Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #3

My Fall decorating is more in the category of
"nature inspired"
 rather than out and out Halloween.
I have a few favorite black cat items and figurines,
but I really love the look of fall leaves, pumpkins,
 mums and bittersweet, that can take me through
the middle of November.

The pumpkins and mums are just starting
 to make it to the corner farm stands,
so I'm still looking for some inspiration for my front porch,
which right now is somewhere between
late Summer (impatiens)
and Fall. (a wreath with real bittersweet berries)

not a particularly good look....

So today I put together my
Fall Pumpkin Topiary
 in my entry hall.
At least you're not confused when you come inside.

Following images from google
if you know the source please let me know.

Once again, inside, I'm using faux pumpkins.

Due to a few unfortunate tumbling pumpkin incidents last year,
I've hot glued these babies for this season.

I just wish I had two of these monster concrete urns for my porch.
I'm wanting to do something a little more "traditional"
this year out front.
I have an idea that just may work.
stay tuned...

Hope you join in on
Vintage Inspiration Friday
and let us know what's inspiring you this week.
Please be sure to link back to
this blog, Common Ground, within your post,
so others can join the party.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Love the ideas for topiaries. I need to drag my fall boxes out this weekend and see what I can come up with this year. Your indoor one looks great!

  2. Your topiary is very cool...great idea to glue gun it! I can imagine what happened last year. I hope you find something like this for your front's a great idea!


  3. Debra,
    Your topiary is gorgeous! Love the colors you choose for this. It looks awesome in that urn.

  4. Beautiful! For outside, I love the combination of the purple and greens of kale and hedge balls along with orange pumpkins.

    Inside, I like bittersweet, indian corn, and tiny gourds. Someday I hope to grow my own bittersweet as it is expensive. As a kid we used to find it along the country roads.

    By the time I get in gear and figure out how I want to decorate, the season is at its end.

  5. I remember the party this week, Debra. (My post is not about Fall, I hope it's OK). LOVE your topiary and the urn you used for it! Thank you for hosting!!

  6. Hi Debra,
    I really love your pumpkin topiary. Those are the coolest looking faux pumpkins and they provide great texture, especially in that yummy urn.
    Thanks for all the inspirational ideas.


  7. Well, I'm having computer issues today so hope this isn't a double post.

    Your urn is great. I only have one lone pumpkin in my urn, but I think I will have to get him some company.

  8. I'm really in the mood for Fall this year, not sure why. Maybe our cooler summer weather, but I'm starting to decorate as well. I love all of your little Fall displays in your home!! They are so inviting!

    Take care, Sue

  9. Your topiary is STUNNING....the pumpkins are the best looking faux pumpkins I've ever seen! I've just linked up to your lovely party for the first time. Thanks for creating a fun and inspiring party!

  10. Hey's my first time to link up and I'm excited to see everyone's posts :)

    LOVE your topiary...I haven't even begun to think about decorating for fall. Need to get in the attic and pull out the bins.

    Thanks for hosting!

  11. I love the topiary. Can I copy you? I will give you all the credit. I haven't started fall decorating yet at all. I hope to get at it this weekend.

  12. I do like your topiary! I have not done any Fall decorating - need to get busy.

  13. Yeah! I finally made your wonderful Vintage Inspiration Friday, I have been doing my Barn Chick parties. Love your pumpkins, always great posts. Thanks for your inspration...


  14. ...Oh Debra! I love your pumpkin topiaries!! ~ and the beautiful urns they are in!!
    Just how many glue sticks did it take to keep them together? LOL!!
    xo, Rosemary

  15. Hi Debra, I love all the pictures, especially the pumpkin topiary! The concrete urn you have, I found 2 of them at Canton several years ago, and pulled them in a wagon all the way across Canton, I was determined that I was taking them home with me! I have had them upstairs on my plant ledge ever since. I hope you can find another one like the one you have! hugs~~~ Daphne

  16. Oh Debra, I love the topiary. But I really LOVE the urn!!! You have the loveliest touch. I really like to decorate for Fall with nature as well. Everything is so green here still that it's tough to start the Autumn decor right now.
    hugs to you...

