Friday, March 30, 2012

Vintage Inspiration # 81 RePurposed Garden Cart

I've always loved Creeping Phlox in the Spring. The purples, lavenders, pinks and whites spilling over rock walls and borders have always been a favorite, but something I never had any luck with. Maybe they didn't get enough water, maybe they had too much hot sun, who knows, I've tried many times, just never could get them to flourish...until now.

I planted this old garden cart last year with phlox, some daffodils and a couple of pots of hyacinths. I'd seen one of these filled at Spring Creek Tea Room on the porch, and the glorious color of delicate blooms came back year after year.

This was taken a few days ago when the last of the daffodil blooms was still fresh.

 This was last March, a year ago exactly that I finally put that cart to good use,
instead of just sitting under the deck looking forlorn and neglected.

Take a look at those sad little treadless wheels...

but I think it's happy now, I know it's made ME happy!!

OK, enough about my mediocre green thumb,
 let's see what was happening last week:

Maria from Rusty Hinge shares some wonderful photography 
and her gorgeous display of branches in her old ice cream bucket!

Carrie from Comfortably Carried Away created this 
Bee themed dresser from a Craigs List freebie.
Oh, wait till you see the top!

Home is Where the Boat Is wows me every time, 
Take a look at this wonderful post featuring a vintage seed box.

Cindy from Cloches and Lavender creates 
an amazing wall hanging out of two table leaves, 
You have to see what she started with!

shares her love of ironstone with her newest find.

And Daune from Cottage In the Oaks who is my newest sponsor,
 shares an amazing take on furniture that is totally functional.
Gotta see what this baby is storing!

stay tuned for a  great Give Away coming this weekend!

and  if you haven't yet entered the Give Away
 from Leslie Janson then click here
(you have until Sunday at midnight to enter)

I'll be joining these weekend parties:

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Potpourri Friday at 2805
Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence
Simple and Sweet at Rooted in Thyme
Fridays Unfolded at Stuff and Nonsense

Hope you'll join in for Vintage Inspiration
please have a visible link within your post
 to let everyone else know where to party.
And if you've been featured at any time at VIF,
Feel free to grab a "featured at" button.

Vintage Inspiration Friday

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  1. Your cart is lovely! I love that plant too. Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  2. Your flower cart is already spilling over the sides! Beautiful!

  3. Love the features, Debra. Thanks for hosting.

  4. Debra, I love your little cart with the Creeping Phlox planted in it. So Cute! Thanks for hosting.

  5. Hi Debra~ Love the new life you gave your planted garden cart! Thanks so much for the feature~ I'm honored and in such good company! Thanks for hosting :)

  6. I LOVE your garden cart! And I also love creeping phlox!! So beautiful! My hubby picked up a child's vintage wheelbarrow for me last year at a yard sale and it's so cute! Thanks for hosting! :)

  7. I've been lovin' looking at everyone's pretty Spring gardens. Beautiful. I linked up my slipcovered books ;). Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hi lovely lady.
    Your flowers in your cart is Beautiful for Spring. Thanks so much for hosting your linky party.
    XXOO Diane

  9. Thanks for hosting Debra! Lovely phlox, I love them too, just wished the phlocked longer LOL!

  10. That cart looks great! Thanks for hosting this lovely party. Megan

  11. That cart looks great! Thanks for hosting this lovely party. Megan

  12. Beautiful... not planting here yet, I am tempted but not going to give in!
    Your little red cart is awesome.
    Loved your features this week also
    Blessings this week

  13. your garden cart looks just stunning, I can't beleive how much it grew, the daffoldils in it are such a beautiful touch, I love blue with yellow.You always have the most beautiful photos,

  14. Wow, what a difference a year makes, Debra! Your cart is just adorable, and you are right, it does indeed look happy! And so does the phlox:) I need to check out your features from last week, I am totally in love with those gorgeous hangings made from table leaves!!

  15. Debra, those painted table leaves are fabulous. Thanks for hosting.

  16. I'm going to make a way to visit this whole gang!!

    thanks for the party ... linked up

  17. Such beautiful pictures! I just love that cart!
    xo Becca

  18. Oh your phlox looks gorgeous in the garden cart. Mine is in full bloom too. Such lovely features, as always! Thank you for hosting Debra!


  19. Your little red cart looks so cute full of beautiful phlox!
    Thank you for hosting VIF each week. Appreciate all the time and effort it involves.
    Mary Alice

  20. Great job on your little garden cart. I might have to give that idea a try, as I too, have had trouble growing Creeping Phlox
    ( which is supposed to be pretty easy to grow) Hmmmm.... go figure.

  21. Your phlox is picture perfect in that cart, Debra! I'd be overjoyed! I'm glad you have spring busting out all over! Good work!

  22. Love the cart!!! Glad to be a part of your party! XO, Aimee

  23. Debra, The garden cart makes a great spring "show"!
    I love the how creeping Phlox spills over the side. I think we have an old cart stored somewhere, thanks for the inspiration……Lovely features. Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  24. Your cart is so beautiful with the Phlox spilling out!!!! Thank you for featuring me this are so sweet :o) Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party too!

  25. your garden cart is darling, debra:) thanks for hosting us!

