Friday, August 19, 2011


I sort of go nutso this time of the year,
cause I'm just a "Fall"  kinda gal!
So be warned...
you'll be seeing a ton of fun fall images and ideas.

Just wanted to share this one that came in the mail from
 Lowe's Creative Ideas Magazine.

Hope you have a great weekend,
and be sure and enter the
Vintage Inspiration Friday Give Away
by scrolling down to the last post.
There's still time to link up for this week!



  1. I haven't gotten my Lowe's ideas mag yet. Those are cute and I'm going to be ready for fall... as soon as we get back from the beach. (a late family get together.)'Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh my goodness...I think you are going to start a blog 'craze" by posting darn cute! Thank you for sharing this great idea. I am a "Fall" kinda girl favorite season to decorate for.

  3. Aren't these the cutest! I love that Lowe's magazine and I blogged about the mumpkins today too! : )

  4. Those are adorable and what a great ideal. Speaking of Fall I'm so ready for some cooler weather, can't wait! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  5. I am in love with these! So glad you shared. I love fall too. My favorite time of year and the best decorations! Love you giveaway. I'm off to link up. I have a little one going on that may interest you too. Take care

  6. Great minds do really think alike Debra. I just posted about Fall too. I swoon and drool all over Fall decor. In fact every year I keep adding to my stash, which is huge to begin with. Enjoy!

  7. Beautiful! I am so ready for some cool Fall weather! Enjoy your day dear Debra, HUGS!

  8. So cute but I am not ready for fall yet! Summer was so late in coming....can I keep a bit more? :)

  9. These are just too cute! I will welcome Fall with open arms....oh, probably about November. The heat and draught seems endless.

    I digress. This is a terrific project that I will look forward to! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh, how cute! Yep, I am looking forward to fall with a big smile on my face!


  11. Saw them and thought at the time that this is a MUST DO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. These are precious! I haven't gotten my copy yet but I'd love to see how they are made.

    Thanks, Debra. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!


  13. I saw this one in line last week @ lowes...toooo cute! yep! We've started to get our fall primped & placed already - we also went through our "idea folder" for halloween, fall & thanksgiving for great ideas - here we go!!

  14. These are so fun! And I admit I decorated with some Chinese Lanterns today...

  15. Love the mumpkins! I would create a white one of course.

  16. I got this mailer too. I can't wait to scrounge around for the screws, nuts and bolts in the garage for the pumpkins!

  17. So glad I discovered your blog .... it's absolutely wonderful and simply breathtaking!!! Can't wait to do some more browsing!

  18. These are adorable .... love the name too.

  19. I stinking love those! Thank you so much for sharing, because I am pretty sure you have also inspired a little project!

  20. OMGoodness, these are too, too cute! :D

    I want some!

    I am back from my break, and I wanted to see what's up @ Common Ground.


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