  17. Debra, I love looking at your seasonal displays and I do believe fall is my favorite! I'd love to start, but it's so gosh darn hot here...hard to get in the right frame of mind.

  18. Beautiful Beautiful pumkins!!! Wo what a decoration!! i go follow your blog Soooo nice!!!
    wishing you a wunderful weekend

  19. Hello Debra, I do luv your Fall display. I still haven'tseen any pumkins out here for sale yet to do our Fall outdoor display. I guess I might need to wait a couple of weeks. Thank You for hosting today. Have a happy Friday....Julian

  20. Debra--these are just beautiful! Makes me excited to decorate!

  21. I love your pumpkin topiaries. I've been trying to think what I could do for my fall son always begs my for all the creepy Halloween stuff :(

    I love your Inspiration Friday, I wish I would have noticed this before, since I just put up a post that would have fit perfectly about my old books. Maybe next week.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend :)

  22. I love that set you got going on girl! It's a good thing that it's monsterous (& heavy) cuz I'd try and "borrow" it! haha

    I need a HUGE post it note on my computer to remind me of your VIF...I wanna play too!!! Fridays creep up on me so fast!!!! Or I'm on the road having fun!!!! ok..enough excuses. I'm going to play soon, I promise :)

    You are the best party hostess!!!! I'm so lovin' hopping around and seeing everyone's VIF!!!!

    Have a good weekend friend...I can't wait to see what you're thinkin' about putting on your porch!

  23. Hi Debra,
    Well I finally made it to the party....let's just say I was trying to make a late entrance :-)
    Thanks for hosting. There is so much that inspires me that I shouldn't have a problem with finding something to post each week.
    Have a great weekend.

  24. So much clever inspiration!

    Warm hugs,

  25. Hi Debra, I love the urn you put your pumpkins in, what a great inspiration. This is my first post to your party, but it won't be my last. What a great idea for a party. Have a good weekend.
    The Swedish Room

  26. Hi Debra...great idea! Love this party you host!! Have a great weekend and keep the inspiration coming!!

  27. Hi Debra, I love your table in the front hall! so much detail! Your topiary is beautiful. Thanks for hosting!

  28. I LOVE those pumpkin topiaries and yours is ESPECIALLY LOVELY! I love the different autumnal hues it has. I'm having a give away on my blog for SOSOBELLA, if you have a minute I'd love for you to drop by!

  29. What a great post! Although I'm in deep South Texas and we are till having 90++ degree weather, I am SO ready for fall and you've inspired me. I popped in to see your Coffee Filter Pumpkins, menitoned on another blog. :)

  30. oooohhh I just love the Pumpkin topiary's! I plan to do something similar. Beautiful!

    Thanks for hosting!


  31. Hi My dear Friend!

    Busy weeks as of late,,,BUT I did link to your event tonight and I wanted to make sure you stop over and look at the MEAGER photos of my Meissen.....This was a last minute idea, as I'd told you I'd share with you......

    And the Garage sale wore me out! I miss YOU,,,,,,,and all my other dear blogger friends and hope to catch up this next week!

    I hope you have time to read my "mini" story about the China!

    Love you my dear! Will catch up soon, promise! I feel "lost at Sea"......LOL All is going WELL here though! Thank God!

    Hugs and love,

  32. You are my go to girl for Fall decorating. Love the faux pumpkins for inside. Can get too messy though I've been known to keep them for months in tact.

  33. Debra,

    Thank you for hosting this blog party. This is my first visit to your beautiful blog but I will be returning. I did not start decorating for fall yet and probably won't until Oct 1 but I appreciate all the inspiration from bloggers who have. Your pumpkin topiary looks lovely in that urn. I also admire the table it is standing along side of -- such details!


  34. Gorgeous as always!!! And your jewelry... fantastic! Hope all is well, Janna

  35. Just beautiful! I love the makes the whole arrangement!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. love your inspirations Fridays.
    Joined in late.


    barbara jean

    PS noticed the entries on right side do not show up all the way. maybe it is my computer??

    PS again. tutorial coming soon on crow's nest pumpkins. soon as my back is better. =)


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