared with you.

Who wouldn't want to be "Queen for a Day" in this?



  1. This is a lovely Mantle! I sure wish we had a fireplace where I live! I think I would just love decorating the mantle with different pretty things! Thanks for sharing this! =D

  2. Oh Debra, your mantel is charming! I'm a little nostalgic looking at a teapot that looks exactly like one my grandmother had. Love the wedding certificate and crown...what wonderful treasures to have! (I can't help staring at the beams and chandy every time I see their reflection in your beautiful mirror. What a display!)

  3. Your mantel looks fabulous..magazine worth!! I love the two urns with flowers and all the lovely collection of teapots! Beautiful decoration idea!! Hugs,

  4. Hi Debra... love your Valentines Day mantel... your layered mirrors are so pretty and your collection of vintage teapots is just gorgeous!... yes, I remember Queen for a Day... I would watch it with my mama (waaayy back when I was a little girl) and we would cry over the sob stories the ladies would tell! (bogus I am sure!)... and the little dialy meter thingy that the applause would indicate who won... yep... they even got to wear a crown and a velvet robe, remember that?... okay... glad things have changed since then on that account!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Beautiful and romantic mantel indeed. I love your mirrors layered in the background. That is one of my favorite things to do.

    Blessings to you, Debra.

  6. Not sure which I luv more Debra... the layered mirrors, the teapots or the urns with flowers. I just luv it all!
    Cheers, Gee

  7. Your mantel looks so pretty, and valentinesy! I love your precious little monogramed linen heart, it's so sweet, and i love the way your exposed beams show in the wonderful mirrors!


  8. Stunning, I love every inch of your mantel.

  9. It looks lovely and perfect for that Valentine's feel, Debra! I love the florals in your urns. Very soft and romantic looking.

  10. Debra,
    Awesome idea to use these beautiful the mirrors too!


  11. What a beautiful, romantic mantle!! Love your collection of teapots. It looks so pretty. That paper crown is gorgeous also,


  12. Debra, love your post. Working on making a mantel for our fireplace(s) they do not have mantel's. We just moved here on Cape Cod in Sept. Also...I love your picture taking, your pics are crisp and clear. I'm "a learning" with my photos. Nest in Peace...Karen acapecodnest

  13. The teapots are delicate and dainty up there seven feet off the ground:}

  14. Your mantel looks so pretty. I love the teapots and crowns.

  15. SO beautiful! I love your mirrors...I recently bought a large haul of antique dresser mirrors in an auction (quite by accident...that's another story) and these are giving me some ideas!

  16. The teapots are a wonderful idea for Valentines Day. And you can never go wrong with those mirrors.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  17. Your mantel scapes are always so beautiful. I love your blog and look forward to receiving your post in my email. How did you paint your vintage mirrors? The are so gorgeous, I have a very large mirror I want to paint and love how yours look, would you please share how you did it?
    Thank You, Jeanine

  18. I would LOVE a seven foot mantel. I have two, stodgy, 70's shelves on my CORNER fireplace...embedded stone that I cannot get out unless I dismantle the whole facade...and they are asymmetrical! How I FANTASIZE about ripping the whole thing down and starting over...but it is a huge project and since we still want to move I'm like, eh. So, it's painted white. Yours is one that people dream about! :D

  19. I didn't realize how long your mantel was. Wow! It is pretty the way you dressed it up for Valentines Day. It's subtle and tasteful with your tea pot collection.

  20. Beautiful! Love the look! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  21. Beautiful mantle Debra! I love your teapots! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. So pretty and very romantic indeed. Hugs, Marty

  23. Your mantel is very romantic and your urns are lovely!

  24. I am in love with the beams that your mirror reflects! Green with envy in fact. Loving beams at this point.
    come for a visit.

  25. What a beautiful mantle, Debra! I love your gorgeous mirrors, and the reflection of your ceiling beams. Your tea pots and the pretty heart add the perfect touch of romance!

  26. Looks beautiful, love the layered mirrors!

  27. Beautiful! And I love how the chandi is shown so wonderfully in the mirror!

  28. The teapots are perfect for Valentine's Day and I love the little monogrammed heart.

  29. Hi Debra,
    Your mantle is so pretty. I love the linen heart hung on the scrolly mirror! Oh, and I like that crown.

  30. Very pretty and very different! Love the books and teapots.

  31. Debra,
    Lovely mantle for Valentine's Day!!!
    Those urns are ezquisite, dear friend!!!
    I knew one of your challenges was the height above the mantle, I adore the mirrors as they reflect your lovely chandelier. I didn't realize the length challenge, as well!!! I'd say you've mastered both beautifully!
    Thanks for sharing this romantic, simplistic touch of the heart!!!

  32. Gorgeous! Love the high beams in your room. And the teapots are so cute!

  33. Debra. your teapot collection is just the perfect romantic charm for your gorgeous mantel. Each one is so beautiful and unique. That wedding certificate is an amazing find. Love the crown. Yes, I wouldn't mind being queen for a day! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  34. Sigh...everything looks so beautiful, Debra! So fresh and feminine, and just lovely! Thanks for always sharing your amazing spaces with us! Always a joy, sweet friend!

  35. Hi, Debra! Your mantle is absolutely gorgeous! You always decorate with such beautiful details that it inspires me each time I stop by!

  36. Hi Debra,
    I am featuring you again today on my 'showing a little love' challenge.


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