Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pumpkin Urn with Bittersweet

I've been on the hunt for the perfect white Pumpkin and some Bittersweet, and finally tracked down those elusive little berries yesterday at a local nursery. Wow, these are expensive little berries, and why haven't the manufacturers of  "all things faux" not come up with a version that looks real?

Now having my Bittersweet, I was able to decorate my Pottery Barn Urn on the coffee table. I put this Frenchy faux grain sack on the coffee table this Spring, to bring a little "rustic luxe" into the mix. Love that tagline...Rustic Luxe. Helps tone down the over-the-top white foo foo.

Also keeps the coffee table clutter from scratching the paint finish.

I don't know if I can keep the Bittersweet here, as I just read where it's toxic to our feline friends. OK, where's the faux stuff when you need it?

At least it looks pretty for the moment...

(This was the urns Summer look)

...cause look who's lurking?

"The Nibbler"

Linking up with:

Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
The Polohouse for Favorites on the First
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Finding Fall with FOLK Magazine
Make it Pretty Monday at the Dedicated House
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Open House Party at No Minimalist Here
Sweet and Simple Fridays at Rooted in Thyme
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Stuff and Nonsense
The Charm of Home
At the Picket Fence
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
Jennifer Rizzo

Hope you're having a great week,


  1. Debra ~ love the urn with your sweet white pumpkin and the bittersweet. When you find some faux bittersweet, let me know, because I love the look but can't have it in the house because of our new little feline ;-)

  2. Debra,
    I love the urn looks just marvelous
    Darling...I really like that grain sack runner/rug,your home always looks so nice and put together. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday my friend!

    Smiles & Blessings,

  3. Very pretty, Debra! Love that urn. I noticed that about the berries ~ I haven't seen any faux ones I like.

  4. Oooh, your bittersweet looks so pretty!... but it DOES look like "the nibbler" is interested in it too!... I caught Tessy biting off some of my faux berries one day and trying to eat them!!!... here we buy them the finest pet food in the world... and look what they try to eat!... love how your urn looks with the white pumpkin, and also love your coffee table with the birdcage... have fun decorating!... LOVE this time of year!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Debra:

    Lovely urn with the bittersweet. I have seen the faux many places.....

    Your coffee table looks lovely!

    Hope your are enjoying your weekend!

  6. What a beautiful urn; the white pumpkin is stunning in it, and the bittersweet gives the right amount of color. Very elegant! Thinking about planting a male and female next year, but I understand they are very invasive. Does anyone have any experience with the real stuff?

  7. How totally gorgeous everything Debrah! I'm loving your coffee table and the urn with the bittersweet. Great inspirations for fall here.

  8. Debra, bittersweet says fall to me. I usually buy it at the local grocery flower stand, but so far they don't have it in. It will last for years if not moved about a lot. I finally found some at Warrington last week - start of the Round Top shows. It's just a week in other parts of the country, so not sure why it is so expensive.
    Looks great with your white pumpkin and urns. I put it in vases, around pumpkins, etc. It is a sweet accent all around! ~ sarah

  9. OOOhh the urn with the bittersweet and pumpkin is beautiful!Luv the rusty patina :-)
    Shot of fireplace and coffee table is simply luvly!
    Thanks for sharing.. have a happy Sunday!
    Cheers, Gee

  10. Those little berries look lovely witht the Lumina Pumpkin Debra. I am having a problem getting hold of the larger white pumpkins this year in the UK. There doesn't see to be any shortage in the USA. I settle for this lovely post to console me :)

  11. Debra the urn looks beautiful! Love the whole vignette! Have a great week!

  12. Debra you fall vignette is so pretty.LOVE that burlap sack! Your urn looks amazing with that bittersweet! I too have a kitty who is quite noisy!Last year I bought bittersweet and found out that it is toxic to cats.I ended up shaking all of those pretty berries off and keeping those branches because I feared a berry would fall off and our tabby would eat it.She will eat anything and has.So I did not want to take a chance.

  13. Sigh! Everything looks beautiful, and I love your ideas. The bright pumpkin really pops out of your creamy urn! You're full of seasonal inspiration!

  14. looks great in the urn with the pumpkin but yes...put it up before the Nibbler gets it. The things we have to do without to keep our furry family safe.

  15. Every time I visit your blog I am determined to go "white". Love your house!

  16. Ok, now you've inspired me to get my birdcage down and dress her up for fall, too! Those berries are SUPER expenive! I've seen them at flea markets with a high mark up-- but they actually go into the woods and harvest them in secret places (so the Iowa Junk Gypsies, say!)They do add interest to your pumpkin...I like how she's elevated in the urn. Beautiful living room, Debra!

  17. This is so pretty, Debra! I don't think we grow bittersweet up here. Maybe you can incorporate your urn on something higher to keep it from the kitty (unless they can climb!!). Your coffee table looks so cute!


  18. I wonder if that's why it's called bittersweet? Cause it's bitter to felines. That cat looks very likely to sneak on over there whilst you're not looking. Better put the expensive berries where it can't be gotten into before long.

  19. Debra, your urn is so pretty. In fact, the whole vignette is wonderful! The bittersweet is a lovely touch.

  20. well, i'm new here - i think this is the first time i've commented. i really like the look of your room - and i'm really loving that urn/pumpkin arrangement. I have something similar shared on my FB page - no urn - but white pumpkins with bittersweet. I think I'm going to have a whack at something like this. . . I'm lucky - i have my own personal source of bittersweet. . . shhhhh!
    I'm going to follow your blog - so i'll get to see more!

  21. Love the urn, love anything PB, the pumpkin and urn go great together! I found faux bittersweet at the GW a couple years ago so they do make it but where it came from I don't know:)

  22. Looks fab in that great urn! If you were going for a slightly spooky theme, a black urn and a white pumpkin would look great! ... Nice pumpkin decorating ideas!

  23. Debra,
    Your pumpkin entwined within the urn and bittersweet looks amazing on the coffee table, dear friend! I adore how it brings out the hues in your newly covered sofa pillows!!!
    Thanks for the tip to see Robins' Vintage Nest!!! It was so exquisite!!! Seeing the Tea Room and the centerpiece that I fell in LOVE with from your blog post made my visit divine!!!

  24. The bittersweet is so pretty with the urn and pumpkin! Here's hoping that you can find some faux to enjoy!

  25. Beautiful urn! The bittersweet just pops with color. You know, I saw a field of white pumpkins this past weekend...and they looke pretty even in the field still. Lovely! ; )

  26. I had to look up bittersweet as I had never heard of it before, but LOVED your photographs of it with the white pumpkin.

  27. Your coffee table vignette is beautiful! I just found some bittersweet in the wild yesterday, FREE. Don't stop looking for faux bittersweet; I found some a few years ago, so I know it's out there!


  28. This is just beautiful, Debra! I love the look of the leaves and bittersweet under the pumpkin...I'm inspired!

  29. I just love your soft style Debra! Such a great idea for a pumpkin! By putting it in that FABULOUS urn it has become the center of attention!!!
    Beautiful vignette!

  30. so pretty, Debra! I am such a sucker for urns. Love em! Your fall look is so simple and pretty. Thanks for your visit and sweet comment. :) I hope to get my Etsy shop restocked today and link up to your Marketplace party!

  31. Beautifully done. Very inspriring.

  32. Fabulous urn with the white pumpkin and bittersweet. Don't get me started about bittersweet. :) I NEVER see any fresh here in the Atlanta area, and not even faux! I'll just enjoy looking at yours and keep wishing.

  33. No bittersweet here. I will enjoy yours. It's all a delight.

  34. I looks so pretty and perfectly Pinnable!

  35. Wow, just enough colour without being jarring! It's too bad you can't keep the bittersweet there but I know I wouldn't risk it. Maeve eats everything! ~ Maureen

  36. What a beautiful living room vignette you've created, Debra. That urn is gorgeous, and I really love the transferware gravy boat as well! The grain sack as a tablecloth is a lovely accent for the entire grouping. I hope you have a fantastic week!

  37. your pumpkin and trimmings in the rusty urn! It looks perfect! Beautfiul!

  38. all so fun and wonderful.
    LOVE that painting in the fireplace.
    hugs and blessings

  39. Everything looks so pretty. I love the touches of orange. I never really liked orange but I'm loving it this Fall.
    Have a great day!

  40. Stunning, Debra! Your entire space is droolworthy! And, I love your pumpkin nestled in your lovely urn! Look forward to seeing more!

  41. Everything in your room is so pretty and inviting. LOVE the urn! I second your question about bittersweet - can't find any decent faux and the real stuff is crazy expensive.

  42. This is one of my favorite punkin displays so far! And... i want that urn! I am so going to be on the hunt for an urn just like yours now...


  43. The entire room is gorgeous! Love the whites with splashes of color. Such style. . .

  44. Love your urn Debra and the pumpkin and bittersweet are perfect with it. Of course, it could be pretty any season of the year. Can't wait to see what is next for it.

  45. Adore the rusty have a magnificent home. Thanx for sharing, Tiffany

  46. Hi Debra!

    What a beautiful setting.

    I can just imagine sitting in that lovely room with the vaulted ceiling. You have such an eye for putting things together so very pleasingly! Dreamy!

    I love bittersweet too but did not know it was not good to have around our pets.
    Thanks for the heads up.

    Every fall my mother used to stop and park along a busy highway near where I grew up while I would wait in the car.She would scoot up the steep hillside on the road and clip big bunches of this wild rambling vine! Oh, the crazy things we do to decorate!!! (It's in my blood as you can see.)

    Have loved it ever since.
    Thanks for sharing your vignette, Debra!


  47. Debra, I love the use of urns in decorating for any season. Yours looks beautiful with the white pumpkin and bittersweet. LOVE it!
    Mary Alice

  48. Debra I just love it all. That is a great idea to keep scratches off the table. If I had only thought of that when we bought a new table three years ago. Two boys later we really need a new one. I also love your bird cage! I have one as well and just adore it. Thanx for coming to party at my place for THT!

  49. Debra I just love it all. That is a great idea to keep scratches off the table. If I had only thought of that when we bought a new table three years ago. Two boys later we really need a new one. I also love your bird cage! I have one as well and just adore it. Thanx for coming to party at my place for THT!

  50. The bittersweet with the white pumpkin! wow, so pretty.

  51. As always, it all looks so lovely Debra. I especially love the rustic birdcage. Thanks for linking up this week at Shabbilicious Friday.

  52. As always, it all looks so lovely Debra. I especially love the rustic birdcage. Thanks for linking up this week at Shabbilicious Friday.

  53. It's absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  54. Love your room. It's so beautiful.

  55. Love your space it's just beautifully decorated. You sure have a great eye for details. I am your newest follower and can't wait to look around your place some more.

  56. I am completely blown away with your talent. It is just a breath of fresh air.

  57. Debra, Your home is absolutely gorgeous. You are extremely talented and I loved seeing your Fall look. Beautiful as always.

  58. Debra, Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. It's so beautiful how you put together a birdcage, white pumpkins and your stunning mantel. So brilliant! Love the "The Nibbler".


  59. Debra your urn with the bittersweet and pumpkin is perfection! Love this old urn. Would love to come across one with this patina. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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