Friday, August 20, 2010

Fall is Coming to Spring Creek

I've been busy pricing and packing things for fall this last week.
About three times a year I do a change out in my antique mall space,
so I'm ready to add a lot of fall items into my booth.

I did another vintage divided window, this time smaller, using vintage bird prints.
It has more fall colors and can be hung on the wall.

Darker colors, fall flowers, and more primitives find their way
into my space this time of year.

This is just a small sample of what's coming in.
I still have the silver, and some wonderful sets of fall inspired china.

We live about 30 miles from a large cluster of lakes near Branson
and throughout the Ozarks, so we have a lot of people with lake houses,
cabins, and rustic lodges in the area.

Besides my love for vintage white, I also love lodge-y and rustic decor.
At several times I've had booth spaces that were a mix
 of vintage farmhouse, camp, and rustic.
I like to keep it "changed up"!

As I've said before, Fall is my favorite time of year.
Out come my Pendleton blankets, twig furniture, and "nature inspired" decor.

I will have my space redone by the end of the weekend,
so if you're looking for some fall inspired items,

Come down to Spring Creek in Ozark for something new and fun.

And remember that two weeks from today will be the first
Vintage Inspiration Friday!
Hope you'll grab the button on the side bar and join in.
Click the button for "Vintage Inspiration" details.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love the vintage bird prints in the window frame. I am starting to see lots of Fall decoration around now. Won't be long until we start decorating the pumpkins. xo, Sherry

  2. Everything is so pretty & I especially love the bird prints!
    Have a Great Weekend!

  3. Your booth is just so neat, Debra. I wish I could come and visit in person. I love the window; it looks perfect with the bird pictures!

    Hope you have a happy weekend!


  4. If fall holds 102 degree weather... then Fall is coming here as well. HA! Debra - I would love LOVE to come take half of your fun fall stuff off your hands - mainly... the lil' birdie in the windows!!! Yeah... ALL of them! :^D

    Have a beautiful week-end!
    ;-D xoxoxoxo

  5. Love your window:)Have fun fall decorating.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. I'm never in the mood for Fall decor until I see one of your posts and how you pull it all style icon, you! :-)

  7. Hi there--thanks so much for the brochure--I hit your area last week and had a GREAT time. Spring Creek was so pretty!

  8. Debra, your birds window, is wonderfull, and all the photoes with fall inspiration looks so cosy and beautifull.
    Wishing you a happy week-end.

  9. Everything looks gorgeous. Love the way you display things. So pretty. Hugs, Marty

  10. hola Debra
    me encanta esta decoración aves una belleza
    tambien me encanta el otoño y invierno
    el vintage blanco
    te deseo un hermoso dia

  11. Hi Debra,
    Fall is my favorite time of year too. I can't wait for the cozy sweaters and bundling up. Happy weekend, Debra!

  12. Hi Debra,
    I'm thinking fall too and it's time to start fixing my booth up as well. I wish I could stop by your lovely space because I'm sure I wouldn't leave empty handed!


  13. I'm an autumn gal too! Those are actually the colors I should wear, but I never was one to play by the rules!
    Loving your space and the window...oh mylanta. Wish the view out my office window was half as pretty!

  14. yeah for fall! and all your neat stuff - especially the window - I have done that before and it was a great seller!!!

    Anne Marie

  15. What a pretty display! I wish it reeally was fall! It is hot hot hot here;)!


  16. What a wonderful collection of goodies! It's always fun to see new 'stuff'!

  17. Hi Lovey, I did not realize you enjoyed primitives. I am glad you do. I might drag some of mine into the light some time. Love the horns around the punkin. hugs♥olive

  18. Hi Debra,
    Oh's time to get the "rooms" ready for fall decor! I'll be starting at the end of the month.
    Fall is my Favorite Season!
    deb :0

  19. I can never remember being so READY for FALL....this long HOT summer has worn out its welcome...Beautiful pictures

  20. I love the window with the birdies. I'm sure it will not last long at your booth.
    hugs to you for your kindness to me.