  26. What a sweet cart!! I love it.

    Thank you for the party!


  27. Hi Debra!! I am loving that darling garden cart of yours!!! :) I'm all linked up~ thanks for hosting!!

  28. Your garden cart is very cute, and the flowers are lovely!

    This is my first time joining your linky party - thanks for hosting!

  29. Oh I love that little garden cart!! I had one just like that except it was green and you have me wondering if we brought it with us when we moved!! Gotta ask hubby!

    Thank you for another great party!

  30. Looks like we have something in common this week! I am in love with that Garden Cart too! Happy Weekend. -K

  31. great party! Love your little wheel barrel.

  32. Your phlox (I call it thrift) is gorgeous in that wheel barrow. You did good. I lost some to the horrid heat too.

  33. I love your flower "cart"..the flowers are so beautiful...and great features this week..I enjoyed all of them again..Thank you for hosting!

  34. Your flower cart is looking so happy with its gorgeous blooms.
    Love all your features. Thanks Debra for hosting every week.

  35. Cute garden cart! My friend had one just like it, but she still used it as a cart, and I always thought she should have done something more clever with yours. Thanks for hosting. Little Bit

  36. I have one of those little carts! Mine is orange :) Thanks for the party Debra! Your features are wonderful, I really need to go see what's behind the curtain now...

  37. Love that wheel barrel.Looks so pretty with your flowers.I just found one at a thrift store.I think I may use mine for a herb garden.Thanks for hosting.

  38. Love your use of the old garden cart, I want to source a second hand one for a similar purpose :)

  39. I can't believe how lovely this is and how much it grew since you planted it. The cart is adorable.
    Congratulations on the greening up of the thumb...maybe there is hope for me after all!!
    Thanks for hosting.

  40. I don't think you are giving yourself enuough credit....look how those plants are thriving:-)

    Thanks for always hosting and am always glad when I have something to share. Also thanks so much for the words of encouragement about my photography....there is still soooo much to learn.

    Enjoy your weekend my friend,

  41. Thanks so much for hosting. I'm a new follower. Peggy

  42. What a gorgeous planter that cart turned out to be! Happy VIF!

  43. Debra, Your garden cart is absolutely gorgeous with all that phlox. I love that creeping plant. It just screams Spring! I used to have an old wheel barrow that I planted flowers in. I left it at the house I moved from but sure wish I'd taken it with us when we did move.

    Also, wanted you to know that my girls absolutely loved their necklaces you made them. They've worn them several times and gotten compliments every time. So, thank you again! They were very much a hit! Even my non blingy girl loved the little touch of the rhinestones!


  44. Your little cart is delightful,but the little gate behind it leaning against the fence is so nice too. I have always wanted one to put somewhere in my garden,so that it looks like there is more garden beyond,as we only have a small garden.
    Other pics lovely too. x

  45. Just a tad bit late:( Thanks for hosting Debra!


  46. Dearest Debra, I love your sweet garden cart filled with the most beautiful phlox, they seem so happy to grow exatly there -guarded and with their heads in the sun, what a happy sight.
    Wish you a beautiful week-end.

  47. I've never had much luck with phlox (or anything for that matter) but am going to try this! Of course I won't have as cute a container!
    Have a great weekend!

  48. Thanks for the feature, Debra! Happy Weekend!

  49. Love all the inspiration. Thank you for hosting.

  50. As usual great features, and as usual when I have nothing to link I spend the day looking at the ones who do!


  51. Beautiful features!!!
    Many thanks for hosting

  52. Phlox from one year to the next - lovely maturity. Thanks for hosting. I am no. 166 link today.

  53. The explosion of color from your cart this spring must be so gratifying! Nothing says spring to me like the bright Easter Egg colors of creeping phlox. Beautiful idea!

  54. Oh! I was so excited by your phlox, I forgot to thank you for hosting this great party. Thank you!

  55. Your garden cart is blossoming nicely! Loads of inspiration here. Sometimes my mind goes on overload with all the projects and inspiration. Maybe I've been on Pinterest way too much!


  56. Your cart is beautiful...I love the way the flowers spill over the edge!!! Thanks for the party...great features!!!

  57. Thanks for hosting! Have an incredible weekend!

  58. What a great use for an old garden cart. The purple phlox looks so fresh. Thanks so much for hosting.

  59. Such a cute idea to use an old lawn cart to plant flowers in. Very retro and vintage like! Your flowers are gorgeous.

  60. Sooo much inspiration here! Thanks for sharing & organizing!

  61. The garden cart is soooo pretty. I have one of those but it is in pretty bad shape. Thank you for hosting.

  62. Just found you through Vilabarnes and I love this party and your blog. Your cart looks wonderful I linked up to your party this week and am following you now on both GFC and as a LF.

    Have a great weekend!!!

  63. I love your darling garden cart Debra. So darn cute!!!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    sending hugs...

  64. LOVE the cart and all of the plants you added! What a difference a year makes:) Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  65. I too, have always loved phlox but have not had much luck. Perhaps my problem was planting them in the ground. I shall have to find a red cart and my luck may turn. Darling idea. Can you just imagine what next year will bring? You probably won't know it is a RED cart. Keep us posted.


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