Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Give Away Winner and Top Visited Links from Be Inspired

Time to share the top visited links from last week's Valentine Party. Numbers of visitors were down because we all were busy lovin' on our sweethearts, but we had a great turn out in party links. Nothing could be better than making our families feel the love!

 Olive Out shared her wonderful thrifted curtains in an
English Cabbage Rose created with a no-sew method.
Just Beautiful!

Jennifer's home from Town and Country Living 
Such a gorgeous photo spread of her wonderful home!

And Julia from Vintage With Laces  had been busy creating her beautiful signature hearts with Valentines and Vignettes. I know what an artist she is...I have one of her lovely lacey hearts!!

And congratulations to Tina from Ruffles and Relics! She's our lucky winner of the Gift Certificate from EpicLinen. I'll be in touch Tina, with your special Gift code.

And just a note about tomorrow's Be Inspired Link Party. It's predicted that we're in for a whopper of an ice storm, as I think many of us across the U. S. are hearing. The Weather Center is predicting power outages due to heavy ice buildup and wind; something Missouri is familiar with. We've had two major ice storms in the last six years, so at least we know how to prepare and what to expect. One storm we were out for 3 days, the other for 5 or 6. Anyway, I'll try to get a link party up and scheduled even if it's a little on the light side. Join in if you aren't one of us that's hunkering down with the shivers. Stay safe and warm!



  1. Oh stay safe. Charge up all of your electronics! And a word of advice....we were without power for 3 days during the recent Nemo blizzard, and although we put a lot of food in a cooler on the deck, we also lost a lot. Don't overbuy thinking you will run out of food! So many spent so much, and then tossed it. Sad :(

  2. I love all the features here- am off to visit a couple of them. I hope your storm is not too bad! We have another storm coming through tomorrow night, too- xo Diana

  3. Congrats to Jennifer. Stay inside Debra. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!

  4. I hope the storm isn't as bad as they're predicting!

    I want those curtains Olive made. I'm sure I could find a spot for them somewhere in our house. :)

    And congrats to Jennifer on her magazine feature!

  5. Thinking of you all,hope you stay safe. We are in a heatwave. The weather all over the world is unusual this year.
    Lovely pics this week too. :)

  6. This has been the craziest of winters ever. Today we had sleet thunder...tomorrow it's gonna be around 69 degrees. Crazy I tell ya.
    Here's hoping the weatherman is wrong about y'alls forecast.

  7. Okay, I know I can't match both of your weather horror stories, but it's supposed to get down to 41 tonight. Least us not forget, I live in sunny SoCal! I think it's this crazy global warming stuff. I hope both of you, my friends, stay warm and safe!!

    Take care,

  8. Stay safe and warm blog is 20 here with a wind chill of 6....we'll see what tomorrow brings.....and I hope its sunshine!!!

  9. I dread ice storms - they are the worst - be safe!

  10. Great features and congrats to the winner! Hope the storm isn't too bad there...a big snowstorm is headed here! Hope you are feeling better husband is down with it right now, too...XO

  11. Hope you don't lose power. I'm in Illinois and we're supposed to get some wintry weather too. Thanks for the shout out and congrats to the winner!

  12. Congrats to the lucky winner! Have a blessed day and stay safe! HUGS!

  13. Love thos rose curtains! Thank you for hosting and stay safe!!

  14. Hello dear Debra, I keep my fingers crossed that the storm won't get too bad you don't lose power.
    Thanks so much for the feature!
    Stay warm and safe, my friend!

  15. An ice storm sounds very exotic to me. It mustn't be fun for you, so stay safe and hopefully you won't be out of power for too long.


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