Friday, May 27, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 39 Scandinavian Design

Most of us are aware of the current influences of Scandinavian design.
Anyone who dabbles in the world of "white and chippy"
 is familiar with at least a few of their blogs. 

Whether you are a full blown devotee, or like me, 
one who loves white and neutrals as a base,
we all can find something from their aesthetic
 that can be appreciated and incorporated
into our own personal design philosophy.

Here are just a sampling of blogs that I personally find as favorites.

Inspiration i vitt

l antlif

(which literally means "flower stand")

I have to say that of all the Scandinavian blogs this is my favorite.
The flea market vibe and the colorful use of plants and blooms
 gives me a lift each time I go there.

I think I'm more attracted to the French influence in their design:
slightly more elegant and curvy.

I'm not a stark and minimalist kind of gal,
but I do appreciate the clean, vintage look.

Let us know what you think...
Are you influenced by the current
Scandinavian Country look?

There are so many wonderful and creative posts
from last week that it's hard to just choose four,
Gosh, I could feature 10 or 15 of you easy each week!

Faye at Wild Rose Vintage
found some rose dish beauties at an Old Barn Sale

Rosemary at Villa Barnes
found some cuckoo clock elements for an

Terry from Forever Decorating
 showed us how she designed her Garden Cupola

and Deneen from dreamingincolor
showed us how to take a trash chandelier
and turn it into the perfect dessert tray

I'm linking up with these gals for Friday Parties:

Hope you can join the party today at
Vintage Inspiration Friday
"anything vintage or vintage inspired"

and you have until May 29 to enter my May Give Away,

lots of love,


  1. Hi Debra...I joined in on the party! Lots of pretty inspiration in your post. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh yum! Those images are so dreamy! I've been following Minna for awhile. I even pick her work out of other publications when I find it! Love it! Thanks for having us!

  3. Hi Debra! When it comes to interior design, I love white, neutral, and clutter free spaces with a lot of natural light. I am not really a minimalist. Also, not every scandinavian house is white. Actually, none of houses I've visited in Norway is decorated in white. There is a lot of wood and natural materials and large windows due to lack of light. One of the scandinavian blogs I really like is Chez Larsson

  4. Beautiful choices for blogs, they are an inspiration for sure. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Debra thanks for featuring my dessert Tray!

  6. My favorite foreign language/whitey-white blog is Fraulein Klein. Yvonne is just about my favorite photographer right now!


  7. I read blogs that I don't understand. I mean - seriously. Sometimes even the translation thing doesn't work for me yet I will spend hours on the blog.

    Okay - so maybe I don't read them... but I sure do get inspired! LOL

    GREAT post - LOVE it! ;-D


  8. So much inspiration in these beautiful rooms.

  9. My very favorite is that wonderful white bed full of white linens...yummy!


  10. Hi Debra,
    Thanks for hosting, and thanks so much for the feature! Beautiful images! I do appreciate Scandinavian Design, and I love getting lost in blogs with that theme. However, I tend to surround myself with more earth tones and splashes of faded white or cream. The clutter free thing is an ongoing battle.

  11. Thanks for hosting, Debra! I love that headboard and the white pieces being used to hold plant life.

  12. Sweetest Debra,--first ,thanks for your last post,--it really helped me comment on many blogs-- now there are only the ones left, whom don`t want to have anonymous posts.....
    I do too ( ofcource) love many of the Scandinavian blogs , -I don`t live white, but I think , I live very Schandinavian - even I`m a big collector-----
    Big hugs,Dorthe

  13. Oh, I love it all, Debra! Simple but full of subtle detail. I like the daffodils surrounded by the wreath of twigs.

    Have a great holiday weekend!


  14. Hi Debra! Ohhh I am absolutely drooling over that gorgeous sun room!!! LOVE!!! I am going to save that pic in my inspiration file! Sharing my vintage inspired farmhouse table this week! Thanks so much for hosting! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  15. Thanks for sharing some wonderful inspiration Debra! And as always, thanks so much for hosting!

  16. These are all favourite Scandinavian blogs of mine as well, Debra. LOVE the look and it's a big influence for me now. Adore all the whites and beiges and greenery...elegant, calm and peaceful.

  17. Hi Debra, I love that white headboard with the white pillows, it's very inspiring. Thanks for hosting the party.

  18. Debra, I must check out these wonderful sites. Thanks for the info and for hosting. Have a great weekend.

  19. ...oh yes Debra!!
    this is definately the direction my creative eye has been seeking!!
    thanks for the links to a few new faves:)
    xo, Rosemary

  20. Debra, thank you for sharing this great sights, I love this Scandinavian style of decor and thinhs. Thank you for hosting this great party and letting me participate!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. So lovely! And having such fun exploring the link party participant's blogs as well.

  22. love scandinavian blogs, such beautiful inspiration.

    thank so much for hosing 'vintage inspiration friday', it's always lots of fun.

    have a lovely weekend, debra.

  23. Oh, I just love these pics and the scandinavian style! Thanks so much for sharing! I do hope folks in your neck of the woods are doing okay after the storm devastation. You're in our prayers.
    - Susan

  24. Loved all these pictures. I feel like I've looked through a great magazine. Had a great garage sale but I'm pooped. You should see my garage -- you would be so jealous. Jan

  25. While I would probably never use this particular style in my own home, I ♥♥ looking at the whites, the simplicity, and the shabbiness of it all. Of course, incorporating a few accessories & putting bits and pieces of it in other people's decor isn't out of the question! Thanks so much for hosting, Debra.
    :-) Sue

  26. I wanted to jump thru my computer screen and grab the window with the ballerina pictures behind the glass...swooooon!!!!

  27. I really like many of the Scandinavian influences, as well, Debra. But in my own cottage, I use white mixed with other colors. Actually, I'm familiar with a number of these blogs and have them saved to favorites, and I absolutely love the photography of Minna Mercke Schmidt! Her images have been used in some of my favorite magazines.

    Thanks for hosting the fun party. I would love to have you join me at Time Travel Thursday, too! ;)

    Have a blessed holiday weekend!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  28. thankyou- there are some there that i have never heard of...
    Just when i thought it was safe to go to bed...hmmmm...

    A little longer thanks to you....

    Melissa x

  29. Hi Debra! If it is white, chippy or rusty, I sooo love it. And architectural elements are also high on my list these days. No way could I ever be minimalistic (my FIL once accused my home of looking like a gift shop!), but I do love the Scandanavian country look. Thanks for hosting this fun event ~ I just linked up!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  30. Hi Debra! Here we are again! I do really get excited by this style, but find it really hard to achieve. Mostly because of the type of furnishings and antiques coupled with the architecture. I love every single one of your samples, and I don't think I know all of these blogs so I have something to look forward too. I love your party! Thanks for hosting. Hope you're not spending too much time dodging tornadoes! xx

  31. Sigh...just love the blogs you featured! Beautiful! That chandelier turned dessert tray is ingenious! Thank you so much for always hosting such a fabulous party! I have Vanessa and I all linked up!


  32. What fabulous inspiration, Debra. I LOVE the soothing white palette and would love to incorporate more of it into my home but I can't bring myself to toss all the good furniture I've amassed over the last 30 years! I look forward to visiting the blogs you featured. Thanks for hosting this fun party.

  33. Sigh! What beautifully inspirational photos, Debra! Wow! I love the chippy white with the 'pared down' look with rusty goodness and a wee bit of faded red......Allllll goooood!!! lol! Thanks for sharing these wonderful blogs!

    xoxo laurie

  34. I am inspired, Debra! Every photo, every room, every accessory is just so beautiful.....Christine

  35. Wonderfully gorgeous post!
    I've visited most of those sites and they are wonderful!!

    blessings and thanks for the great party.

    barbara jean

  36. You chose some of my favorite Scandinavian blogs Debra and I'm so exited that I'm going to visit some of them like Gua's Hvitur Lakkris new shop during my Summer vacation this year. And I agree with Minna's blog being the most inspirational, I love her way of incorporating flea market items and natural elements in her flower desings. The best is that I'm going to stay at Minna's (Blomsterverkstad - which by the way means Flower Workshop not Flower Stand ;-))beautiful Country Summerhouse in South Sweden. Can't wait to meet her in person!
    Happy inspiration Friday wishes sends you

  37. oh, they are all so gorgeous...I cant even imagine living in there!!!

  38. Hi sweet
    Blogger is giving me trouble here... can't leave a comment or link up!
    I will try one more time
    Loved all your Scandinavian images here, just beautiful
    My ride here with the Lord was awesome and the countryside was breathtaking...loved it!
    Now it is get to work time
    Blessings and love today

  39. Debra what a beautiful post. I do love the style because I live white but I need it to be rustic not frilly. I like a farmstyle with whites and aged woods. I linked up a redesign I did for a friend..hope you enjoy it!

    Lucky 7 Design

  40. Thanks for the new awesome sites!!!
    I love Me and Alice, I will check these out!!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  41. I love Scandinavian design and your picks are gorgeous. Thanks for hosting & Happy Memorial Day weekend :O)


  42. Hi Debra!
    I too am inspired by the scandinavian look!
    I like the paired down images...the simpler side of life!
    Having blogger problems so I hope this works...haven't been able to leave comments today!

  43. Funny how these are some of my favorites also:-) I love the simplicity to their homes and wish I could keep mine as simple, but I just love too many things....LOL.

    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party.


  44. I love all those photos as I am definitely a WHITE lover these days! It is amazing how fast your blog pops up for me at my son's house on high speed. LOVE IT !! :)

  45. Thank you Debra, for your visit and beautiful comment. I weep when I see this much beauty! at one time (tear) and it takes me to a place of inspiration I will take home with me to my place. It makes me hunt the garage for anything old and anything that adds to a soulful feeling of awwwww!

    Thank you for hosting such beauty, your talents do not go un-noticed!!!

  46. I love this style too Debra and think it mixes in perfect with the bits of french and farmhouse in my home!

    Sorry I missed the party this week but I started my weekend early. Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend!!

  47. Oh wow, so much wonderful eye candy. Your pics are fantastic. Hugs, Marty

  48. I love this post!!! I will revisit it several times over the weekend. :D
    I love Scandinavian design. It is so light and cheerful. Thanks for a *gorgeous* post.

  49. Hello Sweet Debra! Oooh...I am drooling over all of the lovely inspiration you've shared! Wow! Gorgeous photos! I am moving and changing up my antique store display in July and am seeking out the trends and styles that will shape my new look! What fun! Thank you for the inspiration! And thank you for hosting your fun party again this week!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  50. finally i can comment again! love the white gorgeousness...i pinned a couple of these photos...thanks for linking up again to fridays unfolded...i am all linked up here too!


  51. Oh my gracious! I'm going to bookmark this post so I can visit all these scrumptious blogs!! Thank you for sharing them with us. Blessings... Polly
    French Cupboard &
    Counting Your Blessings

  52. I love the Scandinavian look as many others. They use simply objects but it looks so creative and beautiful. Thanks for the sites. Many I already visit but a few others are now on my list. Thank you for hosting each week. It's always a pleasure.

  53. A beautiful post that is just as dreamy eight years later Debra!!! Timeless style!!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends