Friday, December 23, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 69 "Country Christmas"

I think we all may have some hidden dreams and fantasies. One of mine that I'm indulging in is to have a real "Country Christmas". I've been a city girl, or let's say a "suburban" girl for a long time, but my roots go back to an old farmhouse. We never "farmed" but we had a few cows and a horse or two, and some wild prairie chickens were known to hang around. I grew up in a house built in 1840. Yes, it had been renovated over the years, but it still retained some of the original charm.

So via Pinterest, I'm living thru other's lens to capture some lingering memories of Christmas.

Don't laugh about this first one,
you would have had to have known my Dad, 
who collected old cars (and a truck or two)

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

I imagine this image from Country Living was Photoshopped, but I still love it!

There was so much inspiration last week,
here's just a little review

Nancy from Nancy's Daily Dish has the most amazing hutch display 
of red transferware all decked out for Christmas.

Vicki from Ranger 911 had me laughing with all her "elf" antics,
Good Elf, Bad Elf

Robin from Happy At Home, has captured a little deer under a glass house,
and I just want to look at it all day! Such great photos!

Anita from Far Above Rubies has a front porch that I could live on.
Go by and check out all her wonderful photos!

If you want to read a love story that has a happy ending
then you need to see this one, from Antique Chase.

and Elizabeth from Pinecones and Acorns
shares the amazing creche at Notre Dame Cathedral.
Just beautiful!

So are you ready to share what's inspired you this week?

Thanks so much each one of you,
 that takes the time to join in!

Please have a visible link within your post,
so others can join in on the party

And if I don't see you again until Christmas,
may yours be filled with the love and joy,
that only Our Savior can bring! 
Merry Christmas!


  1. Thanks for hosting! I seriously need that old truck. :)


  2. I love the photos you chose for your Christmas farm memories. Merry Christmas!


  3. Love it all. Isn't pinterest a great place to dream?

  4. WOW!!! such PRETTY pictures... I love the Pinecones and Holly wreath hanging on the screen door.. And that outdoor table with that Gorgeos Red and Black wool blanket is Beautiful.. Just finished linking up the Western Winter and Her Winter Apron...Thank you for hosting and have a VERY Merry Christmas

  5. Such pretty inspiration pictures! Love the horse eating the apple. Thanks for hosting Debra and have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Debra,
    Wishing you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Thank you for hosting.


  7. Debra, those are some gorgeous images. I want to go visit that house. Thanks for hosting.

  8. All those images are so beautiful, they make me teary eyed! And what a surprise to see my mischievious elves amongst those lovely vignettes! Thank your for the feature AND for hosting this wonderful party that is such a source of inspitation for me! Merry Christmas! xo,vickie

  9. Debra!!
    Thank you for featuring my armoire love story!!! Exciting to see it on your site. Happy Holidays! Marcy :)

  10. Nothing feels better than a cozy country Christmas! All the these great photos give me the warm fuzzies!

    Merry Christmas!!

  11. Debra~ I love that old truck :) Wonderful images for a Country Christmas & great features! Thanks for hosting! Merry Christmas!

  12. I really enjoyed your photos, Debra. And I agree that nothing beats an old-fashioned Country Christmas. I'm still hoping for snow but I'm afraid we're going to have a green Christmas instead of a white Christmas here in Buffalo. Thanks for hosting and for providing such inspiration.
    God bless,

  13. Debra, love all the pics...especially the old truck.

    Merry Christmas.

  14. Wonderful selection of picture, but the best one is the red truck!
    An old red pick up truck in the snow with a Christmas wreath.....
    better than a sleigh!

  15. Debra, I have pinned so many of those same photos! I have finally decided to live my country dream here in the city too, and we even hope to make some of that come true by adding chickens to our family next year! Thank you for a fun and inspiring blog party every week. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
    xo, Andrea

  16. The truck made me laugh! When my husband was pastoring, his relaxation was restoring an old 5 window Chevy! We lived in snow country, and somewhere I have a similar photo...only the truck is navy with Plum Safety Purple rims!
    Merry Christmas!

  17. Debra,
    Having lived in a small town in South East Kansas...I've seen a few decorated trucks!!! Too Cute! My Christmas decor is over for this year; however...I've referenced many Vintage Inspiration Friday post for use next year! Thank you for hosting this Christmas meme!!! It has been a delight to my busy week!

  18. Hello Debra... thanks for sharing the wonderful photos... all I have ever known is the country life, and I would not have it any other way... my little town is still small town USA, plain and simple... nothing fancy... just like me... I didn't join the party this time, took a little blog break to enjoy the "gift of time" I am giving myself and my family, but wanted to stop in and see everyone's posts... yesterday was my sister and my day for afternoon tea and antiques shopping... you would have loved the huge antiques mall we went to in Salt Lake City... I took sooo many photos of vintage Christmas... and brought some of it home with me!... I'll save it for your party next year!... I am sure I have overloaded you all with my posts already... I have posted nothing really except Christmas since November!... wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas... thank you for hosting the fun parties, always brightening my day, filling my life with inspiration, and being such a beautiful friend... xoxo Julie Marie

  19. Your photo collection is beautiful and I love that old decorated truck!

  20. Debra, those photos are just gorgeous. You picked the perfect ones. Thanks for hosting this wonderful party. Have a fabulous Christmas!


