Friday, September 28, 2012

Vintage Inspiration # 107 Sophia's Decor

There are so many of us that think of Fall as our favorite season. I think it may be that we love our homes, decorating, and the idea of the warmth and comfort that the cooler seasons bring. We love Spring and Summer, but there's something about Fall that causes us to hunt and gather and then give our homes those special touches of nature that we only find at Harvest Time. Kristen from Sophia's has one of those blogs that is a constant source of inspiration to me. She has such an amazing sense of style, and it translates into each and every creative project she comes up with. This photo is quintessentially Fall in my book.

Kristen recently found this wonderful old planter box, 
and gave it an update with some paint and her personalized touch,
the "Friends and Family" hand painted on the side.

Kristen knows her way around a great paint project. She has just the right balance of color and distressing, taking vintage pieces and updating them with a modern trendy vibe.

Here, she brings organization to an art form
 with her wonderful office/studio.

The photo below of the bed she refurbished for her daughter,
is one of the attention grabbing posts that introduced me to her.

Kristen has generously shared her transfer techniques 
that give such an updated look to her wonderful chair makeovers.

Isn't this desk beyond gorgeous?

...and she still finds time to make wonderful jewelry!

If you haven't met Kristen from Sophia's Decor, then you'll want to go visit, and then be prepared to spend time going back through her blog for all the inspiration that this talented gal can whip up. Thanks so much Kristen, for being such a sweet gal and one of my DIY inspirations!!

Do you need some more inspiration? 
Here goes...

Autumn Shadowbox of found things
from Julia at Vintage with Laces

Take a peek at this wonderful new Penny Rug 
from  Sally at Salmagundi.
She explains some of the process, 
love the colors and fabrics; what a great graphic look!

Laura's Fall Mantle with this great Monogramed Burlap Canvas 
from White Spray Paint
(love ya, girl!)

and I just fell in love with this photo,
 "Tackling the Fall Mantel" from Tracey at Crow's Feet Chic

Seriously, you all are over the top fabulous. There's so much inspiration out here! Thanks so much for taking the time to come over here and party each week! You can link up to three posts, hopefully some will be Fall related so we can share all the Fall Fun. Please have a link back to Common Ground within your post to be featured.

And while you're out partying,
 check out these other wonderful  Friday party gals!

Have you entered the
 Goose Creek Candle Give Away? 
2 winners of a wonderful candle!

ends 9-30
Super easy to enter, just scroll down to the next post!

Now let's do some partying!
"Anything Vintage or Vintage Inspired"



  1. Truly gorgeous fall inspiration! Thank you for hosting.

  2. Beautiful photos, thanks for hosting!

  3. Thanks for hosting, Debra! I'm off to pay Kristen a visit!

  4. Oh my gosh Debra, I love it ALL!... I am going to make me one of those Autumn shadowboxes for sure with some of my treasures from the trail... love it!... Fall is the BEST time of all... joined in today with a cute vintage muffin tin with pumpkins centerpiece I made... hope you are having a gorgeous Autumn day... thanks for hosting!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Lovely features, Debra! Thanks so much for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  6. My little link was supposed to say Pumpkin "Muffins" but the "Muffins" did not show up... sorry!

  7. Thank you for hosting again Debra.
    I love the features from this week....especially the fall
    shadow box. I think I am going to try something like that with things from France!

  8. Gorgeous features! I've been out of blogging for 2 weeks, so I will be visiting galore! Thank you for hosting, so happy to be here! Hugs,

  9. Thank you for hosting this lovely event!

  10. Fabulous features!! The tabletop display is wonderful as are the rest of the inspiring fall ideas. Of course, I love Tracy's fun mantel with her signature crows stealing the show!! Thanks for hosting!

  11. Kristen does have wonderful blog and a very sweet gal too...great choice Debra.


  12. WOW - what incredible features!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting

  13. Love Sophia's home and projects. Great features and thanks for hosting.

  14. Sophia's is a great blog. How about that desk and her daughter's bed. Fabulous pieces. Thanks Debra for hosting. I never miss!

  15. Sophia's is a great blog. How about that desk and her daughter's bed. Fabulous pieces. Thanks Debra for hosting. I never miss!

  16. Kristen is such a talented blogger! Love the other features too. Fall is so nice to look at! Thanks Debra! xx

  17. Kristen is a great choice, Debra. Nice features. Thanks for hosting.

  18. What a world of inspiration there is at Sophia's! Love her style. I featured her today too. Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  19. Oh my goodness, so many gorgeous features. I love the desk, thanks for hosting Debra.

    The French Hutch

  20. That Kristen is one talented gal and love your amazing features. Happy to have something to link up this week. Thanks for hosting Debra!


