Sunday, January 15, 2012

You saw it here first, folks...

Not that Pantone or anyone else out there in the design world would give a lick about what I was thinking. But since the news was announced a  couple of weeks ago about the "Color of the Year" by Pantone, Tangerine Tango, I couldn't help but remember that I dedicated a whole month to the sassy color orange, in September.

Do you remember how you had to shield your eyes each
time you clicked over to my blog?

I've always loved the color orange, mostly because my favorite season is Autumn. Love the pumpkins and the many shades of the Fall leaves. Orange is a color that I wear frequently, Spring I lean toward the melons, and citrusy colors, then thru the summer a more vibrant shade, and then into Fall with many scarves and sweaters in the deeper hues of bittersweet to russet. This post for Vintage Inspiration Friday was all about how the seasons influence our color choices.

Designer clothing to accessories...

Check out this fabulous hand knit scarf on Etsy

kitchen goodies...

my new obsession, Le Creuset, but in "Dune"

Kitchen Aid...

Then back to paint choices
I don't think I could live with the orange walls...

Christian Louboutin...this is where we need the sunglasses!

but I do love it as an accent color!

And when we were up in St. Louis last Fall 
our older daughter was all about finding one of these...

or this one...

to go with her gorgeous gray walls.

Then, before Thanksgiving, our younger daughter 
was needing a change from her red Dining Room walls
which were more of a "Lipstick Red" with cool pink/blue undertones.
They really screamed "traditional" and "formal", 
where as she was wanting something a little more hip and trendy.

(not that this isn't an awesome room, just going for the color, here) did Mrs. Claus get into this?

She went from that red to this...

more of a paprika like the one on the right...

Just a slight but subtle difference in the undertones.
It's a whole new room with a new vibe,
and she has been able to coordinate colors and fabrics so much easier.

So if you need just a little Pick Me UP,
you might want to learn to "Tango"

Oh yeah, and lately my hair has been rockin' just a little of this

(all images from Google Images)

Hope you're having a great Sunday,
and you know thats not me in the above photo. (te he)



  1. The purse and scarf are beautiful and that sofa is amazing. Don't really care about what's "in" or not but I'm definitely liking the orange. Hope to incorporate a bit here and there in my home. Like that comforter. It's lovely. :)

  2. My favorite was your blog header Debra loved it. Have a wonderful week & God Bless


  3. Oh I love the antique love seat... so beautiful....

  4. So glad to hear this is the new hot color since I just bought fabric yesterday this color to recover my couch. My fabric has some other subtle colors woven in, but is predominantly a clay color. Wasn't super in love with my fabric, but it matched everything, but I think I'm liking it more since I read your post.

  5. Love those beautiful bright colors Debra!... I always wear an orangish~reddish lipstick, my favorite and I would kill for that purse!... of course that is not you in the photo, you are MUCH prettier!... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. You should have gone for the Tango in your hair ;) But with the right coloring that would be cool. I liked these oranges, I have never really thought much about orange unless it was fall decor. But I really like some of these accent walls.
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Whew Debra, how hip and cool!

    Not sure I could do that color but it sure is fun to look at.

    Loved to see your hair.


  8. I am so excited by this! My favorite color is a deep warm orange! I've been painting the dining room and reupholstering the wing chairs with it as we speak. What will I use it on next...hmmm

  9. Tango is a very hot and sexy color. Yes? Hope I am allowed to say that here-wink.

  10. I like it in small doses. I would never paint my walls in it or have an entire piece of furniture covered in it.

  11. Wow, I don't know if you switched something, but today I am able to comment on your post! Please tell me what you did... there are three other blogs I can't comment on, but all the others I usually comment on I still can! Tremendous trouble commenting on Blue Clear Sky and Faded Plains, two sites I love. Blogger is not so friendly to me lately! Don't know if I could live with orange walls either right now, but at one time I had a pumpkin pie-colored accent wall. We just painted over it about two years ago, when I started transitioning out of my Tuscan phase. Debra, I just love your blog, you do such a good job of keeping it updated! Where do you find the time?? andrea@townandprairie

  12. My favorite color since I was a child...I like that it is having a resurgence!!

  13. I remember you featuring this color, Debra. Your header was super cool.

  14. I LOVE orange of any shade! I wear it all the time (no pinks for me) and actually painted my kitchen walls tangerine a few years ago when we remodeled our kitchen. I loved the happy feel of the room, but when approaching the back entrance from outside, it looked garish through the bay window. So after 9 quarts of paint I repainted it a terra cotta color. You can see it in my thumbnail pic from this week's VIF party entitled "Cabinet Repurpose". Mmmm, hmmm, love me some orange. :@

  15. I always love that orange header, and I think you should keep it as a permanent one this year!

  16. I'm loving the tangerine. I am going to add some accents of it in my bathroom makeover this coming week. I probably wouldn't want whole walls of it, but I do love touches of it for sure.


  17. I think some of the copper in my hair might just pass for Tangerine Tango!!! ;P

  18. Love all the orange. Just bought a chair that color & was thinkin' I'd do a slipcover for the shop. Maybe I'll leave it. Yea, I'm in style!!!!

  19. Love all the orange. Just bought a chair that color & was thinkin' I'd do a slipcover for the shop. Maybe I'll leave it. Yea, I'm in style!!!!

  20. We are shopping for new recliners that don't look like recliners.
    I saw a gorgeous tangerine-ish leather one at Macy's. It was stunning! I wouldn't dare buy it, but it really was fun.

  21. Debra,
    How well I remember your bold header...loved it it now!!! My MoMa had a saying, "all things old will become new once again." How well I remember her cooking with a LeCreuset pan similar in color to the one posted here! Guess that's why I adore all things vintage! NOT sure that orange...tango...or other will make great waves here; however "Mr. Ed's" room on the lower level is painted an orange hue! Enjoy the hues, wherever they fall!!!

  22. You are sooo avante garde! I love these images. Very rich.

  23. Its such a vibrant happy color. Debra! I love using it in the garden for large pots and accents..and I LOVE the quilt!

  24. I love your tangerine update! BTW....I linked to you on the blog today about the impossibilities challenge!

  25. I love wearing orange tones. I'm not sure about a whole roomful, but it does pop nicely as an accent! Love that scarf.


  26. A very fun and perky post Debra. I'm with you, love it as an accent color. And who needs Pantone, when we have you!

  27. Great post! I bought my husband this lovely burnt orange sweater at Christmas and he loves it! I think it is easier to wear an orange article then it is to live with orange walls.

  28. Love the colors EXCEPT on the wall:) Thanks for sharing this trendy color with me! I learn so much from your! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  29. Orange in many forms is great...especially as an accent. That's why Fall is nice....a good excuse to add some orange in without changing the whole decor! Some great pics!


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