Friday, March 25, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #30: "Cloche" at Hand

A few weeks ago, after visiting
 Leola's Vintage Home and Garden's Spring Open house
I was filled with all sorts of inspiration for Spring.

One of my favorite spaces was created by Judy, one of the owners.
I spent so much time ooohing and aaahing over her moss covered garden and cloches.

Anything "Vintage Garden" always stops me in my tracks!

I've not tried African Violets before,
but I couldn't resist this little punch of color for one of my cloches.

Tiered cake plates covered in faux moss are the base for this Springtime tribute.
The milk glass one on the bottom was my mom's.

And I brought out my nativity lambs in honor of Easter.

These pics were taken while I was waiting for the paint to dry
 on my Eastlake dresser in the entry hall.
Sorry for the glare of the glass,
 I tried these in several spots, just couldn't get away from the glare.

 Here's Judy's space again,

She found these delicate ferns and moss on her gorgeous country property.

Oh how I love these chippy white shutters!

Thank you Judy, for some wonderful Spring time ideas!

I really appreciate each one of you that links up for the Party!
You all make it so hard to choose just four to feature.
I love seeing all your great vintage inspiration,
so remember, anything vintage or "vintage inspired".

Here's some great inspiration from last week:

from the V-Spot.

at A Rosy Note

No Minimalist Here

at the DIY Design Fanatic

If you've been featured please grab the "featured" button,
and I'd love for you to show the VIF button on your sidebar or post.
I always try to take the time to show off all the great parties,
people are much more apt to visit if the cute button is there.

So if you have time, come by and visit these other great parties that I'm linking to!

Hopefully, I'm finishing up the Laundry Room this weekend.
Actually, it turned out better than I thought.
"The Reveal" (lol!!), next week!

Have a great weekend
lots of love,


  1. Looks so much like Spring! I love bringing in the garden as well.~Cheers Kim

  2. I love your vignette! Especially the lambs. Just beautiful. What a nice surprise to see my spring artwork featured too! Thank you.

  3. I LOVE the idea of the fern in the bell dome. I'm off to the second hand store to see what I can find!! Such a GREAT idea, and those sheep added too, SUPERB!!
    I'm adding my link about Little House on the Prairie books. Are they considered vintage? If not, feel free to delete. :0)

  4. cute is your cloche? I'm loving it, so Springy! You've given me a great idea for doing one of mine up.
    Don't ya just love it when someone gives you inspiration? I sure do, and you have. Thanks!!
    Have a happy day. xoso Sandy O

  5. Lovely spring cloches Debra!! I need to get some SPRING decorating done.

  6. I'm oohing and awwhing over those too! How pretty.

    -Aaron {the girl with the boy's name}

  7. That is really lovely, Debra! I love all the displays, but I do like the flat moss in yours best.

  8. I love your spring display, that moss is yummy!. I tried linking to your blog, but something happened, the image doesn't appear, it just shows a cute face and says no thumbnail (#6) may be I did something wrong, I will try better next time.
    You did inspire me with that moss and lambs, I grow my own moss, so as soon as I get home I will go outside to get some. Thank you!

  9. I love the cloches! I hope you don't mind, but I re-shared some older posts of mine that feature spring cloches! I really like how you used your Nativity lambs with your Easter décor! I have a collection of lambs I usually pull out this time of year, and now I can't find them!

  10. Hi Debra, the cloche is stupendous perched up there waiting for a kitty to inspect it! Thanks for hosting♥♥♥ loveya, olive

  11. Thank you SO much for the opportunity to share my projects with the world! I truly appreciate the time you take to post, and also to host. It will hopefully help me get my new little blog started. I will link back to you!
    A Little Something, Too

  12. Hi Debra~ I linked up my English cottage room for now and I'll be back later to share again! Love your tiered cloches- they are absolutely adorable!! Thanks for hosting!! :)

  13. I love your cloche's. What a great idea to get out the sheep from the nativity. I can't wait to put some Easter stuff out as soon as my dining room is pulled back together. I love how you stacked the candlesticks and plates and cloches and added moss. I am so going to do this. THanks for the inspiration!

  14. I just knew it would be impossible to walk out of there and not be inspired! I love the addition of the little lambs with the moss, so very pretty! I have two and right now as I look at your photos I am a bit embarrassed at their neglect! I must dig into my spring goodies! Thanks for the party! xoxo

  15. How pretty, Debra! I especially love the one with your little lambs! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Oh, Debra! These are fabulous!! I have to try this. I just love it. Thanks for showing us. What beautiful vignettes for spring. You have inspired me.

