Friday, January 6, 2012

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 71 Winter is for the Birds

You know I'm such a softie for little critters, birds especially. I feed them pretty much year round, but this time of year I try to do a little more to make sure there's something available for these cuties to sustain them. I can't imagine how hard it is to find food in the winter. Right now it's still pretty mild for January, but within a week or two we will have snow and bitter cold. It takes a lot of calories for birds to survive the harsh weather, so I try to help.

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

There are some pretty creative and fun ways to feed the birds.
 How cute is this chandy with filled seed bowls!

And this is an out and out smorgasbord.

Getting creative with a Christmas wreath and pinecones covered in seed.

There are a lot of recipes for molded suet rings and shapes.

Also keeping fresh water is important.
I know I have to keep after the water containers, since they freeze up.
This is on my wish list; an electric bird bath.

I don't know what kind of birds these are but they are adorable!

(google images)

Some birds like feeders, others are ground eaters, like doves.
Mourning Doves mate for life, and it always gives me a twinge of grief
when I see one by themselves.

The Bluebird is Missouri's state bird,
I'm trying to give them boxes along the fence for nesting.

and of course, it's not fair to leave this fella out,
I try to keep seed he likes too.

This is a new little feeding station I set up with an old blue chippy feeder.
It's on our patio downstairs setting on the enamel top garden table.

a little garden statue of a boy reading gets a little seed, too.

and a bird house that Aly made with her grandpa many years ago.

Bird watching is their favorite entertainment, too!

If you haven't entered the Shabby Apple Earring Give Away,
then scroll down to the next post and join in.
They are beauties!!

So, what's been inspiring you this week?
"Anything vintage or vintage inspired..."

Please have a link to Common Ground within your blog post!
Linking to these great parties:



  1. You're taking good care of your birds and They must be a pleasure to watch thru your window.

  2. Such lovely images of birdies Debra!
    I also enjoy feeding and watching the garden birds in Winter!
    Sending you warmest wishes for a happy Friday from a very stormy Germany
    xoxo~ Carola

  3. I loved this post and was anticipating the last photo! lol I also keep my bird feeder filled for the birdies AND to entertain the staff from inside the house! Thanks for hosting, Debra!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Such precious images and I love all of the ideas for feeding the birds ~ and the squirrels too. So enjoying your first Vintage Inspiration Friday for 2012!

    Susan and Bentley

  5. We are of the same mind! I did a post last week and used Pinterest images - I wish I were as good at capturing the birds in my garden! The white birds are adorable! Thank you for hosting!
    God Bless,

  6. Oh all the Birds are so LOVELY... I could Bird watch with your Kitties...:) Just linked up, Going to the Circus thank you for hosting

  7. I love to watch the birds out my kitchen window, year round. Beautiful bird pictures and great ways to feed them.

  8. Great ideas Debra. Those tiny birdies are adorable. I don't know what kind they are either, but I love that photo. Thanks for hosting.

  9. I love your new header! I'm cracking up looking at your cats staring out the window at something. It reminds me of my dog doing that. It's always nice to feed the birds and squirrels, but somehow I feel guilty when my dog chases them away after I lured them here with food! Ha!

  10. So sweet images, dear Debra,your two friends surely have their eyes on something :)
    and all the birds are too cute- we also have a house feader ,thaT my husbond made, and enjoyes watching all the little birds come for dinner.The chandelier is really fantastic.
    Hugs xx-Dorthe

  11. Wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing these photo's. Hugs Mary

  12. You are so right, these sweet feathered friends need all the help they can get during cold weather. I love all your feeding ideas, love the wreath and chandy. Clever and creative ideas. Thanks for the reminder. Time to buy some birdseed……..

    The French Hutch

  13. such sweet little birdies

    we have a gorgeous blue jay
    that lives in or near our yard
    but it is so hard to find or make a feeder
    to keep the squirrels and grinnies out

    all linked up
    and thanks for hosting!


  14. Debra this is such a gorgeous post. I cannot get over the chandelier bird feeder. That was toooooooo cool. I would love it if you would share this awesome link at our What's It Wednesday linky party this week. I hope you can join us.


  15. That chandy bird feed is amazing. An electric bird bath? More like a hot tub, what lucky birds.
    Thanks so much for hosting Debra.

