Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Planting Paperwhites

One of my late Fall traditions of the last few years has been planting Paperwhites for the upcoming Holidays. Each year I look forward to their wonderful pristine white blooms filling the darkening days of Fall and Winter.  I've collected quite a few vintage "containers" in the last few years, so part of the fun of planting the bulbs is digging out my stash and deciding which ones to use.

I unbagged my bulbs and have them in an old strawberry flat with boxes that I've whitewashed. I just enjoy looking at them, while they wait their turn to be planted.

I'm going for a Nature themed Christmas this year,
so these will be just the first of that inspiration coming up.

As you can see, my helper is here.
Now if I can just keep her away from them.
I don't want chewed shoots...

A McCoy matte vase, an old chipped sugar bowl, and a new find, which is a French measuring pitcher, are readied for my first planting.

I use pea gravel as a base, then just a little potting mix. Just enough to cover the bottom 1/3 of the bulb. Too much water or soil will cause them to rot. In a day or two I'll sprinkle moss on top, which helps hold in the moisture.

They'll be here on the baker's rack for a while,
so they can have some good light to get started.
If you haven't planted them before I'll encourage you to try it,
the kiddos love them too.
You can hardly mess them up,
and I love to see them grow each day!

Hope you'll run by and check out my 

And if you haven't stopped by
The Marketplace
then just scroll down to the next post.

More of my Paperwhite Posts Here and  Here

Joining in for these parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Blissful Whites at Timewashed
All Star Block Party at Red Hen Home
Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
House Party at No Minimalist Here



  1. Oh my gosh, how fun! My post is going up later this week! I always plant paper whites and amaryllis the week after Halloween and they usually bloom just in time for Christmas! I love your containers and can't wait to see the rest of your deocrations! xo, Kimberly

  2. Every year I say I am going to do this and never have. Thanks for reminding me, I will have to pick some up this week. Great to know about how deep to plant them:)

  3. I have never planted paperwhites. Not sure if we have enough light in Minnesota in November and December.

  4. On my blog I like to talk about seasonal and monthly traditions. I would love to start this tradition myself. I think I will do it this week! It will be the start to many years.

  5. these will be amazing, I love your choice of containers as well.I don't like the smell of paper whites so I planted some daffodils, mini daffs, and should be blooming by christmas.

  6. I love paperwhites too! I'll be using them in a centerpiece this year for my Christmas Charity House. Your vintage pots are great too.

  7. Every year I say that I am going to do this and never have. I'm going out tomorrow and buy some and plant them. Thanks for the instructions and the inspiration.


  8. I have never done this, but I think with your inspiration, I am going to give it a try. Wish me luck ;-)

  9. Are you sure we were not separated at birth! I'm posting about paperwhites tomorrow! I love how they smell. Your white planters and pots are going to be real stunners when the flowers bloom!

  10. Every year I plan on doing this and every year I miss the chance. I do have Star of Bethlehem in pots maybe I can force them indoors. I love the planters.

  11. Debra, now you've inspired me to try again. I got some at a "big box store" last year and they bloomed but had an AWFUL smell..sort of plastic-y. I looked at one of your older posts and saw that you use the Ziva variety. I'll see if I can find some locally. Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. Love this post! I've always wanted to do this but wasn't sure what the best way to plant them was. You definitely inspired me to try it out this year! Kelly

  13. I planted some last year a bit too late and they bloomed after New Years! Thanks for the reminder to start now. I love your pretty containers!


  14. Debra, your Christmas is going to be filled with fragrance and pretty white blooms. I can't wait to see these in bloom.........Sarah

  15. I love the planters you are using Debra!! I'm going to get started on mine too and just love the anticipation of having them blooming in time for Christmas! :-)

  16. Thank you! I just bought 8 bulbs to try--now I need a few more! I didn't realize they would be that easy to plant--going to have my little one help.

  17. I just finished planting my paperwhites for the holidays a couple weeks ago and they are sprouting nicely! Love your French measuring pitcher as a planter.

  18. I don't have a green thumb when it comes to houseplants, but you've made it look so easy I'm going to get me some today and give it a try. Lots of fab inspiration on your Pinterest board. Thanks!!

  19. Thanks so much for sharing this. Love your choice of containers.

  20. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get mine started as well!!!

  21. Great idea Debra! I think some paperwhites are just what I need. I love the gorgeous containers you used.

  22. I was just thinking of doing some paperwhites. I'm so glad you shared your vintage containers. I'm going to make a few for family to take as they leave on Thanksgiving night. Miss you! Trying to get back into the swing of things again. Hope all is well.

  23. Debra,
    Wanting to try my hand at planting "paperwhites" this year. Most I've seen seem to be in water, but I think your idea of potting soil sounds more correct! Tomorrow is "errand day" On Crooked, guess I'd better get them added to my list!!! Thanks for the tips for planting!

  24. I have some planted by the back gate that I get to enjoy around my December birthday. I look forward to trying the alcohol water to make some shorter indoor blooms! I look forward to following your future posts.

  25. I going to try planting some this year. I love your choice of planters. Hope you are having a wonderful day, Gail

  26. Ok, if you promise I can't mess this up I will give it a try. My thumb is not that green and often things don't grow well for me. I would love for you to link this up to my Fall into Fall party going on right now. Hope to see you there.

  27. OK! You have convinced me! I am definitely doing this! I adore Paperwhites, and have wanted to grow some for awhile!! Thanks for the encouragement, Debra! You rock! Sending you an email!
    Hugs to you!

  28. OH! And thank you so much for joining the Blissful Whites Wednesday party!!

  29. is this the right time to plant them?? I thought maybe you would have to do it earlier??

    going to your pin board to look around.


  30. this is inspiring!~ I would like to do this myself and you make it looks quite simple. The reward comes in about 6 weeks, right? They would look great at home or even in my shop...hmm...

  31. Hi Debra, love all of your vintage containers, especially the French measuring cup... I can't wait to plant some now!... I hope you will show yours again soon as they begin growing... xoxo Julie Marie

  32. I can't wait to see them bloom Debra! I also always love seeing your helper! Thanx for coming to THT. Hope your week is going well.

  33. Thanks for the reminder Debra. I always intend to plant them for Christmas, but usually remember too late to actually do it! Now...where on earth did I put those bulbs?

  34. I'm planting Sunday! Your containers are beautiful! I'm your newest follower!
    Jody introduced me to you!

  35. This is something I have been wanting do. Thanks for the inspiration and for the nudge! Love that French measuring cup too.

    Susan and Bentley

  36. I really should do some planting. Great photos Debra.

  37. Hi Debra,
    I was just thinking today that I needed to get my Paperwhites. I plant them every year. Have for as long as I can remember. Although, the older I get the more I can't remember. lol! Planning on planting them in my different pieces of vintage milk glass this year. Love all of your fun containers. I had a gorgeous Amaryllis last year. I cut it off and stuck in in my cold storage just to see what would happen. The other day I noticed that it was growing beautifully. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  38. They will look lovely! Thanks for linking up with HSH!

  39. Can't wait to see them in full bloom Debra. I'm sure they will be very pretty in their gorgeous containers.
    Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday this week.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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