  17. Debra, I love all those pictures. Yours looks fabulous. I have an african violet and it is not doing well. Going to have to try something else. Thanks for hosting.

  18. I just love using moss this year. Your pictures are great!

  19. i'm unpacking a dozen or so cloches for the shop--thanks for the fresh ideas!

  20. How beautiful Debra! I love the mossy spring loveliness and the tiered look is gorgeous!

  21. Debra it is just adorable and so spring. I am looking out at the 4" of snow we were surprised with yesterday and I am so ready for spring to stay. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  22. Hi Debra I LOVE!! how you displayed your cloche, so so pretty! I think I want everything in that second photo what a fabulous shop!! Martina

  23. All of the spring cloches and displays are delicious!!! It makes me want to go find some moss in the woods!
    Love the little sheep.

  24. Hello Debra,
    I just love your cloche display! Gorgeous and green and spring-inspired!
    Thanks for hosting,

  25. ...oh Debra!!
    I just found my next springtime project!!
    LOVE THIS!!!
    ~ now if I could find some sweet little lambs:)
    xo, Rosemary

  26. Wonderfull photoes Debra,- and your cloche`s on cakestands- looks fantastic. I so love your little sheeps--and the space Judy created- looks gorgeus- how great is the windowsill, with the moss around.
    Thanks for showing dear-
    week-end hugs, from me.

  27. Such a great idea! I'm going straight to the attic to dig out my nativity, thanks Debra! Love those shutters too, can't believe they didn't come home with you :))
    Thank you for hosting us again! Have a wonderful weekend.
    xo, Andrea

  28. Hi Debra... your Springtime cloche is beautiful, and I love your sweet little lambs by it!... love anything with moss and ferns! I am such a Nature lover too... Judy's place looks fabulous!... I am always in awe of your talents and creativity!... xoxo Julie Marie

  29. I'm with you! I always have to look at vintage garden things. I find them so soulful and interesting. Your display is beautiful, and I love the live plant. They are fussy and take care but seem so worth it. But I always seem to kill everything. :{ Thanks Debra!

  30. Hi Debra, Thank You so much for hosting today. I luv all the ideas for Spring vignettes. Have a great weekend..........Julian

  31. Your display is beautiful and completely charming, Debra! Now I'm inspired!

  32. Your cloche is lovely. The addition of the violet and your lambs is very special. ~~Sherry~~

  33. Hi Debra, Your Spring cloche is wonderful. I love that your added a tier and the little lambs. Thanks for featuring my DIY trophies and for sharing your beautiful cloche at my party.

  34. Hi Debra! So much inspiration this week!! Thank you!!

    Susan and Bentley

  35. Hi Debra, What Beautiful Photos.... I think anything that is Under a Cloche is simply Breathtaking~ I never seem to have my camera when I go places, but then My Camera is not the Best~ I am so Happy to finally be back, Slow, But Back! Have a wonderful weekend

  36. I am so loving the cloche with the sheep figurines!! I started collecting these little lambs and I am so going to have to show them off like this !

    Thank you for letting me join your fun party this week!

    bee blessed

  37. thanks for sharing this link at my party, love cloches. thanks for hosting.

  38. love the little lamb in the cloche! too cute--thanks for hosting!

  39. Debra your little lambs actually look as though they're grazing. How sweet. Judy has such lovely items too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, it's nearly here, been a long week! xoxo tami

  40. What a great idea to pull out little lambs from a nativity set!! I'm trying to think if I can get to mine easily. So sweet with all the moss and ferns. Your post reminds me of the days back in the 70's when terrariums were so popular. I loved seeing rootings and moss grow within misty glass. :)


  41. Those are great shots! I love your friend's space and your cloche cake plate display is just beautiful. I love it!!

  42. Hi Debra,
    I was racking my brain, what to do for easter?? you so inspire girl!!
    Love the sheep.

  43. Can't wait to see what you did with your laundry room! Mine has such potential, but I haven't done much with it after almost 3 years here. We just got home from Kansas City and I brought home all sorts of good to find places for it all...Have a great weekend!

  44. Oh my gosh! What amazing little worlds created under glass! I am beyond smitten!

    m ^..^

  45. Oh girl I love the sweet lambs and all the moss..I also have the same moss growing on my mountain top..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  46. This is turning into quite the party and place to be! I just wish I had more to share.

