Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Mantel Makeover

Do you ever get stuck in a rut? ...and you don't even realize it until you want to change something, but you don't make the change're stuck in a rut. OK, that describes my mantel. I just tend to do the same old things. Well, at least I did until I started on my paint transformation a few weeks ago.

This room really causes me to be symmetrical,
you know something alike, or at least similar on either side.
my sofas, chairs, end tables, lamps...
works for me,
but can be predictable and boring.

...OK, so it's easy,
but not a good excuse.

And, I still needed out of the mantel rut.
Spray painting my small accent lamps, buying new shades,
 and then changing out the book stacks
were a good place to start.

But my light and bright obsession
and a need for something summery caused me to try some new things.

I removed the small clock that had been there,
then went on a hunt for a couple of prints that were similar,
but different.
Two vintage bird prints fit with my summer theme,
and then an old white iron doorstop for the centerpiece.
My large conch shell and two smaller ones were added in the mix.

Anchoring both ends are vintage demijohns that my husband contributed.
Actually I borrowed them from his collections,
but he agreed they fit the French feel I was going for.

One of the best bits of advice I was given during my makeover was
to remove everything from the place in question,
then try new things.

It's still "symmetrical" in here,
but at least I've changed out a few things.
Now, to just stay out of that rut!

linking up with these great parties,
links on the sidebar:

More news coming on the new weekly feature



  1. Your mantle is a breath of fresh air. I have the same old...same old sitting on my tables etc. You have inspired me to get up & get changin'!!
    Have a Great Day!

  2. Thanks for the nudge:) My mantle has Christmas and the rest of the year! I literally change it twice, Christmas and back the way it was before Christmas! I really need to change it! Have a blessed day dear Debra, you mantle change is gorgeous! HUGS!

  3. I like very much to change something around me.It's a strong remedy for my bad mood.
    Enjoy your day Debra,kiss.

  4. Looks wonderful Debra!!! I just love ALL THE WHITE with BROWN ACCENTS... AND I'm with you - taking EVERYTHING DOWN, Really Helps create a new look!!! I do that whenever I'm "stuck"...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  5. I love the French look of it, love the demi johns too!

  6. I think the mantle turned out pretty darn good, and the mirror reflects those lovely wooden ceiling beams too!!!


  7. Your mantle is gorgeous! unfortunately mine can't be decorated due to the TV above :( .
    Have a wonderful day!
    XXX Ido

  8. Love this idea! Even as a degree toting designer I still sometimes get stuck.

    Currently I am trying to figure out something new for my sliding glass door. and pinterest have offered no inspiration what so ever. :(

  9. Debra, I love what you did to your mantle! It looks wonderfully French!

  10. Beautiful...clean, more rut?

  11. Phew, that me as well!! Stuck in a few ruts over here and need to change loads of things! Your mantel looks great! I think i need to ferret about in some forgottoncupboards to find new "old" things for my displays.


  12. The mantle looks fresh and summerly. Richard from My Old Historic House

  13. It looks wonderful Debra.
    You did an amazing job with your transformation.

    Have a great week,

    White Spray Paint

  14. How very happy and bright and Frenchy! I do believe you achieved your goal - and it's lovely!

  15. Oh Debra! You are so inspiring! I set up my matle years a go & I only change it for Christmas..."rut" is an understatement! I need to freshen things up over here!!! :) Love yours!!!

  16. So pretty Debra. The white has really inspired your creativity.


  17. Sweet, sweet, sweet!
    And yes, it's so fresh.
    Looking forward to your
    design challenge!
    xx Suzanne

  18. Lovin the mantel Debra - those demijohns are perfect....they were the first things that we noticed! The shells are the perfect summery touch (as well as those stellar bird prints!!)
    thanks for poppin over :) LOVE hearing from you!

  19. Hey Debra! I have not had a chance lately to comment about all of your painting you've accomplished in your den. Wow! It's amazing the transformation that you've done. And it's so funny you used the word symmetrical...while my friend Amy was here we looked at a lot of blogs together. I realized that MY design flaw is that my whole house is symmetrical. So I'm working to get rid of that. I didn't even notice I was "in a rut"...
    I think you mantel is fabulous, btw.

  20. The mantel fits right in with your new look. I have to tell ya I have a hard time thinking of you in a decorating rut. haha You are always changing things out and tweaking.
    I need to get half your energy!


