Friday, June 8, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #91 Confessions of a Plate Addict

First of all I want to say a big ThankYou to everyone that left a comment on my last post about my new dining room chair slips. I loved reading them! I think you might like those slips almost as much as I do!!

And now I want to aim the spotlight on a sweet and talented gal, Debbie and her blog "Confessions of a Plate Addict"; don't you love the name? I'm sure that most of you know her and are fans. As a retired French teacher she even lived in France for a year, so her blog reflects her love for all things French Country. I first found Debbie because of her wonderful collection of Quimper French Faience pottery; a love we both share.

 But I have a question...
Is there anything this woman cannot do?

How about a Pottery Barn inspired birdcage pillow
that she shared last week...

(she is the queen of graphics transfers on fabric)

or my personal favorite,
the Le Mouton pillow...
(does she know how much I love my sheep?)

Here is another creation,
 her faux grain sack runner with some of her wonderful Faience.

Faux pumpkins decoupaged with paper or fabric
(she can do it and then end up being featured in Country Living!)

Oh yes, she was one of the first to make a burlap tablerunner. 

decoupaged eggs...?

French Script candles...?

And don't EVEN get me started on this little tabletop box
that she morphs into something more fabulous with each new season!

see what I mean?

One of my favorite parts of Debbie's blog, 
and a continuous source of endearing humor,
are her amazing companions and "staff".
They help her create all the fabulous projects that she shares with us. 
I tell ya, I wish my girls were half as talented as her group!

And speaking of my "girls",
we attended Baby Kitty's Birthday Party a few years ago...
it truly was the Cat's Meow!!
(isn't he handsome...and so smart.

So, if for some reason you don't know Debbie, French teacher and Francophile extraordinaire, then it's time for a visit. You never know what kind of project she'll be working on next, but I can guarantee it will be worth Pinning! Thanks Debbie for keeping us inspired. Wait to see what she has in store for this week!

I cannot keep up with all the wonderful inspiration you all bring to the table each week! I could feature all of you! Here are just a few from last week:

Ellen the Scribbler Unfocused, shared a tablescape of yellow on yellow.
You have to see all the photos, this room is wonderful!

Pam from Backwoods Cottage
used a church pew as her inspiration for this great bench. 

An Old Dresser from Bella's Rose Cottage
 has been turned into a wonderful planter.
 Be sure you see how she put it all together.

And Candylei from Westie, Art and Garden
 photographed her lovely daughter in an Edwardian dress
on a beautiful bucolic afternoon.

Thank you everyone for joining in for Vintage Inspiration.
Please be sure you put a link back to Common Ground within your post,
since I choose my features based on your linky. So be sure and link back!

And be sure and visit these other great Friday Parties

So let's see what you're up to!


  1. Hi Deb....hope you are having a great week. Joined in the party!

  2. Thank you for hosting this wonderful party, the features of Debbie are really great, her work is truly amazing and inspiring.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting. I love looking through all of the links. So many beautiful things to see!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting again this week.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  5. What a beautiful feature of Confessions of a Plate Addict. It was one of the first blogs I ever found, and I've been enjoying it ever since, too. Thank you for hosting your wonderful party today.

  6. Your features were some of my favorites from last week! I have to agree with you that there are so many "pro level" posts out there now. Thanks once again Debra. xx

  7. Great feature on Debbie! I'm as addicted to her pillows as I am her plates!

  8. I am SO Jealous of ladies with ALL THAT ENERGY "AND Know what to do with it"!!! AHHH, she is SO Talented!
    Thank you SO Much for the Fun you present us with each week...
    Have a wonderful weeks end,
    Big Hugs,

  9. I love the blog Confessions of a plate addict! I'm a pretty new follower of hers, but I've loved everything that I've seen on there so far. Thanks so much for hosting this link party! ~ Jamie

  10. Hello Debra, yes - she's incredibly talented and inspiring! Wonderful spotlight and amazing features - I do appreciate you being a gracious hostess,

  11. I do, indeed, know Debbie and am a big fan, Debra! She is very talented and comes up with great ideas ~ and she shares! Love your features for last week. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Debbie - I am a personal friend of Debbie, and let me tell you she is one of the sweetest and kindest and gentlest souls you will ever know. She has beautiful eyes, and the prettiest Southern drawl. I am from the South too, but I love that Georgian drawl. She is so dear to me. We have been encouraging her for sometime to put together an e-book of her many talents, which never cease to amaze me. But, she is a dedicated and extremely loving grandmother who takes her duties very seriously. That is way more important right now, so we will have to just suffice with her blog posts. If you don't follow her blog, by all means I suggest you do!

  13. Yes, Debbie is quite talented. I love the things she whips up. Great features and thanks for hosting.

  14. Oh, Debra! You are such a sweetie to feature my blog! Thanks so much for the shout out and the kind words! I appreciate your allowing us to come here and post each are such a wonderful hostess! My staff sends lots of hugs and kisses to your girls! Thanks again!...hugs...Debbie

  15. Thank you for featuring Debbie the plate addict. She is quite talented!

  16. Hi Debra! Thanks for hosting ~ I've just linked up. Debbie has a wonderful blog, doesn't she? And I love all the items you featured today.

    Hope to see you tomorrow at my WEDDING BLOG PARTY! There will even be a little bridal giveaway!


  17. Debbie is an unbelievable talented person..I just love seeing her posts pop up on my email, thinking, "what fantastic thing has she done now"....all of her creations are remarkable!

    Wonderful features from last week...I so enjoyed them all...Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting!

  18. Yes, I know Debbie. Love her. Thanks for hosting, Debra. Nice feature.

  19. Hi Debra, no I don't think there is anything that girl can't do. I have not visited her in quite some time. I must hop over. Love the other features also. The dresser is to die for and that cutie in white is so sweet!

  20. Debra, thanks for hosting every week :)Lovely features as always!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  21. Wow! Debbie the plate addict is awesome! I am truly amazed at the talent she has and is an inspiration to all of us. She is totally gifted at everything she touches. Thanks for the feature of her. I love coming to your parties Debra and seeing all the wonderful blogs out there. Have a wonderful week!


  22. Love Debbie's blog - she's one creative gal!

  23. Thanks so much for hosting Debbie! XO, Aimee

  24. Oh I so agree about Debbie being a total genius and she can do anything. Also, she is one of the sweetest ladies in the entire world. Loved all of her highlights. Thanks for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  25. Thank you so much! Good heavens, I am speechless at even being on the same page with Debbie and the others. Thanks for hosting this great party each week, and for writing a great blog yourself.

  26. I enjoy visiting Debbie and seeing all of her projects! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and for hosting this lovely party!

  27. I've been a fan and follower of Ms. Plate Addict for awhile now. She has mad skills!! Thanks for hosting.

  28. Beautiful features Debra! Thanks for hosting us! :-)

  29. That outdoor dresser is just dreamy. So, so lovely. Thank you for sharing the beautiful features. Visiting your blog always makes me feel so relaxed. Have a great weekend. -K

  30. thanks so much for hosting Debra! And thanks for your sweet comments yesterday- how fun that we both had the same projects going on! :) I loved seeing the construction of yours- it gives me some ideas for another project I have coming up that has arms I need to work around. Have a great weekend! Love the blog feature, I will check her out!

  31. I love Debbie's blog too. She is very talented and oh so chic! Love Baby Kitty too. Thanks for hosting Debra!!

    Susan and Bentley

  32. All your images are so charming and your features feel as inspiring as you are. Thanks for sharing them with us and making it all so lovely in the process.

  33. Hi Debra,
    Thanks so much for the feature!! Happy Friday to you :)

  34. I have to check out her blog! Thanks for hosting!

  35. Hi Debra, Debbie is so talented and on top of that she is such a sweetheart! Thanks for hosting.

  36. oh my goodness

    that Edwardian linen dress
    is simple gorgeous

    thanks for hosting Debra
    and have a wonderful weekend

    all linked up!


  37. Hi Debra! Love your features and those dining chair slipcovers are gorgeous!!! Thanks for hosting!

  38. Deb is beyond talented, she is so clever and always finds the best deals at GW and applies them to her home in a beautiful and tasteful manner. There is never a dull moment on her blog, one of my favorites. I am one of the lucky bloggers that can call her a dear friend. I live in California but I have had the opportunity of spending time with her on two occasions. I have to admit, it was one the highlights in my life. She is a jewel and a wonderful friend, indeed, KATHYSUE

  39. Debra, thanks for coming over to visit and comment at Quirky Vistas. You are so sweet to take the time. I enjoyed hearing your thoughts!

  40. Debra ... what wonderful features! I LOVED them all...
    I was overwhelmed by Debbie's projects and even though I've been following her I've some how managed to miss out on so many of them. I'll definitely be paying closer attention.
    I did see your wonderful slipcovers last week and loved them as well. You always inspire!
    Thank you for hosting this wonderful party!

  41. I super duper covet your dining room chair slipcovers, btw!
    Thank you for hosting, Debra!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  42. Great feature!!! Debbie is so very talented! :)

    Thanks for hosting!

  43. Debbie is so talented...I feel like such a slacker! Fun post. Happy Friday!

  44. Debbie is amazingly talented! Great feature!
    Thanks so much for hosting, Debra!!

    Have a great weekend!

  45. thanks for hosting Debra! I tell you Debbie is one talented lady! I always enjoy her projects. Great features too.

  46. Thanks for the reminder of all Debbie's talents. I haven't visited there in a while and will have to hop on over. I lived in Alexandria, VA 15 or so years ago and there was a Quimper Faience store. Each piece took my breath away! I always love your link party.

  47. Thank you for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend xox

  48. Thank you Debra for featuring one of my photographs!! This is such a fun place to be and so much talent gathers here thanks to you and your hard work!

  49. Thank you Debra for featuring one of my photographs!! This is such a fun place to be and so much talent gathers here thanks to you and your hard work!

  50. thank you for hosting I do like her pillows!

  51. Great features!!! Love your new chair slips....they are GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful party :O)

  52. Debra I adore these pillows and the French Script candles!! So many beautiful images!

    Anita's Parisian Party
    Art by Karena


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