Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bad News, Good News

I know when I see post titles like this that I automatically think the worst..."oh no...what's happened?" Nothing earth shaking here, just a little blip on my radar screen. My camera that is attached to my hands is having to go back to the manufacturer for a tweak on a part.
After I had a slight melt down and panic attack I had to get real and deal with the situation. So here we have it...

The Bad camera will be gone for a week or so.
The Good's still under warranty.
The Bad's Christmas and I have so many photos I want to take.
The Good news...the camera isn't completely "broken" so I can still take a few shots for the next few days to "tide me over" until I have to get it in the mail.
The Bad news... I've realized I have a slight addiction to my camera, and "separation anxiety" is a horrible thing.
The Good news...I have all of you out there to gather inspiration and share.
The Bad hands are feeling weird like I'm getting ready to lose a few fingers or something...
The Good news...Pinterest
The Bad News...I'm not finished decorating...and taking pictures!
The Good News...It's Christmas!!!

OK, enough of the pity party...My photos may be minimum as I try to "streeeeeeeeetch" them out. I think I'm going to be doing a few inspiration hunting missions from you all out there in blogland. I've seen some great ideas and this is the perfect time to share them! So keep this in mind please and don't think I'm totally void of my own decorating and inspiration this year.

I'm hoping this won't be as traumatic as I'm thinking it could be. 

Here are a few more photos from the Dining Room,
to continue from Vintage Inspiration Friday...

Don't forget about all the fun coming up this week with the 
 Christmas Block Party

Vintage Inspiration Friday is still going strong,
just scroll down to join in.

Hope you're having a great Saturday.
I'm going to now go take pictures of every thing I can find!!

Addictions are a pain...



  1. Oh Debra, your photos are so pretty! I love the little bird nest in your arrangement... I hope your anxiety passes soon... your camera will be fine!... and so will you... but I do know what you mean... Jack is giving me a "backup camera" for Christmas... so I know what you mean about going through withdrawals... love to you, you are such a strong, inspiring lady, I know you will keep the gorgeous posts coming!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Oh that would have me freaking too. The dining room looks pretty~

  3. So sorry about your always take such lovely pictures, I can see why you have separation anxiety! Your dining room looks beautiful, the basket of ivy is stunning as well as the birds nest!

    Happy Holidays to you, Debra!


  4. Sorry about your camera problems, I broke mine too a few months ago and now I have a better one, it turned out better. The good news is that everything you just posted is gorgeous! Can't get over the great centerpiece with the nesting birds, wow! Your dining room looks beautiful too, such a pretty vignette you've displayed. Hope you get your camera soon and I know what you mean about the camera attachment! Lots of hugs, FABBY

  5. It may end up being a blessing my friend. No camera means no stressing over posts and trying to show your cleverness (or is that just me that has to try so hard?) and hence, more time to focus on the blessings at Christmas. Now how's that for the-glass-is-half-full??? Go snap away and then enjoy the rest of this beautiful season!

    Hugs and smiles,


  6. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your camera issues! Is there someone you can borrow a camera from for just a while?

    Your photos are just lovely, and so festive. We have not even started decorating yet....

    Glad to see you have a good outlook on all this, and will not let it ruin the holidays for you.

  7. More time to shop for vintage goodies! Hope it's repairs fast. Someday I hope to have a good camera.

  8. I feel your pain with the camera ... my batteries died last night and we had no more. I only had to wait overnight to get to the store to reload and start shooting pics again, so I can only imagine what you must feel. I hope that camera gets back to you very quickly!

    Quick question: Did you ever post a white wagon, maybe with your fall decor? If so, I need a link for my "copy cat" Christmas post :)


  9. I am going to adopt your "good news" Bad news" way of looking at things! For every Bad news I am going to give I will always have Good news too. Thank you for heping my home look a litte brighter as my attitude! God Bless you!

  10. I know, I have it too! Fortunately for me, I take lots of pics with my phone! The quality isn't as good but I ALWAYS have it on me!

    Enjoy your weekend taking pictures:) HUGS!