  21. It's GORGEOUS Debra!!! I love each and every element....I'm very symmetrical as well, I can't help it! I love your new living room, it has such a restful feel to it ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  22. UMMMMMM! Lots and lots of inspiration here, Debra!
    I love the mirror on mirror effect! Your mantle looks so fresh and has a wonderful sun-bleached look!

  23. Your summer mantle is lovely! I love the conch shell, my folks had one of those when I was a kid. Your living room is beautiful and so romantic looking!
    Hugs, Cindy

  24. I'm in love with your mantel, well the whole room, just gorgeous!
    Thanks for linking!

  25. Hi Debra! Thanks for stopping by my bloggy! I got so excited when I saw your name! I LOVE your living room! All that white goodness is making me swoon! Your mantle looks like a picture from a magazine! GoRgEoUs!! Hey we need to go junkin' together sometime...we live just a hop, skip and a jump from each other! That Lula Mae's looks fabulous! Where is it? I needs to go! Have a blessed week Darlin'!
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  26. Loving your summer look Debra ~ especially the bird prints! There are a few in the shop now and I always think of you when I see them!

  27. Debra, Your mantle looks great. i love the books and the lamps on top of them. i can't wait for your design challenge I put your challenge button in my sidebar. I probably wont start my new ofice/ guest room till summer is over, so I hope it will still be on then.
    Eileen @ CBH

  28. Oh, Debra everything is looking sooooo gorgeous!! I love how your mantel is dressed up for summer and I so relate to the "rut" of symmetry and trying to figure out how to honor the lines of the room/space and yet try new things here and there. You have done such a great job with it all and your vignette is just beautiful! :-)

  29. Debra, it is gorgeous. I love the shells and the bird prints and the lamps look wonderful painted. The demijohns are the perfect touch. Your room is so pretty, I just love it all. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  30. This is beautiful! Good work. It would be absolutely perfect for a beach home or a lake house!

  31. You freshened things up beautifully Debra. The rustic bottles are a great contrast. Wonderful photos as well.

  32. You are on a roll! Everythig looks wonderful.

  33. Your mantel is really lovely, Debra...I love all the different textures and elements you used...perfect for summer!

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Your mantel looks great Debra. I always have to be symetrical too. Can't wait to hear more about your new idea:-) Where do you find the time girl?


  36. Debra -
    I love the mixture of things on your mantel. The layering of mirrors is lovely and the shells and lamps. I like that you decided to use all our photos for the sponsorship thing on the Design Challenge. Now....I know you did not ask for any opinions on your mantel but I'm going to give a suggestion about something I see many people do on their mantels and it drives me crazy! See the wicker covered bottles at the ends of your mantel? Many people put large things at the ends of their mantels and near the edge and it makes those things look like they are about to fall off. Those being dark...makes your eye go out to the ends of you mantel and takes away from the loveliness in the center. Heavy large things should not extend any further than past the main body of the fireplace to keep it all looking balanced and not edge heavy. I think if you remove those large dark bottles and add just put a few light colored small trinkets in their place and not too close to the edge then it will be perfection.

  37. Actually, I think if you take those bottles won't need anything else at all.

  38. Hi Debra! The mantel is beautiful and looks wonderful with your new lighter room. Of course I love the demijohns and the door stop and bird prints are fabulous.

  39. LOVE your summer mantel! The two mirrors are wonderful and I love the demijohns. Loving your light & bright!

  40. It is just dreamy! Can I sit in your chairs and read next to your fireplace?? I found your mantel on PRIMP's party- it is just a stellar display! Just signed on as a follower- my icon is the chicken, I just started blogging! Have a blessed day! Regards, Andrea @

  41. Hi Debra! I wanted to drop by again to say thanks for joining the Open House party. I love the new look.

  42. Your mantel is beautiful! You did an excellent job. It looks like it's quite a large mantel to fill. I have a large one too & they're not always easy to decorate. I, too, suffer from the symmetrical's hard to come out of our comfort zones I guess.

  43. Wonderful mantle! Just beautiful!

  44. So clean and beautiful! I love it!! I featured you today in my Friday I'm In Love favorites.

    - Jenn @ Social Salutations

  45. Love your mantle. Love white, love beachy, love vintage. Wonderful pictures too.

  46. Great touches Debra--it looks so relaxing & bright! Thanks for linking to Share the Love Wednesday. Hope you'll be back this week!


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