Thursday, October 28, 2010

You're Invited to a Vintage Halloween

I posted these images last year at Halloween,
but I wanted to share them again this year...
a little spooky family memorabilia.

This is an invitation that my paternal grandfather
 made for a surprise Halloween Birthday Party for my grandmother in 1926.
These are their engagement photos from around 1906.

He was a printer, so I have several pieces of his work.
I love the little pumpkin and black cat graphic that he included.

My paternal grandmother, Irma, was born on Halloween,
sometime in the late 1880's or early 1890's.
She was around 40 when my dad was born in 1929.
Halloween was always a special event when she was alive,
so I have a little childhood nostalgia for the holiday.

I'm joining Joan's Party with this very authentic
piece of Vintage Halloween ephemera.

Be sure and have fun with the other partiers at

Have a fun weekend!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a fun invitation! Creative Grandfather to make it so much fun! Lucky you to have it for you keepsakes! Enjoy your day and big hugs!

  2. Really neat...for so long ago! I love history in families...that is a gift that you have that treasure:)

  3. Hello Debra... what a wonderful treasure you have there and precious childhood memories... Happy Halloween to you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. Now that is COOL! Such a treasure!!



  5. Hi Debra,
    What a wonderful family piece to own....I love all things old and vintage but family pieces are elevated to a whole different level. Looks like creativity runs in the family!

  6. What a wonderful story and to think that paper is in such pristine condition. I love family treasures like this. Thanks for sharing because I did not see it the first time ♥

  7. Oh wow Debra, what a sweet piece of family history! It sounds like your grandfather was something of a romantic. He threw a party for your grandmother, AND he wrote that little poem! I wonder if they wore costumes? Thanks so much for sharing this!

  8. How sweet that you still have a copy! I love the font. And born on Halloween! My youngest would have loved that, she decorates everything in her house with skulls! Even has a real skelton in her house, minus the head!

    Have a great weekend!


  9. Ah! I love it!!! That is SO cool!!!

    ;-D Happy Halloween (almost... kinda...)


  10. What an amazing piece of history and a family heirloom!

  11. Hi Debra! Love this! How cool to have this in your family!

  12. How neat that you still have that invitation, Debra! I share a birthday with your grandmother.

    Before I forget, I would love to link up my Fall tablescape post to your linky party tomorrow. Thanks for the invite! : )

  13. Your Grandfather must have been the coolest guy ever Debra!!!! What a wonderful treasure to have!
    I loved your chippy white post my friend!
    hugs to you...

  14. Love the invitation and how it is worded! ♥O

  15. How fun!! He was a handsome devil, wasn't he?

  16. Oh Debra how nice to have these family treasures... and their in such wonderful condition!!! I especially love the invitation. hugs~~~ Daphne

  17. I remember this!
    I wish my husband would do something like this for me!

  18. The Vintage Halloween Link is up so you can come by to get connected. Thanks for taking part in the party and sharing your wonderful family treasures. Joan@anythinggoeshere

  19. Ohhhhhhh Debra.... Those old photos... The vintage type font... Has me thinking of mysterious "Spirits" with hidden secrets!*!*! Thanks for adding an interesting twist to spooky halloween!*!*!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  20. Hi Debra, Taat is a great family treasure. Thank's for sharing and have a great Halloween......Julian

  21. I Love those little pictures and in the locket. I like them especailly because they are your families.

    Nice , party invite also. what a treasure for you.


  22. That is totally cool. How special to have this and that it is from your family, even better. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Dear Debra,-
    what a great grandfather, so sweet he wrote this poetical invitation,to celebrate his wife.
    And you are just so lucky, to still have this in your possision .
    Happy Halloween.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  24. You almost expect to hear an evil "bwaahahahaha!" in the background....! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  25. Your Grandfather was very creative! I love the poem and the artistic touches on the invitation.


  26. What a wonderful items to have of your grandparents. I would treasure them forever and ever.
    Thanks for sharing

  27. Love your photos, they are always so beautiful. I too linked on to the Vintage Halloween party over at Anything Goes! Happy Fall my friend!

    Take care, Sue

  28. If you would ever like new recipes or would like to be featured than please come on over to our blog and please check us out! We also have a give away going on right now and a apron going up tomorrow!! yah. thanks for letting me stop by your blog.

  29. That's so sweet that he liked to plan surprises for her! :-)


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