Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #31 Spring Garden Cart

The itch to get my hands in the dirt got the better of me yesterday afternoon.
After all, it was in the upper 30's when I decided to make a run to Lowes,
and buy some perennials for this little project.

Of course, there was only one checkout,
and there were other fools out there just like me!
(insert chattering of teeth and blue fingers)

So...I've had this little vintage garden cart for the last 5 years
stuck under the deck, only doing a few odd jobs around the yard.

But after seeing one today
 that has been planted with creeping phlox for the last few years,
I decided to put one together for myself.

Sorry no photo from the one from Spring Creek,
but it was really sweet with teensy blooms spilling over the edges
in all the lovely pinks and lavenders.

I added some daffodils and pink hyacinths in with the mix.
Don't know how that will work for the long run,
but I was desperate for some planting fun...sheesh...desperate.

It's a little decrepit,
 and my husband has threatened to set it by the curb on trash day.

Just look at those fabulous wheels...
I'm thinkin' it's best to be in one spot.

Here's the sort of look I'm going for, although this isn't creeping phlox.

(google images)

Lot's of work to do outside,
so I'm hoping the weather cooperates!

What kind of gardening fun have you all been up to?

Here's some random vintage inspiration from last week:

Fishtail Cottage

One Girl in Pink

Happy Homemaker UK

Mary's Meanderings

I'd love you to come join the party.
Please link back within your post.

Hope you grab the button for your post and sidebar.
Remember, I have a "featured at" button, too.

I'm linking up with these great gals!


Have a great weekend, everyone!
hugs and love,


  1. Hello Debra, That is a cute cart! And looks great in the grden. Thanks for hosting today.....Julian

  2. Oh Debra, I love your garden cart! I'm itching to get my hands in the dirt too! ... And as always, thanks so much for hosting!

  3. I got nothing this week but wanted to come by to say HI!!

  4. Love that cart. Reminds me of one my parents had when I was growing up and helping in the yard.
    thanks for hosting.

  5. That little garden cart is so cute. Does it ever freeze at night where you live? If it does, it would be great to just wheel it into the garage in the evenings. That's the kind of planter I need :)

  6. a girl after my own heart! My parents had one growing up like that. When my mom died unexpectley I dont why I did not take it. When I drove by the new owners have it in the back yard. I may have to work up the nerve to stop and see if I can get it back!

  7. What a sweet little cart! Shame on hubby for wanting to send it to the curb.

    I've been itching to get out in the garden but Mother Nature has other plans. Today it is snowing and raining at the same time. But finally the grass is greening up and the trees have the tiniest of buds, and even the winter wheat has sprouted.

    Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  8. Hi Debra! Happy VIF! Thank you so much for featuring my craft cabinet! What a sweet surprise to see my photo here when I stopped by for the party today! I love your little garden cart! I have a similar vintage cart that I still put to good use. When it starts to get decrepit I think I'll give it a new life as a planter like yours! Thanks for the inspiration...always!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

    I keep lovely bagged dirt around at all times as I have been know to plant things in the winter months as Flowers are an absolute must ~ ANYTIME!!!

    So fool you are NOT!!!

    love your vintage cart o'flowers:)

    xo, Rosemary

  10. That's the sweetest cart!!! Thanks so much for the party!

  11. I love all...

    Have a nice day!

  12. I just love vintage garden carts...I love what you are doing with it, and am looking forward to seeing it grow!

  13. I love the vintage cart. That was a clever idea to put plants in it. Even though it is beautiful now, in a couple of months or so it is going to look amazing when the plants start spilling over. I love that look.

    It's a good thing you put some plants in it because hubby sounds like many others. They just don't see the beauty in certain things and I can them putting it in the trash pile.

    Now for our Pink loving friends, I can see the cart painted pink.
    Have a great day!

  14. Debra, that little vintage cart is just priceless! Love it, happy you saved it from the curb! Thank you for hosting this fabulous party!


  15. Debra,
    I think you did great with this little cart! It is adorable. What a cute idea to plant in it. I love how this turned out. A fun look for spring!
    Thanks for hosting!

  16. Your garden cart looks fabulous! I remember my parents having one of those. I'm going over there today, and I WILL be digging through my Mom's garage, looking for it!

  17. I love your little garden cart. Soon it will be overflowing with blooms :) Hope the sun shines on ya'll soon :)
    Thanks for hosting, I linked up this week...
    been so busy
    Becky C

  18. Your cart is adorable and I just love the color. Yours will be looking just like the other picture real soon. Would love to see it in full bloom. Not much planting going on around here, our rain just stopped the other day, but more in the forecast for Saturday.

  19. Dear Debra, your little garden cart,looks sooo sweet with those beautifull spring flowers-
    I am very happy for phlox, too-they are lovely- and in the most sweet colors-and your collection here will look wonderfull for many months to come.
    I wish I could start ,too-- but not good yet, :)
    Big warm hug- and love

  20. Hi Debra - I love your little red vintage cart. And I adore your inspiration, it would be such an amazing focal point to have something like that in your garden.

    By the way, I read your post re: Romantic Country's Summer 2011 issue. I was wondering if you were able to see my feature there too. Just curious what you thought of it.

    Happy Friday to you dear Debra!

  21. Hi, I'm popping in from Fishtail Cottage. Your little cart is going to look so adorable when the flowers mature and spill over the sides.

  22. How wonderful you have been planting... wouldn't dare do that here, it has been in the 30s for two weeks now. Beautiful sunny day today and I am looking forward to getting outside.
    Your little cart is darling.
    Blessings today\

  23. Hi Debra~ Well it looks like my previous comment did not go through!! Argh! blogger issues lately are making me crazy!! Anyway, back over to share again- I adore that wheelbarrow with the flowers!! So sweet and charming! Thanks for hosting! :) All linked up on both the posts now! :)

  24. What a great idea! I am ready for spring, too! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  25. i love your cute "spring garden cart". spring has certainly sprung here in tennessee.....lots of digging in the dirt for me!!
    happy spring,

  26. Hi Party Lady! It feels so good coming over here. Thanks so much for the fun! I love your little cart. It's going to look lush and flowing over in no time. I nearly froze in the wind at the nursery yesterday too! Loves to you.

  27. That is a darling little vintage cart and by mid summer, it is going to be AMAZING. I have a little red wagon with siderails that belonged to my first grandson that's about to turn 21...I will plant it, too. Thanks for the inspiration.:)
    Thanks so much for hosting.
    My vintage today is more white ironstone plates..*sigh...seems I am ALWAYS posting food.:)

  28. I just hope that if that little cart goes to the curb, that I happen to be driving past your house! It's precious, really. Thank you for the inspiration Debra, and thank you for hosting us every week!

  29. Hi Debra...

    Ohhh...what a darling little red cart, my friend! I love it! The pretty purple and lavender phlox are sooo pretty and sooo perfect! I think I need a little cart like that! Thanks for sharing it with us! Also...thank you so much for hosting this sweet vintage party, Debra! This is my very first time to participate!

    Warmest spring wishes, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  30. That cart is wonderful! I can't believe your husband would consider putting it to the trash. As those plants spread this is going to be one beautiful planter.

  31. That is the cutest little red cart ever.
    I haven't gotten my hands dirty yet, but I am looking forward to it!
    Thanks for hosting.

  32. Debbie, it is definitely spring here in TX so I've been out in the garden most days for a few weeks now. Fun to see everything coming back after the severe winter we had. I wasn't certain it would. ;-)
    Your little garden cart planted with colorful blooms is a nice start. ~ Sarah

  33. I love your cart! When the phlox grow out and droop over the side, it's going to be just gorgeous. I've been out cleaning up last season's stuff, but the weather won't let me out much.

  34. Debra,
    Oh my...I'm so in love with it (I guess that's okay). Your flowers look great...if you need more for your home...I just got back from HD and they are having a 4 day sale...4 1/2 pots are only .49 cents (I only got 5 trays..he he)...guess you know what I will be doing this weekend!


  35. Debra I have searched your blog high and low to find your button code and haven't had any luck at all. In fact I don't think I had it when I linked up previously either. Since I'm getting to be in the habit of hanging out over here I thought I might add you to my sidebar of regulars that I visit. If you could send me the code or direct me to where the codes tucked away that would be great :)) I love your flowers! They look amazing!

  36. only 30 degrees? brrrr! So excited you joined up this week! I love your vision of the wheel barrow with the whimsy flowers hanging over! Will be so'll have to link up again so we can see the transformation! Hope you have a fantastic weekend & stay warm. Thanks for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's & sharing the garden party with friends - love meeting new gardeners! xoox, Tracie

  37. Guard that baby with your life. My hubby threw my red wagon away....yes it was rusted and falling apart...but it isn't like you see them all over to get again. I am not over it yet. It has been 5 years....I am working on it!!!

  38. Men don't get these things at all. My aunt gave me a broken rocking chair with no seat that I put a cookie sheet on and used as a little planter. My dad thought I was insane. My entire family thought I was insame a few years later when I dragged it out of the attic for a yard sale. Another woman wanted to use it like I did. Yet the next year she asked if I remembered the rocking chair? Her husband fixed the broken parts and added a new seat. She said with a fresh coat of paint, it looked like new.

    Hopefully once your flowers bloom, your husband will see the wagon in a different light.

  39. i love your garden cart! don't ever let your hubby get rid of it ;)

  40. PS - thanks so much for featuring me so sweetly on your blog today w/my White Bird Cage post last week! Just linked up my Corbel's this week! xoox, Tracie

  41.'d be more than welcome to leave that little cart on my curb...if I had one (snow-plow'n town...sadly, no curbs).

    Happy weekend!

    : )

    Julie M.

  42. The cart with flowers is adorable :) Laurel@chippingwithcharm
    PS...LOVE the new header on your blog...chippingly charming :)

  43. What an adorable cart! I can only imagine how wonderful it will look when your phlox trails over the sides! I'm off to Lowe's this morning, itching to plant some containers even though it's a tad early here. Thanks for hosting :-)

  44. Oh Debra, that is just soooo cute! Now I want a cute garden cart like that. It really looks pretty just like you have it, but it will be gorgeous when the phlox fills in. Great idea! Thanks for hosting. laurie

  45. Your garden cart makes me smile! So farmy with a urban twist! Thanx for sharing your blog and offering a linky vintage day...Remember to enter my 100 Follower Giveaway at my blog The Cranky Queen...Keep Junkin' Tiff

  46. Simply amazes me what these gals can think up!

  47. Hi Debra! Love your sweet little garden cart! You know it would have been scooped up in a NY minute if it went curbside!!

    Thanks for having us and enjoy your weekend!

  48. That is going to be adorable!!! I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to link in with some photos...either current or past (during the dormant seasons) to Flaunt Your Flowers on Friday with me. Many absolutely gorgeous gardens participate in this party, and yours would be a welcome visit for them all to make!
    I have enjoyed my visit here today...I am your newest follower! happy gardening!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  49. Good Morning Debra!
    Your Little Bit of Spring is so Wonderful! Gorgeous in the Garden Cart! I am So ready for Spring! Thank you for Sharing!
    Happy Friday Debra and Thank you for being Our Hostess!

  50. HI Debra,
    Getting the bug to do some planting as well. Went to lowes and saw some pretty pansies!! Unfortunatly we now flurries today so, I think I have to wait a little longer....
    I love your cart. What a perfect idea for planting... You will have to post pictures in a month so we can see how pretty everything looks...
    Have a great weekend!!!

  51. That garden cart is the cutest thing EVER!!
    Now I'm on a quest for something like that!
    I love it!!
    Thanks for the party I always find such great stuff!!

  52. Your garden cart is adorable. Oh how I wish I could be playing in the garden too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  53. Calling by from Cottage Flora Thursday, it is good to meet you, I am loving exploring all these different gardens. Your garden wheelbarrow will look gorgeous in a few months, now you will need to buy a new one for your garden work :)

  54. My goodness, I almost gave up trying to find a place to post a comment. Your cart is adorable and soon it will look like the one you desire. Time...time is all it takes. You must post another photo on TOOTSIE TIME when you are ready to show it off to us in full growth! I would love to see it! :)

  55. Wow, beautiful photos! I love all your flowery pictures! I like the way you arrange the plants in your garden cart. :) My Fertilizer Friday

  56. Stopping by from Tootsie's place for Fertilizer Friday. I shared my azaleas on my other non-food blog "My New 30."

    Love the cart - what a great find! That will be gorgeous when it gets filled out too.

  57. Hi Debra, thanks for hosting. Love your party!
    I love your vintage garden cart. We just bought 2; probably same age and style, painted blue. Thanks for the inspiration; we might keep one as a planter. I bet the creeping phlox looks beautiful.
    Have a great spring day!
    ~ Julie

  58. Be still my heart, with that little RED vintage cart

  59. Your carts going to turn out lovely!

  60. Your little vintage cart is so cute with the phlox. I'll bet it will be so pretty spilling over the side with the hyacinths and daffoils. I'll bet they could stay in the cart for a long time. Have a great weekend.

  61. Hi, here from tootsie's. Oh, how I do love your little garden cart. Such a fun idea.

  62. Hi Debra! I have one of those carts, in about the same shape as yours. It was given to me by a good friend that was moving and I just love it except for the color, mine is orange. I may have to remedy that this year... something fun for the garden! Yours is going to look so sweet when all of those bulbs bloom. What a great idea! Thanks for the party! xoxo

  63. I love your little garden cart! so adorable. It reminds me of one my grandpa used to have. Thanks for hosting!

  64. I think it's really awesome! Love the red color and it's funkiness.

    I planted creeping phlox this weekend, first time I've ever had it in my beds...hope it survives, I don't have a green thumb, but I love to plant flowers.

    I found you from FJI SNS this weekend. Going to be your newest follower :)

    Missed your linky party this week, maybe I can catch it next week.

  65. I'm clearing the house of all stuff (a kind of spring cleaning) this has given me an idea ! thanks.

  66. I think the cart is adorable! Men!!! Bless their hearts; they just don't get it sometimes. Perhaps hubby will change his mind when its overflowing with eye-catching floral beauty. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party. I always love seeing your little projects.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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