  21. Such fabulous inspiration, Debra! Thank you for being a gracious hostess and sweet friend! Merry Christmas!

  22. Oh Debra! I love that picture of the old truck! My grandfather was a mechanic so we always had old trucks and cars around!

    Hope you realize your Country Christmas!


  23. I hope your dream for a country Christmas comes true. I am cooking a Low Country Southern Christmas dinner. Mac and cheese with ham, fried cabbage with bacon,sweet potatoe cassarole ,corn bread with sausage and bread puddin with whiskey sauce. merry Christmas, Richard from My Old Historic House.

  24. What gorgeous images all!! Blogging is definitely better than perusing magazines. LOL Thanks for hosting and enjoy a very Merry Christmas.
    Hugs, Sue

  25. so much beautiful all in one place!
    Merry christmas from my family to yours!

  26. This southern California girl thanks you for the chance to experience some winter wonderland without having to shovel it or drive in it. Thanks always for the chance to link up and be a part of this wonderful community.

    Mary @ Sea Quilts

  27. Funny to see your first picture of the old truck. I just linked up my vintage toy trucks. And my hubby collects old cars and trucks...I would love to decorate one of the real trucks someday myself. All of your pictures are so nice to this post! Merry Christmas!

  28. Great inspiration Debra. Thanks for hosting. Merry Christmas.

  29. Love the Christmas inspiration photos. The old truck one is great. I love seeing some of those vehicles still on the road.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  30. Wonderful inspiration and great features, Debra! Thanks for hosting! Merry Christmas!...hugs...Debbie

  31. Oh, I love the sweet little elves! I'll go see what fun they are having tonight! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! ♥

  32. Beautiful pictures, Debra! I love that one of the wreath with roses especially. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas ~ country or suburban! : )


  34. Beautiful inspiration pictures Debra! Merry Christmas to you and a Happy 2012...Gail

  35. Debra, Thanks for hosting and for all the inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  36. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Debra to you and your family. Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures. I dream of snow at Christmas,but our day will be 30degrees celcius,(hot) still we are having the traditional roast. xx jeanetteann

  37. Well, I'm right there with you on this one, Debra! Same fantasy. Love all the images, but that plaid table is yummy! Thanks so much for all the fun vintage this year! Merry Christmas! xx

  38. Thanks for hosting -- these are some fantastic images.

  39. Thanks for hostessing the party - and Merry Christmas to you and your family!~


  40. I want to live in that very English inspired cottage! Thanks again for the party and wishing you an fab Christmas!

  41. Merry Christmas blog buddy! I loved this post and feel so much the same that it's scary. We got a teensy bit of snow today and I loved it. Hope your Christmas brings wonderful times.

  42. Love the country images. We have a definite country house but time has caught up with it, and it's now in the suburbs!
    Too bad ....
    Merry Christmas!
    Love, Cass

  43. Debra, these images are great! YOu have impeccable taste! I pinned several! Thanks and Merry, merry Christmas to you! Christie

  44. You have chosen such beautiful images, Debra! I love old trucks and would like to have one for decoration purposes. Even though I'm in a neutral colors phase at the moment, I adore the red and green decorations too.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  45. What beautiful pictures you have shared with us ~ each on the essence of Christmas. Thanks for hosting us each week ~ Merry Christmas!

  46. Debra,
    You've worked so hard at your VIF...and look at the list of sign-ups. I don't know how you do it all. I hope you have a most joyous Christmas surrounded by all you love. I'll be there in spirit...sitting in the sunroom smiling.
    Love always,

  47. I seriously love these pictures. I am in love with
    the beautiful door and is dreamy!
    Thank you for hosting this party every Friday!
    Merry Christmas!

  48. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos. Such a treat on this cold day before Christmas. Your blog is so inspiring and a blessing to many. God bless you and yours in the new year.

  49. Is that **The BeSt** Old Truck w/wreath or what!*!*!
    Jeanine Burkhardt

  50. This Country Christmas post was one of the prettiest I have lovely!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  51. Hi your post today!
    I used that same truck photo in my post!
    Great minds think alike!
    Merry Christmas!

  52. Thanks so much for featuring the deer and tree display I put together. It's so sweet of you to think of it. You've made my day.

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  53. I love each and every one of those pictures ... now if only I had an old farm house and lots of snow. :)

  54. Debra, thank you so much for featuring my porch!! I somehow did not see it until today!!

  55. I like to light candles around the house too. I love the smell and color. I would just be careful and make sure to always blow them out. You don't want to burn your house down.



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