Thursday, January 6, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday#19 Inspired Friendships

"Vintage": a season's produce of grapes; wine from this
wine of high quality from a year or district
high quality from the year of a person's work
a superior harvest

For the last three days I've had the blessing of sharing my life with a truly amazing person. Neither one of us knew exactly the reason for the visit, other than God had a plan for us to meet. Talking, laughing, shopping, praying and eating. We did all those things with renewed purpose and energy. If anyone tries to tell you that blogging friends aren't REAL friends then they need to start a blog, and let them find out for themselves.

We "met" 18 months ago when I first started blogging, then grew in our maturity and friendship as I started my Bible Study Blog. Her comments were insightful, prayerful, and uplifting. She challenged me for expanding my thinking and prayer life. She is a strong, loving, and spiritually passionate woman.

And now I can really call her friend.

So even though we might be considered "vintage", we have celebrated our lives, relationships, friendships, creativity, passions, and our love for God. And as Luke 5:39 would testify, "And no one, after drinking old wine wishes for new; for he says, 'The old is good enough.'"

Rebecca Ersfield For Vintage Living aka a RE-Purposed Life. She's driving 8 hours home, please pray for her safety in traveling and for the plans that God has revealed this week.

Joining French Country Cottage

Please join in this week and share how you are being "inspired"!

Blessings dear friends,


  1. How wonderful are these images Debra. Love the print papered ceiling!~ Best wishes to you and Rebecca.

  2. Hi Debra, Isn't it fun meeting a blogging buddy? I love the picture of the little girl praying.

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your friend. I hope that someday I can meet some of my blog friends in person.

    Love your photos, especially the one with the book page ceiling :)

  4. Rebecca and I got to know each other a little better this year and I am so glad we did! She is an amazing woman! Smart, pretty and very talented! I'm so happy you guys got to spend some time together! I'm looking forward to some time of my own with her again! Have a great weekend, it's almost here!

  5. Oh Debra, I LOVE this room... AND I'm so happy to have met So Many Warm and Wonderful Ladies&Gents here in the "Land Of Blog"!!!
    Hugs to you Sweet Lady,

  6. the picture of Rebecca praying as a child is one of my favorites Debra!
    I am so glad you both had a wonderful visit!
    It sounds like much was accomplished!
    God is so good!
    Love ya bunches!

  7. Love, love that book page room!! Is that in Rebecca's house? I want to see more of it. :) I'm so glad you had a wonderful day together. I met a blog friend in person too - and just loved it!

    I'd like to link to Vintage Inspiration Friday sometimes - but I'm not sure I quite get what the content is to be. Can you email me trying to say it another way so I 'get it'. It's not an item, per se right? Is it just blogging about anything that is vintage and inspired you? A story? I'm a little slow. :)

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit. Friends are such a blessing! ..... Thanks so much for hosting!

  9. ...there are no coincidences in life ~
    just God showing us the way!!
    How marvelous that you two are friends:)
    I can't wait to see what influence each of you have on the other and then in turn, have on us!!

    xo, Rosemary

  10. Glad you had a good time & thanks for bringing her to the shop. If it weren't for blogs, you wouldn't have ever known her. It's an amazing way to meet kindred souls. Jan

  11. I so agree that blogging friends are "real" friends. The support, encouragement, feedback (I could go on and on) from my blogging friends is just as real as the support and encouragement I get from the friends I am able to socialize with.
    It's wonderful that the two of you got to spend some fun days together.

  12. Your photos are so beautiful!!! I would love to see the space in person!! Blessings to you, Margo

  13. So exciting that you got to meet a longtime blogger friend, Debra. What a blessing to share so much and then be able to share even more in person.
    Thank you for hosting another VIF!
    - Susan

  14. You are truely blessed to have such a blog friend travel the distance to see you!!!

    The photos are beautiful, and I'm smitten with the tiny room sporting the book pages on the ceiling. Can you share the source? Also, I just love antiqu dress forms and have been longing to own one.

  15. Debra,
    I'm so glad you had such a good time! I'm sure at times I drive my local friends crazy with talk or excitement about my "Blog Friends." I simply cannot imagine my life anymore with out them,,you included!

    I linked to my Valentines,,,,,More to come, I'm afraid. LOL Then I've got to get ready for the next Show! Ackk 5 weeks will go fast!

    I haven't sent you an envelope or package yet,,since Christmas is over anyway, I thought I'd send you a little Heart or something as well!

    Love you my Dear!

  16. You have been in the presence of a truly delightful and sweet sweet person! But you know what, you are the same my friend. Would love to have with you both, I wouldn't have known how to act being with two stars!! I'm sure you had a wonderful time. Now come to Texas...

  17. Debra, I've met a few really sweet special friends blogging. The distance seems not so far when you have things in common. xoxo tami

  18. Will absolutely pray for Rebecca, I'm so happy that God has blessed you both by bringing you together. I hope he blesses me this year by placing us together, too! :-)


  19. That is so exciting for you two. You both are so talented, a perfect match! I hope she gets home safely.

  20. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It was so touching. I enjoyed reading every word and the photos were just beautiful, very beautiful, perks to the post.


  21. What a sweet post...How fun! I have met some of the best people ever blogging...

    Your pictures are amazing....

    Take care,

  22. What a darling post... I, too, have met some wonderful people through blogging. Thanks for hosting~ All linked up!

  23. Debra,
    How wonderful to have this blossoming friendship between you both. Isn't it awesome how God blesses us with people? Wonderful friends that we can share our life and faith with and challenge and support each other. I have prayed for Rebecca to have a safe trip home and will again before I go to bed. I read your blog often and enjoy your posts. I love seeing your new jewelry creations as well. You were one of my very first followers on my personal blog (oneblessedmommie) and I'll always be grateful. I hope to participate in your VIF posts this year.
    Sincere blessings to you dear,

  24. Hi Debra, I totally agree with you about how blogging brings people together! I am so often overwhelmed with the kindness, support and friendship I have been shown here in this wonderful neighborhood!! I am so happy for you that you got to spend time with your new friend! Smiles, Julie

  25. Hi Debra - one of my favorite things about blogging is that I not only have met people that are inspirational with their talent, they are also inspirational in their heart. You are a good example of that.

  26. Wow ! Debra and Rebecca wonderful! You BOTH are so inspiring!! and you are so right about blogging friends!...I've been lifted up by you and so many others!! So glad you had a wonderful time together! I hope to be back in the swing of the VIF linky parties next week! Until then...have a great week!
    Tammy :-)

  27. I'm glad you both had such a wonderful time. The pictures are awesome. Inspiring really is the right word! Thanks Debra! xx

  28. My prayers are with her! Nice to hear about your friendship.I haven't been so lucky in that dept. thought I met a new friend and it turned out not to be so.Nice to post about the good times.~Cheers Kim

  29. Dear Debra
    Oh the blessings flow with our friends here!!! What a beautiful post!! Sending you much love and hugs!!


  30. It sounds like you had a great time with your blogging buddy, Debra. I wish her a safe journey home. The pics you shared with us are beautiful!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Jo :)

  31. Oh, Debra, I know what you mean. There are no coincidences, only God-incidences. Meant-to-be friends, encounters....etc.

  32. Funny ... I knew who you were speaking of immediately {even without the help of photos}!!

    I can picture the two of you as the bestest of the bestest friends ... how lucky to have spent some wonderful time together!

    Long live friendship ; )

    xo Jill

  33. That is so awesome! So glad this happened for you both:)

  34. Looks like your year is off to a wonderful start Debra! Thank you for sharing with us!

    Have a nice weekend and thank you for hosting again!

  35. Good morning Debra, how very nice to meet you. Of course I found you through blog surfer. I loved this first post I read of yours. Truly, blogging friends are REAL. I have met several as well. No where will you find a more sincere and caring group. How excited for you and your blogging buddy to meet. I look forward to more visits and visiting your other blog as well. Stop by and say hi if you ever have a moment. :)

  36. Still l praising our Father for our time together... and thanking Him for what is to come.
    Glad I haven't put my makeup on yet, as this post would have washed it all away...
    I am still on the road, got a room last night and will do some junk'in today on my route home.
    Thank you for being such a gracious loving woman of God, I so enjoyed my stay with you... now it is your turn to come north :)

  37. Hi Debra ~ Lovely lovely post. I am so happy you both got to meet and share your friendship. I will certainly, as always, keep Rebecca as well as all my blogging friends in my prayers. Bloggy friends, are truly a gift I never expected.

  38. What a beautiful post - photos and commentary. So glad you got to meet such a wonderful soul mate. Debra, I hope you don't mind that I "borrowed" a photo from your blog to post on my blog. Please let me know if you want me to remove it. Thanks for the inspiration! laurie

  39. Sweet Debra,
    how wonderfull for both of you, what happy dayes, --Rebecca is a beautifull soul, and so are you- you will truly have lots to share -I`m happy for you, being able to meet, and pray for dear Rebecca to drive safe, home.

  40. Hi Debra,
    What beautiful photos! I have made some wonderful friends through blogging as well. Some better than I've ever has in my life. Isn't this just a wonderful community of people!
    I just joined your Vintage Inspiration Friday for the first time and I am so excited to check out everyone's blog.
    Have a great weekend.

  41. Rebecca is a jewel! Love her blog, too :) Nice to be able to spend girly time together. Thanks for hosting VIF. I'm a little late, but that's how it goes. Have a great weekend.
    Becky C

  42. Hi Debra~ Back to say thank you for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  43. wow! blogging has been such a blessing for so many of us! im so happy for you..there is nothing better than finding a good friend!the photo of the newspaper ceiling is great! can you imagine doing that? come by and take the love dare at my blog if you get a chance..and bring your friends..our marriages are gonna be blessed!

  44. Hello Debra,
    cute story. And I love your pictures, too.
    I am joining your party today. Thank you for hosting this sweet event.
    Greetings, Johanna

  45. Debra, today I posted about my blogging friend Anita, who I am sure many bloggers know, as she is such an encourager and visits so many here.
    We have not met in real life yet, as we live across the country from one another, but she is indeed a daily friend. I'm thinking there must be like-minded women in my own town, yet I find friends by blogging that are so far away and I miss them even though we've never been together in person. It is a wonderful mystery.

    I enjoyed your post. And will go visit Rebecca's blog now!

    ~ Violet

  46. I'm smiling, I just arrived at your page from her lovely post about you. Isn't blogging wonderful? So many lovely women of Faith. Beautiful post...

  47. This is such a lovely wonderful you were able to meet! I'm hoping to meet more blogging friends this year, too!

  48. Debra,

    What a blessing it must be to meet face to face one of your blog friends and share so much in common with her. You are both beautiful souls and I feel privileged to have come across both your blogs. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  49. Hi Debra,
    Just wanted to come back and let you know I have added a "Give-Away" on my blog this week, inspired by my blogging friend Anita, who I think you are familiar with ...? (of Castles, Crowns and Cottages)

    I have created a "Reach For Your Dreams" friendship wand, with crowned bird, and lots of glitter, hope you'll stop by!

    ~ Violet

  50. How fun to meet a blog friend in person and find out that she's as lovely as you had imagined. I hope that happens to me someday as I have some pretty great bloggy friends! Your pictures are always a treat for me. Blessings.

  51. Debra,
    It's such a special thing to meet an on line friend for the first time. It's kinda like a first date. You know you have a crush on them, but will they disappoint? (that analogy is a bit freakish I know) I am so happy you & Rebecca bonded like that. This year I was so blessed to hang out in real life with a few girls too. And like you, I now consider them dear friends. Lisa


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