  21. Thanks for featuring my penny rug - it was a fun project, and now I'm looked on wool applique! There are a great bunch of party participators today on Vintage Inspiration. Thanks for hosting. Sally

  22. I agree so many gorgeous features! Kristen is soooo talented! I'll be visiting her blog often. Thanks for hosting this party too Debra. Vanna

  23. Sophia's home is beautiful. Love that chair. Thanks so much for hosting, Debra.

  24. Debra,

    Thank you so so very much for featuring my blog and for all your sweet comments! You've made my day! You are an incredible source of inspiration to me as well and one of my favorite bloggers :)


  25. Kristin's home makes a fabulous feature!
    All the lovely features are so inspirational! Many thanks, my friend, for hosting!

  26. All of your guests are so talented; beautiful things here! Thanks for hosting!

  27. Beautiful inspirations!! Thanks so much for hosting!

  28. Hi Sweet
    Just beautiful... loved all the inspiration you found. I just love this time of year!
    Hope you are well

  29. Wow, she's amazing - LOVE her organization and adore that desk! I appreciate you hosting,

  30. As always, Debra, Thank you for hosting your fabulous party! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  31. love love love Sophia's
    projects and decor

    thanks so much for hosting!


  32. I linked up but realized nothing is vintage inspired in my post. If it is not appropriate, please let me know and will delete my link.
    I bookmarked Kristen's site so can go back and visit around when have a bit more time.
    Thanks for hosting again this week.

  33. Debra, Thanks so much for hosting a fun party every week. What inspirational features! Sophia is amazing.
    Thanks for sharing.


  34. Thank you so much Debra, for featuring my rusty ole tacklebox on the mantle. I think my Dad will just shake his head. :) There is so much great inspiration here... loving those gorgeous fall shadowboxes. I may just have to go on a big girl's treasure hunt for seed pods. Thanks for hosting! :)

  35. Debra, once again I am oooing and ahhhing at the photographs you share of some very talented bloggers! Heading over to check out those projects, and yes, that desk is just amazing. If I ever find something like that, I am keeping that for myself! Happy weekend. -K

  36. Thank you so much, Debra, for hosting the party for us today. I love the work that Kristen of Sophia's does, so a lovely feature on her, as well as the beautiful featured projects you selected for us this week--thank you!

  37. Hi Debra,
    Another great featured blog. I see that you featured Sally's fab penny rugs also. Love that Fall shadow box. Linked up. Thanks for hosting.

  38. Whoa, i'm inspired up one side, and down the other... ! What a bunch of charming and cute ideas. The shadow boxes, oh my, the monogram on burlap, the color on that dresser with the white handles... oh my head is too full of ideas now!


  39. Thank you Debra!
    You made my day.
    I am off to check out the blog you featured.



  40. Debra, Not only do you have an 'eye' for things in your lovely home, but also in picking your features! These are GREAT! Thanks for stopping by to see the kitchen! I am going to hang out here at Common Ground and catch up on all the beauty! Smiles, Christie Three Pixie Lane

  41. Just checked out Kristen's amazing blog.... another fabulous feature Debra. Thanks for hosting.

  42. Love the featured blog - she has a lot of great ideas!
    Thanks for hosting.

  43. Hi Debra,

    Whenever I visit your beautiful blog I always feel so much more inspired. Thanks for the gorgeous feature on Kristen. I am heading over to her neck of the woods ASAP. I also really loved Tracey's photo - her colours are magic!Will indulge in all the fabulous features this afternoon. Thanks for having me.

    Have a great weekend.


  44. I'm on it, starting today!!

    farmer's market tomorrow, brimming with white pumpkins and all the fixins'

    that's for another VIF!!!

  45. Love the post with all the vintage clocks! Thanks for hosting, Laura

  46. Hello dear Debra, Thank you so much for featuring my shadow box along with all the other great fall decorations! I'm so in love with Kristen's planter's box. What a wonderful eye catcher.
    I'm off to check out yesterday's links ...
    Happy weekend!
    Hugs to you,

  47. Oh Debbie, how lovely your posts have been. They have really been inspiring. Fall indeed is my favor season. I love the deep rich colors and never tire of them. Your fireplace and mantel are gorgeous. What a lovely job of decorating you have done, inspiring us all the way!

  48. Lovely and inspiring post, Fall is indeed very special! :) Thank you for taking us for an inspirational journey! :)


  49. Hi Debra, you've really picked some lovely features, everytime I come here I'm so amazed.
    Thanks again for making this kind of sharing possible.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss blog)

  50. Hello Debra,
    I'm a brand new party linker here and thank you for hosting.I have linked you to my posts #'s 167 and 168.Hope you'll have a chance to stop by.I will be catching up on your great blog over the weekend.
    I've got a "Hot Date" tonight!

  51. Thanks for hosting, Debra. Looking forward to lots of inspiration, just like this week's features.

  52. Swooning over all the inspiration! Thank you for hosting!

  53. Swooning over all the inspiration! Thank you for hosting!

  54. All those stuffs are well organized. Its truly incredible. Love all those alarm clocks collection. You'll never be late, that's for sure.
    website hosting australia


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