  21. Hi Debra! Oh I love all of your pretties! The vintage bird pictures in the window pane is a wonderful piece! Fall is in the air.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I am so fond of birds and nests - that window is precious. Your booth is just delightful! Thanks for sharing.

  23. I'm holding out! But your booth looks great. I love that scrap of crazy quilt, and the colors in that botanical are yummy. Hope You're great too! JQ kiss kiss

  24. Love the window frame with bird prints. Just gorgeous. I sure wish Fall would come to Kuwait -- but that won't happen for months. :/ Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy

  25. Really loving that birds in the window thingy! I love fall too, but I also eek out every last moment of warm temps as summer wanes.

  26. Great goodies Debra! I love fall too and with the heat we have had this Summer... I am beyond ready:) Enjoy your weekend! My favorite out of all of these is the window picture, it is GORGEOUS!

  27. Love your style Debra and will have to stop by your booth next time we are down at the Ozarks. In the meantime...keep the photo's coming. I love to look at what you are doing! deb

  28. Debra, that window full of bird images is fabulous!! I think changing things up would be the fun part of having a booth, maybe a little like playing store or house when we were kids! I'm crazy for toolboxes and can never pass them up and well florals too. You have all the best treasures! Have fun, Theresa

  29. I'm heading back to
    the Midwest tomorrow
    after a glorious time
    with my parents in the
    Pac NW. Guess it IS time
    to think of fall and I
    can't think of a more
    delightful way than this
    lovely post. You do it
    all so {seemingly}
    effortless, Debra!
    xx Suzanne

  30. Hi Debra,love the window and the old books tied up with twine...blessings

  31. Hi Debra,
    I am so loving the window with the lighted windows with the lithograph bird prints...I am in awwwww! Loving the fall inspiration and am going to put on my thinking cap her and get busy on some inspiring pieces.

    keep inspiring us sweet friend.
    I am sure I would be inspired by your shop!

  32. Hi Debra,
    Your booth will be awesome for Fall with these additions to it! This time of year, it's always great to go into the shops and see all the beautiful Fall decor. We live in an area where camp and rustic are very, very popular too. I live 40 minutes from the Sun Valley ski resort and it seems that it is all about the rustic decor, because of all the lodges and log homes we have around here. You have such an eye for the 'good stuff' and I always love to see pictures of your booth.
    In your previous post, I was in awe of 'The Market'. What a wonderful place this would be to spend an hour or two in.
    hugs to you...

  33. Everything looks grand and I am inspired! I love fall, I just wish the cold winds off Lake Michigan didn't come so soon after. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  34. What a great idea!!! I have some old divided windows and shall now consider using them to frame some of my fav prints to display... making something beautiful out of repurposed architectural Salvage is one of my favorite pasttimes.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  35. I love bird prints and I love old windows...together they are a real winner!!

  36. Everything looks beautiful! I LOVE the vintage window with bird prints... gorgeous!!
    I hope you have a great week!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  37. It feels a little like Fall here today and really windy but I love it.
    Received my necklace yesterday and I love it and thank you for the lovely wrapping and tag.
    You sure know how to make a girl feel special.
    Going out tonight and plan on wearing it!!!

  38. Hi Debra. Your blog always looks so pretty. I am so so ready for fall. Come on cooler weather. Thanks for coming by to help me celebrate Ty's birthday. I've been wanting to get back to you for days now but I've barely had time to post on my own blog. I owe so many people a visit. I've never had so many people to visit. I feel so blessed.

    Hope all is well. Love you & Big Hugs....Tracy :)

  39. Love your vision and I love your style Miss D.

    Now...about the black shutters. I'm going to love them. I am also seriously considering painting my door black. I can't believe it...but I am.

    Maybe you are rubbing off on me.



  40. Love the new fall items, Debra~ and I'm really looking forward to the Vintage Inspiration party!


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