  16. Love your bird pictures, and all the feeder ideas! The wreath is my favorite. Thanks for hosting your fun party!

  17. Such beautiful bird featers and such a fabulous collection to inspire ourselves. I think I'm going to see about getting one for the birds on my window. I love birds! Thank you for hosting the last year 2011, I had so much fun, looking forward to linking to your party. Hope you'll have me this year too. Happy Kings Day, tomorrow Friday the 6th., 2012.

  18. Debra,
    Your bird ideas are great! I always enjoy watching them and the squirrels out the back window. Your little feeding station is very cute. Love the statue. Thank you for hosting and for linking it up to Home Sweet Home!

  19. I too love the chandy with bird cute!! Just so happens that I have two vintage bird prints in the post I'm linking up!! Thanks for hosting!!

  20. What beautiful bird pictures. I love watching birds around here. I have a bird bath, but they never use it. They use the giant bird bath, our pond. Thanks for hosting.

  21. My sister loves birding and she feeds them out of her hand, like your photo. She even has a heated birdbath! Your photos are delightful - thanks for sharing them and for hosting this fun party.

  22. So Sweet, I love the chandy bird feeder awesome. I left my birdbath in Florida with my outdoor items for the new owners. I will need to work on that here. Thanks for hosting weekly. Di@cottage-wishes

  23. I just came in from feeding my birdies! Oddly, I have about 25 male mourning doves that feed in my yard, but just one female! She really keeps those boys in line, too. And our little squirrels are so tame that they eat right out of my hand, it's so sweet! Thank you for hosting, xo, Andrea

  24. I love the wreath with the little seed covered pine cones Debra. I'm going to do that for my little birds here in the garden even though they have tons of food here in the winter from the garden. We don't have a heated birdbath, but we do have heated horse waters that the birds use too. It's so cute to look out and see the horses and the birds drinking from the same trough.

    The bird photos are all so cute. I do love those fluffy little white one!!!

    I want to wish you a happy new year Debra, and I am thankful that I have gotten to know you. We have known each other for a long time now and it has been wonderful dear friend.
    hugs fro me...

  25. fabulous!!
    a chandie for the birds!!
    now why didn't i think of that??!
    perhaps i could make one for my beloved swans ~ LOL!!
    happiest new year dear Debra!

    xo, Rosemary

  26. Hi Debra, Thank You for hosting tonight as alway it is a lot of fun. I too luv to feed our featherd friends of the garden. But I luv to watch the scrub Jay make hi way to the feeder they are too funny to watch. Have a great evening .....Julian

  27. I feed the birds too...such fun to watch. I enjoyed your post tonight...thanks for hosting!

  28. Hi Debra, Oh what a beautiful post, we also take care of the birds, they are such a joy to watch. Thank you for sharing, I love all your wonderful ideas. Happy New Year. Hugs, Terri

  29. Thanks for hosting Debra! My Mom would LOVE this post, she is a real big bird lover.

  30. This is such a lovely post, Debra! I love birds!

    Thanks for being a wonderful hostess and also for linking to Potpourri Friday!

  31. This is a beautiful post! The pictures are lovely! Thanks for hosting this link, Debra! It's always fun!

  32. I just love the birds and bird watching too Debra and feed them year round...and like you when I see a dove by itself it does grab me by the heartstrings. The pictures are so beautiful that you shared here...such creative ideas for bird feeding and your kitties make me smile...yep they like bird watching too :) I love kitties.
    Thanks for hosting!
    Big hugs,

  33. Love your pictures and I also love birds, feed them all year too! Enjoy the different birds for each season. I have not seen the Northern
    Flicker yet, no snow, and warmer than usual!
    Thanks for hosting and Wishing you a Healthy,
    Happy 2012!