  11. You are getting it done. Thanks for sharing, Richard from My Old Historic house.

  12. Don't feel bad Debra my camera needs to be sent out to and I keep avoiding it for the same reason LOL! You could always use your cell phone and tweak them a bit in picnik. Your table looks beautiful and that centerpiece is stunning, I love it!! Martina

  13. Oh Debra, I'm sorry about your camera, but the photos of your home are so beautiful!
    Love the wreath on the mirror!
    Hope your doing well and have a lovely weekend.

  14. I hear you! I don't know what I would do without access to my camera all day every day! I hope it gets fixed quickly.

    And yes...there is always daily addiction!

    Best wishes,

  15. The Good News: The pictures you are show are terrific and the arrangement is beautiful! Your room looks splendid!

    The Bad News for me: It's dark and drizzly and by pictures are awful. And...I have a sinus infection, head cold misery, aches, pains and all that jazz. And I haven't finished decorating yet.
    The Good News: I think my Dear DIL is coming over tomorrow to help. She is the sweetest girl!

  16. Debra you always have the most amazing photo's on your blog so I can understand how bad this must be for you, but well done on illustrating the incredible balance of life!

  17. i feel the same way when the internet goes out! i will miss your beautiful pics--just promise to overload us when you get the camera back!

  18. Oh No! We cannot live without our cameras. I hope that yours gets better soon.


  19. Yay though it is under warranty. I ordered me a big girl camera and the twelve hours later canceled the order as I felt guilty. I will get one later and all will be well. I take vast numbers of pics before I leave the yellow house and then none when I am here at the old house. Your side board is rocking as usual. The wreath on the mirror is awesome too.

  20. Oh I am so sorry about your CAMERA!!!! I would be freaking too!!! BUT, the pics you have posted here are gorgeous, your dining room looks beautiful! Keep the faith:):) XO, Pinky

  21. I feel for you, my camera is permanently attached to my hand so I understand how you're feeling! Snap those pictures while you can and we'll be happy with anything you are able to share with us from your gorgeous home until you get your camera back!


  22. Oh, I would hate to be without my camera, too or my laptop.

  23. I can only imagine how anxious you must feel to be without your camera during the holidays of all times! Hopefully, it will be brief. Your dining room looks very pretty decorated for Christmas. i see alot of vintage goodies on display.

  24. Debra, I hope your camera is back to you soon. I know how that feels. ;-)

  25. LOL...I really chuckled Debra, not at no means...just by the mere thoughts of what you are feeling and expressed it so well. It will all work out..hang in there!

  26. Hang in there! Everything you have posted looks fabulous! I hope your camera comes back soon!

  27. Debra I would be upset to part w such an amazing camera as well. Love your vignettes everything is as beautiful as I expect with your fabulous touch.

    Much Love

  28. Your photos are just stunning!! I can spend hours on your blog just looking!! I too once had to send my camera in to be worked on. I felt like part of me was missing!!! I didn't expect it to be so hard but it was. I was counting down the days until I could pick it back up! Hang in there, it'll be back before you know it!

  29. Hey Deb, I can totally relate. This summer the same thing happened to me. And I ended up buying 2 not 1 but 2 cameras off of Ebay. One was inexpensive...backup in case it ever happened again. The other one was a replica of what I had. I didn't spend much either. Now I want a nice camera..since blogging and picture taking is serious business...Also, you are good at using your pictures and then adding other the post about plaid...that was a great post and had tons of pictures. Like you said Pinterest is wonderful! So don't panic...and don't let this rob your joy for December! We are here for you!

  30. Bummer! I have my little snap and shoot for back up, it actually takes pretty good pictures. You may have to get one to get your through. I love that Rambling rose pillow!


  31. So sorry about your camera ... but, thankfully, it's still under warranty! Gorgeous dining room all decked out for Christmas! I love the toile!

  32. I love how you did the "Good News-Bad News" segment. Really puts things into perspective at this time of year? Do you mind if I use that style on my own blog sometime? I think it was kind of funny at the same time, too.

  33. Hi Debra...sorry to hear about your camera!
    Love the trio of gold mirrors!!


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