Sunday, November 25, 2012

just getting started...

I seem to have a little Christmas decor ADD going on at the moment. My desire to "deck the halls" versus my need for "less". My goal this Season is to Simplify. I'm going through boxes and tubs and I know that there will be many that will be left untouched. I'm just craving quiet, nature inspired, and peaceful. I know I'll have some fun things going on, but we probably will be traveling this next month for my husband's doctor visits, and I just don't want to have tons of decor to put away after Christmas. I want to keep things "winter" themed so there will be less to put away come the week after Christmas.

This year I found some wonderful silvery glittered garland and a small wreath, so this is my starting point in the Entry.

glittered nests, pinecones, and a few rusty jingle bells.

 I have a starting point.
 Now to see if I can keep my plan. 

 Hope you'll come by for 
The Marketplace

Joining in on these great parties:
Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming
Met Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Knick of Time



  1. That wreath is beautiful!!
    I have really cut back on my decorating.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  2. I'm loving it so far, Debra. Definitely a peaceful vibe. My Christmas decor will be simple, as well. That's the plan.

  3. Beautiful wintry decorations. My daughter decorates very simply. I start out saying I am going to decorate simply but that never happens LOL. I keep saying this will look good if I do this, or this would go pretty here.

  4. Hi Debra,

    What a beautiful start! Simple, but rich-in texture, design and just enough glow.

    Happy decorating!

    Poppy :)

  5. I completely agree! I pulled out the boxes yesterday and am thinking most will also go back in storage untouched this year. I love the idea of simplicity!

    Have a great day.

  6. Oh goodness Debra... that is GORGEOUS!!! I've thought about simplifying so much that I might not put up my tree! I know... I heard the gasp...

    In my defense... I have tree branches I painted this morning... sparkley! Now - if I could just figure out how to get your glitter in to my house... hmmmm....


  7. Debra,

    It's like a Winter Wonderland - loving the silver and white!



  8. I love your start. I used to put up a lot of decorations but the past few years have definitely kept it more simple. I love silvers mixed with greenery.

  9. I've got the same idea. I'm not putting up a Christmas tree. Too hard to dig it out of the shed with everything in front of it. I have bought a few things like candles. But I'm buying little things that I can use year round. Too much money is spent on holiday decor when we are "decorators" and can make do with what we have and what we make.

  10. I hear you! hehehe With all the dust flying in our house and our Christmas celebration postponed, I actually considered not decorating at all this year. Then I said that very thing to our daughters. WHAT?!

    I guess I'll be decorating for our very belated celebration after all, but I'm trying my hand at simplifying this year, too. I like the theme you've got going with your silvery garland.

    I hope your husband's doctor visits go well.

  11. Debra, looks like you are off to a good start. I like the idea of a winter theme focused on nature. Great idea!

  12. Debra with your magic touch I know your simplified Christmas will be beautiful!

  13. What a gorgeous garland, Debra! That little glittered nest is just too sweet! I am trying to not go overboard decorating either! Sometimes that's easier said than done:)

  14. Debra,
    What a gorgeous silver wreath . . .looks as if you are on your way to an exquisite nature inspire, winter wonderland theme!!! I kept the Christmas decor more simple last year, but this year we are hosting a Progresssive Christmas Brunch and our Family Christmas On Crooked Creek, so I've been going full steam ahead for two weeks!!! I'm nearing the finish line!!! I'll be back to see more of this gorgeous decor in the days ahead!!!

  15. The wreath is very lovely. Makes me want to get a can of spray paint and spray all my decorations white. Can't wait to see the rest of your decorating. God bless.


  16. Debra,
    Loving what you have done so far. I'm cutting back too...from three trees to one...if things don't get any better tonight with the lights on my just might be a tree with NO lights:(


  17. Gorgeous! I hear Christmas bells...:)

  18. What a gorgeous wreath! I look forward to seeing what else you do!

  19. Beautiful decorations. They look vintage and timeless.

  20. Oooh - I love rust and glitz mixed together! Lovely as always, Debra.

  21. Beautiful mirror and I love the Christmas touch you added to it. I'm kinda feeling the same way ... wanting to simplify and keep things natural. Hope your hubby's doctor visits go well!

  22. This is very beautiful, Debra! I love the silver glitter and the those large rusty bells. The shutter is such a great background for this lovely decoration.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Sending big hugs,

  23. Hi Deb, boy I am feeling the exact same way. My mother has been in and out of the hospital several times this month, and the situation has been so stressful. I want to enjoy the Christmas process, but I am also realizing less will be much more peaceful. I'm aiming for peaceful...
    Will be praying for you and your husband and all you have coming your way.

  24. That sounds like a great plan, Debra... Nothing wrong with simple, and I understand about not wanting to have too much to put away after Christmas.
    Ciao for now...

  25. it's a beautiful starting, debra:) i decided on less stuff, more white lights this year. hope your week is great!

  26. How funny that I was thinking the same way myself yesterday, Debra! I want to go all out, but I also want to keep it fairly simple. I feel like I'm debating with myself, but I'm finding that I'm leaving quite a bit in the bins. Plus, my style has changed over the years, so a lot of my decorations just don't fit in anymore. I think that when I'm putting things away after Christmas I will go through them all and donate some. Then maybe I can get some things that do fit in better at some of the after Christmas sales.

  27. Very pretty! I like the simple, natural look.

  28. It's refreshing to read your blog and see all of the others' comments. I was lamenting the "chore" of decorating while writing my post yesterday, so it's comforting to see that others share the same thoughts on simplifying. I'm too far gone to do it this year, but maybe next year?
    Heather from

  29. The silver garland, sparkley nest and rusty jingle bells have a serene, rustic appeal. Very lovely.

  30. Oh I do love that winters nest!!

    I am simplifying too- it is finally the year. I have done 4 rooms so far and none of my 5 big trees have even come out of their boxes! Enjoying the more simple look- I hope everyone else will too.

    bee blessed

  31. Love your choices here! The glittery silver with the nest and rusty bells...lovely!!!

  32. Just HAD to pin this gorgeousness!

  33. Gorgeous!!
    Have a super week.


  34. I am so determined to keep it simple this year ... can I do it ? ... don't think so, but will try. Your wreath is so beautiful and I am very impressed that simple things and nature is all it takes to make a bold statement, even a little rust helps. Thanks for sharing.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasure

  35. This is so pretty! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)


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