  34. Those feeders are great ideas Debra! I have a couple of chandis hanging from the tree out back, I bet the kids would love to fill them with bird seed and watch them. Wishing you a wonderful new year full of love, laughter and happiness! t.xoxoxo

  35. I'm so glad that you're a fellow bird lover, Debra! I sooo love feeding our birds and watching them out my kitchen windows. We actually saw a couple of bluebirds the other day. Here in MI they usually migrate, but these two stayed around for some reason. :) I have an electric birdbath heater in my cement birdbath for the winter. It's turned in Party Palace for the birds, and the deer even drink out of it! :) Oh, and btw - that photo of the chickadee is just beautiful. They're my fav bird.

    xoxo laurie

  36. Debra- I love sweet birdies, too. They are such delicate creatures, yet so strong and mighty. Thank you for hosting once again. andrea@townandprairie

  37. We love watching and feeding the birds here to Debra. My hubby made a feeding station that holds 4 feeders to give those little guys a variety:)

  38. What beautiful little birds! And great tips for helping them through winter :) Thanks for hosting the party!

  39. I love my bird feeders! My whole family enjoys watching out for our "regulars".
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  40. Happy New Year Debra! Your birdie pictures are adorable. These are some serious cute feeders. We need to get on the stick with this! It's been a while since I've done any birdwatching. I think I'll have some time for it this year. Thanks for the inspiration! xx

  41. I so agree with taking care of our feathered friends outside! love your post.....i did a similar one but haven't posted it yet. ha ha i'll wait a few weeks before i do so. xoxo, tracie

  42. So glad I could link up.Thanks for being the ever gracious hostess for us every week Debra.

    Also thanks for the camera advice...I'll just keep plugging away and hopefully figure things out as I go:-)


  43. I love this post. Debra! Just today i found an old vintage book with lots of birds and information in it, with some great graphics that I should get off to the graphics fairy. And as I was browsing it I was thinking about my little bird feeders and how I enjoy seeing the cardinals so much in winter, and I need to fill them again. You've reminded me about how the baths do freeze up. I had forgotten all about that. Poor little birdies. Thanks again for hosting!

  44. Fun post. You know how I love birds too.

    Thanks for hosting.
    First time I have played in forever!

    barbara jean

  45. Hi Debra, I am such a bird lover also. Love anything that has to do with birds, feeders, cages, houses, art, you name it. All of your pictures were so fun. Love, love those little white birds! I usually make feeders for the birds for Winter. I have not done so yet, thaks for the reminder. It's been in the high 50's so I almost forgot it's Winter here in UT. Enjoy feeding those birds!

  46. Hi lovely,

    I LOVE birds too!! Such a peaceful sound in the garden.

    Hope you're well today!


  47. Hi Debra,

    Oh those birdies are just TOO cute! I've been wanting to set up some kind of bird feeding thingy for my boys - especially my youngest. He just loves the outdoors and the little critters around here! :) The idea with the chandy filled with seeds is just adorable!!! :) Thank you once again for hosting. I shared something very simple - but it's nice to see the other link ups, they are always soooo talented & unique! :)


  48. On this cold January day, I'm going to get a cup of hot chocolate and sit at my computer visiting the wonderful links at this party. Thanks for hostessing! Hugs ~ Mary

  49. Happy New Year, Debra! What a sweet post! Thanks so much for hosting your great party! Glad to link up!

  50. Thank you for hosting. Loved your photos of winter birds. Happy to link up.

  51. Hi Debra!
    What a beautiful post! I am so in love with birds as well...they are just so darn cute. And their songs truly bring me joy....:)

    I've been wanting to put food out for them & your post gave me some great ideas...thanks dear!


  52. Great minds think alike! I love birds and was going to wait until I have a permanent home to set up my santuary but you've helped me decide to do it this winter when they need it the most. Check out my last post .... it's of similar lines. Jennifer jennsthreegraces love your birdies and your kind heart God loves all creatures great and small....

  53. I love the last picture of the kitties!!! so funny!

  54. Hi Miss Deb! Happy Friday! Finally I've had a chance to link up with you again!
    Hope you're doing well,,,,,,LOVE the Birdys,,,and the Kitty's! You tease, you!!

    Love and HUGS!!

  55. Love those pretty bird shots. I am a bird person, too. Lovely! Such a great reminder to appreciate all creatures.

  56. Thanks for hosting. I found your blog through my sister's blog (aVintageGreen) and I am also following your blog now.

  57. Thank you for hosting I just found your blog and I am now following!! Love your post about the birds we feed them all year round too :)
    Have a very Happy New Year,

  58. Thanks for hosting the party. Bird feeding is something I should do but don't, mainly because of all of the pesky squirrels around here.

  59. I have so many varieties, I cannot even count them!! It's a great love of mine ...


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