Friday, August 26, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #52: Fall Color Inspiration

I'm wondering how many of you
are influenced by the seasons in your decorating.
And since Fall will be here soon,
I'm thinking about Fall inspired color and decor.

is what I want to talk about today.
Whether you have a farmhouse or a city apartment,
here are some fun ideas for this bold color!

Now I know some of you are shielding your eyes
or have actually run away from the computer by now...

But, for the brave souls who are still with me,
let's discuss if we are inspired and influenced
 by the hues of the respective season.

I know that I am.
But, I prefer a neutral backdrop
so that I can change out art, accessories, flowers, etc.
And even though I love some of this brilliant blast of fall color,
I'd be itching to change it out once December was here.

I have tons of images here using Orange in decor.
Some furniture like the sofas above,
and chairs...

accent pillows...





and one of my favorites;

oh yeah, even doors.

I'm very influenced by seasonal color,
EACH season,
and I love to change out pillows, quilts, flowers.
I get bored with accessories
and want to keep up with what is coming next.

OK, so could you live with any of it...
for even 6 weeks?

or maybe one of these is the biggest commitment you can make, te he!

Just wonderin'...
I'd love to hear your thoughts.

(all images Google Images and Pinterest)

Yeah, and now from last week's wonderful entries!

continuously brings the best vignettes and decor
with painting her dining room buffet white.
She's a girl after my heart!

Tracie from Fishtail Cottage
totally inspires me with her home and coop "courtyard".

Lisa from House Dressing pulls off a gallery wall that is fabulous.

And Laura from I'm So Vintage
shares some wonderful rustic decor inspiration
for those of us longing for some Fall lake house fun.

I'll be joining in with these wonderful parties:
links on the sidebar buttons.

Hope you'll join in today,
please grab the
 Vintage Inspiration Friday Button
and link up or show the button within your post.
(thanks so much, that helps share the party fun!)

And remember,
you get an extra entry for
 The Romantic French Style Give Away,
by linking up today!

If you  haven't entered yet,
just click HERE.

Thanks so much for all the links last week!
wow, I think it was a record.
I didn't get to leave comments with everyone,
but I DO try!
(inserting happy face and lots of hugs here!)
I appreciate each and every one of you!!



  1. I'm like you I have to have a neutral background, I love those bedroom sheets though!
    Thanks for hosting, always fun for me!


  2. I love the orange/rust wall in the first photo... and thanks so much for the feature!

  3. I pinned that orange door for Halloween!!

    I love the orange walls......I would love to do that!

  4. I like deep orange colors, like fall leaves. Thanks for hosting Debra.

  5. I adore orange. It is my favorite color. Although I don't decorate with it....I gravitate to it!!

  6. What stunning orange inspiration! Thanks so much Debra!

  7. I just worked this am on an orange post for Texture Tuesday. Our challenge was orange. It is a color very much associated with autumn and I love to use it in decorating for fall. Thanks for having us!

  8. The only thing I have ever brought home orange besides a pumpkin is this orange metal chair I found last Saturday at a yard sale

    it all looks good in the pictures

    I really like the tucked back sofa

  9. I'm seeing orange everywhere this year. Some of the photos definitely make a bold statement but I prefer a more subdued orange as in pumpkin or rust. Fall will soon be here and I'm ready to see those lovely colors.
    Have a good weekend.

  10. I'm so glad to see orange comin' back around!!! I have it all over! It's surprisingly BEAUTIFUL with the right shade of red... and turquoise... and black! With a lil' burgundy thrown beside it, it takes a whole 'nother life on!!! Combined with eggplant? GORGEOUS!!!

    Ofcourse - sometimes I call it "errrrnge"...

    ;-D LOVE your inspiration photos!!!

    (no, color doesn't scare me... LOLOL!)

  11. I really enjoyed all those gorgeous pictures. However, I could never live with that. I don't wear orange, and about the only thing orange that enters my house is a pumpkin - and actually, I prefer the white ones! Well, I do like carrots and oranges! Seriously, a fun post! Linda

  12. Debra, I know orange is a fall color and that is probably the only time you will see some of it in my house except for terra cotta pots and my front door is terra cotta. I had orange counters and orange on my floor in our first house for twenty years and just grew so sick of it. I was so thrilled to build a new home and start over. Thanks for hosting.

  13. Hi Debra! Thanks for hosting today! I am finally in the mood for Fall! I like to add little touches of orange in just the right shade to my Fall decor. It is such a cheerful color!

    I am so excited for my living room design challenge feature! Thanks again! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  14. I've been seriously thinking of imcorporating Orange into my all white home.. your photos might have give me a kick start.. lovely photos!

  15. I'm ready for Fall - just not sure I'm ready for orange in my house! Thanks for the inspiration, though. Sally

  16. Hi Debra,
    FUN post! Orange is making a comeback...we even painted *1* little thing orange for the girl's new actually can be quite cheerful..can't believe I just said that! Hope you are well...

  17. I like several of your, 'oranges' and I also have a friend who loves this color as much as I love pink. Vive la difference!

  18. Debra,
    Hello! I love the color orange and did a variation of it by painting my Living Room peach!! I do love the orange and rust colors of Fall as they are so warm and inviting!!

    I just found you through Home Sweet Home and I linked up today ere for the first time!

    I am sharing my weekend stay at the Stegmaier mansion!!


  19. Lovely Debra! What great fall inspiration and such fabulous features. We loved the gallery wall as beautiful! and the chick coop...oh my! just precious! Thanks or hosting my friend.

    Love, Heather

  20. I have always loved gold and orange and I have some in my home now. Just in pillows and accessories. I don't think I want an orange room or sofa. Although, I use to have that safe tufted sofa in gold. I loved it then. Hugs, Marty

  21. Thanks for linking with Home Sweet Home!

  22. I love your orange inspirations!! Orange is a favorite color of my daughters too- she would love some of these pieces!! Thanks for hosting! :)

  23. Beautiful pictures! I especially love the pillows and quilts!

  24. I think orange is pretty to look at in other people's homes, but it's not for me. I'm too neutral and the biggest pop of color that I use is maybe turquoise blue or green.

    The photos are pretty.


  25. Oh I can live with orange:) It has always been one of my favorite colors. You have shown us some pretty photos of it. Thanks for the inspiration:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  26. Love that orange and white quilt and who could not love that orange door and Halloween porch.

  27. as much as i enjoyed your inspiration photos i'm not sure that orange is a color i could live with on a daily basis...but i do adore that chicken coop! all linked up.


  28. I adore orange..well actually the color of bittersweet. Used with black it just screams Paris salon to me.
    Believe it or not, I'm actually "fall" when choosing colors to dress in and that rusty orange is my fave to wear.
    P.S. Orange you glad I didn't say "banana knock, knock"?
    P.P.S. Do you think my crazy letter post would be a decent one to link up to VIF? You can be honest...won't hurt if you think no. I'm too lazy to do another right now.

  29. Hi Debra! I have to say I'm not an orange person, but you had me with the orange toile! Lovely! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  30. Debra, I'd need a neutral background, but I could live with some of these. I have to say the entry in the first photo is stunning. I could live with that!

  31. Debra, I like a lot of the pillows and love the orange door, although I wouldn't paint bright orange. I have a red door, so I do love color. Fun post. Thanks for hosting.

    the French Hutch

  32. I like color and love some of these orange rooms, especially the toile paired with the sofa and drapes in the same fabric. I had a rusty orange color on one wall at my shop and always got compliments on it. I know it would be a lot for some people to live with daily though. Anyway, I like all you've featured, and I am SO ready for Fall!

  33. ...where oh where has this summer gone??

    well, if fall is at the door, we had better welcome it with a big splash of ORANGE goodness:)

    xo, Rosemary

  34. I love the color orange! in fact I love all primary color but i'm having a battle my self to turn my house more prairie like an less bright colors, I just want mix them but with out been overwhelming. Any-how, i find you through "where bloggers create 2011" and i followed you since then. Thanks for this charming opportunity to show a title bit about me.

    xo :)

  35. I love the colors in the quilts! Orange is so perfect for fall and I tend to bring it into my living room at that time. It goes so well with the red oak floor and trim.
    Thanks for hosting!

  36. Hi Debra! Tuscan orange used to be one of my colors until just a couple of years ago if you can imagine such a thing! First in my living room, and then in my dining room. The two colors I used were first deeper, and then paler and muddy. I used to love it, but I think I'm done. I don't change colors for the season much. Pretty to look at though!

  37. COULD I live with this? YES! ALLLL year long! Loved the photos!

  38. As we all know colors come and go. I didn't like orange as a young girl in the 70's and guess what? I like it even less now.
    I am currently making a fall wreath and there is not a stitch of orange, russet or umber to be found. Stay tuned for Monday. :)

  39. Hey Auburn's colors are orange and blue! So, we love orange around here!

    I could easily live with most of your pretty photos - especially the accessories for longer than a season.

  40. Oh yes, I could live with some orange. The pics you showed were gorgeous! Making me anxious for fall!!

  41. Loved looking at all the orange inspiration. Not sure I could live with it but I loved looking at it. You did a fantastic job putting it all together.
    Thanks for sharing and for hosting.

  42. I'm a pink and white girl, but fall calls for orange! I have linked up for the first time, thank you for hosting this great party!


  43. I just Love Fall or does it sound better as Autumn~ what wonderful, Inspirational photos, I can hardly wait for the temps to start cooling off & the Color Change of the Trees, I can almost feel it now.... Have a wonderful week

  44. Debra I too love the changing colors of the Seasons and am inspired by them. I've always enjoyed the Orange & Blacks of October... but this year Wine & Brown for Fall are a combo I'm adoring too. I'm also entering your generous Giveaway!!!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  45. I love shades of orange in the Fall! Thanks for being a gracious hostess!

  46. I have two of those orange bird pillows.....created by the same person on etsy.

  47. I like orange too though I don't have much in my home but wear it all the time. LOL! Love all these photos and may have to pin a few too! Thanks!

  48. I am very much influenced by the seasons. I love orange in the fall, hate it the rest of the year. Christmas comes and I'm all into bright reds, but don't do a ton of reds at any other time. In the spring I'm all into pastels. I totally change my tastes with the seasons.

  49. Oh my, my dear Debra...
    There are gorgeus things shown here- some of the beddings, and chairs looks fantastic- and I love the pumpkins of course,- but I don`t think you could find any orange in my home anymore. Back in the 70 ties, I remember I had orange doors, and windowsills in my kitchen-YES -and the cubboard doors were all orange,too--
    But for now it is calming and quiet colors- inside, hihi.
    Hugs and x

  50. Good morning, Debra. Thanks so much for the kind comments about my white buffet. I do think you and I are women on a mission, aren't we?

    Love the orange!! We are big UT Vols fans and they are bright orange.

  51. Girl you outdid yourself with this colorful post.....amazing photos! Thanks for the inspiration and the smile this morning! I've linked up and added you to my post!

    Have a blessed weekend my friend!


  52. You found a lot of orange!! I'm one of the people whose only orange in the house in the fall is from the pumpkins, but I did enjoy looking at your photos.

    Have a great weekend!

  53. Fall is my favorite season so all of these colors make me happy!

  54. Orange certainly seems to be growing in popularity, I love the how about orange blog.

  55. Orange really? You've presented one of my worst color choices in such a beautiful way. Now I shall see orange in a more different way.Thanks for the enlightment!

  56. you know I usually do not like orange...but you found great beautiful images!!!

  57. The orange photos definately make me think Autumn!! So pretty. Thank you so much for hostin!
    Have a great weekend.

  58. Hi Debra, Hope you are well. Thanks for hosting each week.
    I am not a lover of orange, but you have found some pretty inspirations.
    ~ Julie

  59. For my own house, I use orange for fall. It doesn't really go with my decor, but just like Christmas is red and green, I have to have orange thrown around in the fall to make the season feel complete.

    I helped decorate my brother's house, and we actually used a lot of orange hues in his home. Mixed with brown and green, the orange looks good in his house.

  60. Fall is my very favorite season of the year, and I love decorating for it! Though I don't care for citrus-orange hues, earthy fall orange colors are great. ;)

    Thanks for hosting, Debra!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  61. Hi Debra, I love the fall colours and touches of orange in my decor during that season. I find warm colours soothing as the summer wanes and fall slides in. The orange and white quilt is gorgeous. Pamela

  62. Wow, what a great party. I had so much fun visiting numerous linkers who told wonderful stories and/or posted beautiful pictures. Thanks for hostessing!

    Mary @ Redo 101

  63. Beautiful inspirational pics! Gets me in the mood for all things Fall! Thanks for hosting!

  64. Wow...that is a lot of orange! ha! Yep the biggest commitment for me would be the tiny orange pumpkin. ROFL!! Lovely inspiration though!!

  65. I'm really loving the Orange sofa. It is so pretty. You made me look at Orange n a whole new light! Have a fabulous weekend!

  66. LOVE all the orange -- can't live with it 24/7 in huge quantities, but I love it for its POP value.
    I really wanted to paint our front door Orange when we had the house repainted in June, but I was soundly outvoted by EVERYONE. So i chose chrome yellow -- almost as good!

    But I'm seein' an orange door in my future one of these days.

    thanks for hosting!

  67. Orange has never been one of my favorite colors but I do admire it in nature and I do love the first photo you shared!

  68. I love all the orange pictures. I especially like the orange front doors. Gorgeous photos!

  69. Now I am so ready for the Fall. You have totally inspired me. Thank you for hosting yet another fab party!


  70. Ooh, I love the orange! Just went out and stocked up on my Autumn candles.


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