Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My blog post "publisher" seems to have a mind of it's own. It keeps "publishing" whenever it wants to. OK, maybe it's error on my part, but I can't seem to figure it out. So to save it for tomorrow, I'm just posting a little photo of my sunroom to give up a hint of tomorrow's Vintage Inspiration Post. Sorry for the confusion of late. This is the second time to jump the gun in two days!

Anyone else having this problem?

OK, see ya tomorrow!

love ya,
even tho I'm ditzy,


  1. Debra
    Well I got a sneek peak right before I tried to comment. Anway I love the new header its to die for. Sending you much love from Cali!!!


  2. Now I have to tune in cuz I am in love with that little rabbit!!!

  3. I don't have that issue but my post are all screwed up after I type them. Html is not working and I have to put in my own paragraph signs in front of every one otherwise it all is squashed together. I can't just write them in compose because they still do it! Many issues floating around with blogger right now.

  4. I have been having my share of blogger doing what it wants on my posts, but most of it I have been able to rectify. And it has had to do with placement and margins...frustrating fro sure. I go back and forth between blogger and Windows live writer...I should just stick with the latter.

    Cute pic! I'm new here but will be back!! I'm going to check out your shop! I have one too!! Fun aren't they?
    Have a joyful evening!

  5. Hi Debra... I have that problem sooo much!... What I finally am doing now... I go into "post options" while I am working on a post and change the date by one day from when I want it to go... that way, it CANNOT go accidentally!... then after you save it to drafts, preview your final post, then I go back in and put the correct date and hit "publish"... works every time!... I am so proud of myself for figuring that out!!! So many of my Barn Chicks posts went early, and it made me mad!... try it!... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Debra, your not the problem it happens to me too. see you tomorrow


  7. Glad we got a little sneak peak! Can't wait until tomorrow;)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. I have had the same problem on a couple of occasions....I an trying to be ever so careful now because I don't know why it happened (not a nice feeling when it happens!)
    Susan x

  9. Well Debra, I have had one that wouldn't post, slow to post or not post a picture! NEVER had one post on it's own:) Hope you get it figured out! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  10. Hi Debra...I just popped into your blog from another and I LOVE it! I've added myself as your newest follower. I haven't had too much trouble posting but I don't get too fancy. Glad to hear that your kitties are calming down and out of WW III. Come by and visit me sometime...Happy Spring Ya'll from Houston!

  11. Dear Ditzy Debra...:))
    I have my post up and not sure when you put linky up...I have to leave for awhile..
    my link

  12. Oh, dear...I am MUCH more ditzy than you...I thought today was THURSDAY..I am so confused.
    Is it a Senior Moment, ya think.
    'OK, dear one, I will come back TOMORROW and link up for Friday. So sorry about that. :(
    xoxo bj

  13. I know what you mean, and it does not always cooperate, like your new header too, have a good and blessed day.

  14. I've only had that problem once. My Tartan Day post "published" automatically two days sooner than I wanted it to but that was "operator error". LOL I know what I did on that one.
    I also had a post saved to draft and when I looked at the the next day, all the photos had disappeared! Text still there, just no photos. I have no idea what I did, but then my computer skills are basic.
    Just saw C'est Moi, Julie Marie's comment. Thanks for the tip, now I know how to keep that from happening next time.

  15. Hi! Just found your blog. Love it. Easter baskets, lambies and bonnets, oh my! I will now peruse your store. How fun. Happy Easter!

  16. love your water can interpretation of the midwest living cover. absolutely darling, especially that little lamb book. your sunroom is astonishingly pretty. can't wait to see more.

    thank you for hosting the vintage inspiration link party.
    have a lovely weekend.

  17. Your Watering Can & "PiNk Flowers" For Sure SAY SPRiNg!*!*!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  18. love your Easter dispaly- I noticed a rabbit candle, hehe..



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