    Oh well, I can oooh and aaah over all of your pretties and everyoen elses!


  47. Wow, I love all of the wonderful cloche displays, they are all stunning. Great pictures and fabulous inspiration. Thanks for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  48. What a fantastic idea to use your nativity lambs for a springtime soiree! I adore it.

  49. What a beautiful idea to use for Easter. The moss cloches with the lambs, eggs and crosses...a few vintage Easter cards and some crinkled seam binding...and a sprinkle of glitter. Celebrate!
    Thank you for the ideas. Oh...and I love how they are stacked as they can be displayed even in the smallest space.

  50. Oh, your cloche display is gorgeous. I love her chippy shutters, too. Thanks for hosting.

  51. Thank you for hosting! I hope you don't mind linking up my Spring in England - nothing is more vintage than England, is it? :) XOL

  52. Love the little lambs with your cloche! So precious...I am sick of bunnies and the lambs remind us of the real meaning of Easter! I think we should start a lamb parade...I think I will have to dig out the Nativity set that I JUST GOT PUT AWAY! :) Thanks for giving us so many wonderful ideas to use in our homes!

  53. Hi Debra, Thanks again for hosting. I love your vintage inspiration party and will be linking up whenever I have a vintage post.
    ~ Julie

  54. you're cloches are darling. love the african violet and all of your sweet vintage lambs. so creative and charming.


  55. Love the pretty Spring cloches you've done Debra! I also loved Judy's space and the shutters are wonderful!

  56. The cloches are just wonderful. Love the moss and the chippy white paint. I have added my site to the party and look forward to visiting the other links. Thanks for hosting this party!

  57. I love anything moss! These are all lovely!

  58. So beautiful...just like a mini terrarium under your cloche. I love how you built it up on the cake plate.

    That booth is amazing and gives me some ideas for my upcoming changes in my both for the Spring show.

    Thanks for hosting:)


  59. Hi, I'm joining the party and am your newest follower!

  60. How lovely, Debra! I will have to join your party one of these weeks. I have a cloche for Pink Saturday but it's not nearly as fancied up as yours. Enjoy you weekend.


  61. Oh Debra, your picture's are all so pretty, I just love moss and your little lambs are just precious! I'm running late to the party, just got my post up a little while ago, better late than never though! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  62. you have out done yourself Debra. Your work is always fantastic and this cloche is utterly great. The combination of the lambs and butterfyl and moss, etc...


  63. Wow, Debra! Your cloche vignette is absolutely beautiful!! I just bought a cloche at Hobby Lobby last week and I can't wait to have fun with it. I love the little lambs too. Seeing such inspiration reaffirms why I love to collect vintage goodies and put forth the effort to beautify my home for my family. Thanks so much for sharing and for hosting this fun party.

  64. Debra,
    It all looks beautiful...thanks so much for sharing and for hosting.


  65. Your beautiful spring vignette is so inspirational, Debra! I love the lambs you used to remind us of Easter - just precious.

    Thanks for linking to the party again. I'm always delighted to have you join me.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  66. I love to visit Leolas too, so many great ideas! Thanks for stopping by my lil' ole blog and the sweet comments! I work part time at The Market and it is all dolled up for spring too! If you visit looke me up, I would love to meet ya! Christy

  67. Hey sweet friend linked up....I didnt really have anything "Vintage" but I linked up my "Old" candle jars repurposed:) Hope thats ok


    I couldnt find your button either...

  68. super sweet. I'm thinking that I have some of those same little lambs - they were part of my grandmother's nativity many years ago. Thanks again for hosting this weekend - so much inspiration here! -diane

  69. Love all the cloches. I'm just starting to acquire a few & love them. Just found one of the lovely bell-shaped ones at Marshall's, but I've decided to save it for the new house. Just a query about your cloche with the African Violet. Is it a real violet & does your cloche act as a terrarium, forming moisture inside? I've been growing African Violets for years & have always found that they do not like moisture on their leaves. Just something to keep in mind -- if the leaves start getting brown spots, that could mean the plant leaves are getting wet. I'm a new follower & would love to have you follow me back.

  70. Debra,
    the lambs are just I wish I hadn't got all of mine packed away:)...Now I can't want to see the eastlake dresser and the laundry room...
    Your support for me in my struggle is amazing...thank you for sharing your heart with me.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends