Monday, May 16, 2011

Faded Charm's White Wednesday 100th Post Celebration

For almost two years I've had an appointment every Wednesday.
I know many of you have the very same one.
No place we'd rather be than coming to visit
Kathleen at Faded Charm,
 White Wednesday!

We've seen her lovely farmhouse from every angle
and have been inspired with her wonderful collections;
flowers, pottery, vignettes,
chippy white furniture,
and displays of her antique spaces and events. 

So to celebrate this milestone,
Kathleen is putting together a Huge Party this week.
Just take a peek at some of the great Give Aways.

Yep, you heard me right...
multiple give aways!

to join in on the celebration.
This week,
 May 17-20.

Be sure and be a part of all the fun.
See you tomorrow!



  1. Kathleen does have a lovely home, wonderful blog & party and this is a GREAT giveaway!!!

  2. Hola Debra, I have been loving her home since I met her!!!
    hugs my dear

  3. wow, thats wonderful!

  4. Can't wait Debra, and you are so right. It's been two years of fun. I am not going to miss this one. Your post is really Lovely my blogger friend. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  5. Oh how fun! Great giveaways! HUGS!

  6. Oh Debra, I loved all of the pictures you showed today, their so pretty.... I love participating in Whited Wednesday, but I've been having trouble getting linked up lately, so haven't got to play in a while!!! Thanks for sharing!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  7. Debra
    Thanks for the shout out can't wait!!!


  8. Thanks so much for the kind post about my blog and I do appreciate your continual support of WW week after week. You were one of the first original players and it's come a long ways, hasn't it?

    See ya tomorrow:-)


  9. Hi dear Debra- I say also thankyou for all the beauty I have seen here every white wednesday- and surely all is so beautiful over at Faded Charm-- I wish you all a happy party.
    Hugs, Dorthe


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