Monday, February 13, 2012

Living Room Re-Paint

What a week!
We finally were able to finish up the painting
 in the Living Room this weekend.

I knew it would be a big job...and it was!

These photos were taken just as it was getting dark tonight,
so they aren't the best,
I was just anxious to share the results.

Hopefully on a bright day I'll be able to take better ones.

I'm really happy with the change.
The sofas and drapes now stand out
 instead of being lost in a sea of tan.

We had one minor problem, and that was with our very old armoire.
moving it around on the sliders, 
we still managed to break one of the rollers,
which threw everything off.
That's why it's not centered correctly.

It will have to be unloaded of all the electronics and repaired.
I just wasn't up to it right at the moment...

Here's the before color, still really pretty,
just wanted to go lighter.

The girls are glad it's done too,
although, they had lots of fun hiding and chasing
in all the clutter and mess.
and I'm glad to get out of my painting clothes...
scary, very scary.

no more big projects,
at least for a couple of days!

joining in with these parties:
Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Cowgirl Up at Cedar Hill Ranch
White Wednesday at Faded Charm
Tuesday's Treasures at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Share the love Wednesday at Very Merry Vintage Style
Power of Paint at Domestically Speaking
House Party at No Minimalist Here



  1. I love it. Thinking about going white too. Clean look.

  2. It must be the midwinter blues that have everybody wanting to brighten things up in their homes. Your space looks bright and cheerful. You had a lot of wall space to paint, and now you can sit back and enjoy the view!!

  3. I like it - a lot! You have so many pretty accessories to decorate with.
    Think I am going a shade of white when I ever get around to painting my bedroom.
    Hope you had a nice weekend.

  4. I really like how it turned out. I like the before too. I know you must be glad to have it finished. Now you can kick back and enjoy the pretty results!

  5. Looks beautiful Debra. I really do love how it brightened it up.

  6. Debra,

    Wow... looks wonderful. I'm taking a break to take my mind somewhere pretty ( hospital room is not..)
    and the paint/accessories moved around in the room are beautiful ! It's amazing what a tiny bit more contrast will do.

    Looks like the hard work was well worth the effort !


  7. debra, everything looks so fresh and bright...very nice! i know how hard you have been working, so why don't you do what i would do with the crooked cupboard...that is, just stick a shimmy stick under it and fix it later (much later) one will notice, he he.

  8. Debra, it all looks gorgeous! You're right your sofas just pop now! I just love it! I'm now following on Linky Follower.

  9. I like the lighter color too, feels fresh and ready for spring.


  10. I like the lighter white better than the tan...I think you made the right decision. YOu will be able to live with this forever. I like how the other things stand out now, the clock, the paintings and the armoire (off center or not). Great job...and I laughed about the scary painting clothes! ya, I have a set too.

  11. As great as it looked b4 looks fabulous now!
    I know what it feels like to have change! & love it!
    Enjoy your wonderful have amazing pieces!
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. I liked it before, too, Debra, but it really did come out nice! I hope you will be taking some time off and relax. Maybe plop on one of those couches and just enjoy all your hard work!

  13. Debra

    its absolutely gorgeous. everything is so beautiful. What a refreshing thing to accomplish. Have a great week


  14. Nice update and yes, everything seems to pop more.

  15. Love the new wall color is just beautiful!!! I can only imagine how happy you must be to have such a huge job complete :o)

  16. Beautiful Debra, I'm liking lighter and brighter these days too! So worth all the hard work!

  17. Beautiful! Love the white and cream combo.

  18. Debra, I can't tell you enough how beautiful your living room is. I love the earth tone colors combined with creams and creamy whites! gorgeous!!

  19. I just painted my master bedroom so I know the work involved, but your room is so much bigger and has many more pretty things in it to move. I love it all...I wish i could be in your room and see it all up close. I would have such fun.

  20. Wow Deb, it just looks beautiful. You really outdid yourself on the painting but it has paid off. The look is just wonderful. Looks like a magazine. I love it when a project turns out good. Your painting project just turned out amazing. Yay!

  21. Both are very pretty but the new color is SO fresh and bright. Love it!

  22. Hi Debra, The tan color was lovely but being in my "white-phase", I like the new look even better :-). Your girl is such a cutie!
    Have a wonderful week!

  23. I'll bet the room feels a 100 times larger! I love your decorating... those littl ewhite chairs with the small table are exquisite! So delicate, yet inviting. andrea@townandprairie

  24. It looks gorgeous. Your home is beautiful.

    Hugs Bente

  25. It looks wonderful! I love the light paint and your high ceilings.

  26. I love it! So bright! Thanks for sharing JoAnn

  27. I think the armoire looks great! It is centered exactly under the pitch of the ceiling. I think it would look odd centered on the wall. I love the color!

  28. Debra, your living room looks gorgeous! I think it looks amazing all lightened up now - SO worth all of your work and effort. I want to do this to my living/dining room too!

  29. wow..what a lovely home you have..i cant even imagine living in such a beautiful space.

  30. Your living room is lovely. I think the best accessory in the room is that sweet little kitty.

  31. I am enjoying this post.I have the same color on my walls as you did.And I am going to be painting my walls a light color too.I am not looking forward to it as it will be my WHOLE house.And I will be doing this solo.I know I will be beautiful when I am done.But I am not looking forward to it.Thank you for your inspiration.

  32. I've been following along and I have to say, this really looks great! It is so light and airy! All of your beautiful pieces stand out perfectly! Nice choice of "color". :)

  33. Looking soooooo pretty! There is something about a freshly painted room that makes me smile:) Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  34. What a gorgeous space, Debra! I love the light color and understand wanting to go lighter! That second photo looks like it came out of a magazine! I know all about scary paint clothes...I have an old flannel shirt my husband wore 30 years ago, so many colors of paint all over it from so many paint projects...I'm actually pretty attached to it now LOL!

  35. Debra, you just have a way!!

    thanks to you for always inspiring ...


  36. Looks so fresh, light and bright. I know what you mean sometimes you just need to freshen a room up a bit. Your hard work turned out great. What a beautiful home you have!

  37. Just perfect, dear Debra-you have mede yourself the most beautiful room.

  38. Debra, the room looks like a magazine spread!!! It looks so light and airy and charming.
    I give it 2 days at the most before you are up to your elbows in the next project!

    Happy Valentine's Eve!

  39. You adorable knutt, of course it is eight kinds of gorgeous. Please tell me you are going to rest now. xoxo, olive

  40. Love the new color! I am now following you on the new Linky tool! Hope you will follow me back!

  41. Looks great Debra!
    Oh...and you don't want to see me in my paintin' clothes!

  42. What a big job, it looks real pretty! Very Frenchy, I love the look!

  43. I love your living room Debra! The new paint looks wonderful! ~Delores

  44. your painting clothes are not your everyday clothes?! It looks fabulous! Whoever said white was cold and sterile?

  45. It looks amazing. It is a huge room, so that was a ton of work for sure. Everything looks so pretty and I love the lighter color. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  46. Looks beautiful, light and bright but still cozy and warm. Thanks for sharing.

  47. So Beautiful in every way
    worth all the hard work
    Great job and pretty pic's too

  48. You have done a great job! It looks wonderful with the new paint. Everything you do always looks beautiful, my friend.

  49. Debra,

    What a wonderful room!! So beautiful!

  50. I'm impressed at how "together" it all is - so quickly! Your things do stand out nicely. :)

  51. What a job, but it sure looks nice with the lighter walls.
    Mary Alice

  52. It looks absolutely beautiful Debra! I know that was a ton of work but it paid off and your drapes and other pieces really do pop now against the new color! :-)

  53. Gorgeous, Debra!!!! I love what that new color did for your lovely room! Wow! :)

    xoxo laurie

  54. it would be scary. It's looks tremendous! a perfect background for your lovely things.


  55. What a beautiful room! It was gorgeous before but now gorgeous, lighter and brighter!

  56. It looks beautiful. I would love to do the same, but painting my living room actually requires scaffolding. I guess I'll just live vicariously through your gorgeous room. :)

  57. What a beautiful room. What a lot of work I'm sure it was. Love the lighter shade.

  58. Your room is so pretty--the paint makes it perfect, I think. I adore your clock, and your kitty is as cute as they come.

  59. Debra, I love how it looks , and you are right the sofas have so much warmth to them with the lighter walls. What a gorgeous room you have there . Lots of great things to look at. Your blog is better than a magazine! It never disappoints.

  60. Your photos look nice! I love the white walls...I've always been stuck on slightly off white walls because everything always looks so good against them. Your room turned out just beautiful!!!

  61. Huge job, great result. Your right, the furniture pops now.

  62. That looks like it was quite a job with those high peaks. It turned out lovely. Your furniture does stand out nicely against the white.

  63. Girly...YOU KNOW I LOVE IT! Especially those chairs dripping in white covers. YUmmmmmeeeee!


  64. I like it. What color of paint did you use? I have been trying colors and they look so different when I get them home than in the paint store.

  65. Beautiful! I feel as if I've just been transported to the French countryside. You have exquisite taste!
    Great Job!

  66. Debra, The new lighter paint color is wonderful! The room looks beautiful. Thank you for linking to my party. Hugs, Sherry

  67. Just wonderful! I am gathering the courage to redo with white. This is certainly an inspiration!

  68. Love the lighter and brighter paint color. Thanks for linking up at Cowgirl Up! Hope to see you again next week!
    Amanda @ The Ivy Cottage Blog

  69. What a nice, clean, and fresh look! Painting is not my favorite chore (even worse than ironing!) so I leave the big rooms to the pros. Our great room is getting lightened up and 20 foot ceilings are not for me! Take a well earned rest! ~ Sue

  70. Great job and what a pretty little "helper" you have there. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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