Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tray Chic

Time to tweak the sunroom decor again.
The red, white, and blue,
has been changed out for late summer colors.
August becomes golds and greens with hints of the coming fall season.

I'm definitely one that loves the changes in weather and nature,
and my decor reflects those changes.

My friend Debra, from Inspirational Home,
has been having a summer sale,
and I found these wonderful Frenchy trays.
They are designed with hangers on the back
 so you can use them as wall decor,
or as a tray.

I love all things French,
and these Provencal scenes are a favorite of mine.

(they even have sheep)

This one in the Living Room is slightly different.

Some of my English ironstone landed on the one in the sunroom.

This large pitcher with the robin and nest
was my very first piece of Brown Transferware.
It really started a heavy addiction!

I just love this tiny creamer with the delicate roses

By the end of July I'm tired of the heat and ready to wind down summer into fall.

And it looks as if my trusty assistant is laying down on the job.
She works hard all day following me around.

My desk top computer; my workhorse, decided to check out a few weeks ago.
I've had to postpone my Etsy plans because of it,
but now I have a new computer (thanks hubbs),
So I want to get started.


  1. Your pictures are wonderful! But I'm afraid you have hurt my feelings with your Robin and nest pitcher! AHGGGGGGGGG! GORGEEOUS! The trays really are fabulous. And I loved seeing the marks--do you suppose there is another jug like that on the planet? Everything looks beautiful together! Jacqueline

  2. This is SO beautiful. I agree with the season changes. I'm in LOVE with your large brown pitcher with the bird... LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it... Thank you for sharing, Donna

  3. Yummy transferware.If one is addicted this is the way to go. What caught my attention is that yellow coverlet on the wicker sofa! Yellow is my favorite color and that is beautiful and provencial.

    love ya.

  4. DEBRA! It's GORGEOUS as always!!! I love the little pitcher - it's SO pretty and fun!!! The trays are beautiful as well!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  5. Love those trays....They are beautiful!
    Awwww.... love the kitty. My kitties get all tuckered out "helping" me too!! LOL!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  6. Gorgeous trays, of course everything you do is beautiful:)

    Have a blessed day, hugs!

  7. Oh Debra, how I love coming over to visit you, you never dissappoint! Your sofa looks so lovely with the pillows and the quilt thrown over the back. And those trays are the most beautiful trays I've seen for awhile. I love the french scenes and your beautiful pottery on top just sets them off.

    Everything is so pretty.


  8. Very pretty! I love the idea of late summer colors-enjoy!

  9. What Beautiful Inspiration ~ I really am looking forward to Fall, My Favorite time of Year....

  10. Beautiful, Debra. "Changing out for the seasons" is something that's hard to do when it's "mostly summer". It makes me wistful for Autumns in Wisconsin...my most favorite time of year where I grew up. Thanks for sharing. I adore that birds' nest pitcher! I can certainly see how it began your collection.

  11. Love the clever post title! And love that bird pitcher. How could you not? I can't believe summer is dwindling away...my days before school starts seem to be filling up!

  12. Everything is so beautiful and romantic!


  13. Love that quilt on the sofa! Looks so french!

    Could you do me a favor and edit my address in you blog list:


    Thank you so much!


  14. I've always had a crush on alfred!!!

  15. Hi Debra, Oh, how I love the tray and the pitchers are wonderful. You know what an obsession I have with transferware.
    Hugs, Sherry

  16. I just looove the trays and the pitchers/decor you have setting on top of them! I love the late summer color scheme you put out as well...simply beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  17. Love, love, love your room and the pretty colors. Your quilt is fantastic and the trays are all stunning. What a fabulous find. I adore brown transferware and your pieces are gorgeous. Love that little pitcher too. Such lovely vignettes. Thanks so much for joining TTT Hugs, Marty

  18. Debra, the transfer ware pitchers are incredible. Your room is oh so pretty!

  19. I see your cat found a nice landing space!

  20. The tray is beautiful, Debra, but I really, really love your transferware pitchers! They are just beautiful. I love the brown/white and brown/cream combo, and yet I don't own a one! : ) I think I need to rectify that.

  21. Hi Deb, I love your french trays, they are exquisite and your cat is too cute! I like changing things around too sometimes, keeps it interesting.. take care, Maryann

  22. Absolutely love your brown transferware! It looks perfect with your summer sunroom. Looks like your assistant found the puurrrfect place to nap.:)

  23. Hi Debra!
    I love this room! It feels so cozy! the kind of place to curl up with a good book...and from the looks of things a cat!
    these trays are too cute too. I Have a real thing for trays and these remind me of toile wallpaper...my favorite!
    Hope you are having a restful summer thus far!
    Blessings and hugs,

  24. So pretty, Debra!

    Okay, I have to know....how do you get your pictures so honkin' big??? I mean, I have the stretch minima template too, and I always X-Large my pics, but good Lord woman, yours are HUGE! (said with admiration, of course)

    Might get to talk tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed!

  25. Love everything about this room, and I love it even more every time you re do it!!!!

  26. I love the trays and the fact they can hang, if you want. Beutiful place! Lezlee

  27. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who get's tired of the summer heat. Today was very hot and humid. I like the idea of changing colours for seasonal decor. Thanks for posting!

  28. Love your trays, but I am drooling over that Robin's nest pitcher!

  29. Hi Debra! Oh, I'm loving seeing your pretty sunporch and the changes you've made! The trays are so lovely and so is your brown and white transferware.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  30. Lovely, Debra! Your room really does have a wonderful late summer feel...so pretty!

  31. I just love your brown transferware! And the French trays..."WOW"! How fun, what great photos!
    Happy White Wednesday!

  32. The trays are beautiful and I adore the brown transferware vases!!!

  33. Your trays and transferware are beautiful, Debra..you have everything presented so prettily! And, of course, a kitty is the best decoration any room can have...

    I enjoyed visiting with you very much...


  34. It all looks so fabulous! Love the brown myself.~Cheers Kim

  35. Hi Debra ~ Gorgeous as always. I love those pastorals as well. Your kitty looks so happy and comfy - the sunroom must be her favorite spot as well.

  36. Fall colors are my favorite...even tho' everything in the house is b&w. LOL
    Loving the large ironstone pitcher...auctions are fun!
    Very, very tray sheek girl!

  37. I dunno...those brown transfer ware jugs might look better over here! He he, just kidding, sigh, I will love them from afar!!!!
    Okay, I know I have one of them already but man they are hard to find here.......they do look so beautiful with that tray, how divine!!
    Margaret B

  38. I love those trays....so much you could do with them. Also the brown and white transferware always makes my heart go pitter-patter.

    Enjoy your day!


  39. Wow!!! I love your decoration! so cute!


  40. Oh my gosh, I am still trying to catch my breath over the brown transfer ware bird and nest pitcher. To die for.
    Your whole porch is beautiful.

  41. Debra, everything is so pretty, I just love your beautiful French trays, and it's so nice that you can use them for trays or to hang on the wall. The french scences are just gorgeous. I also love anything French!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

  42. Hi Debra,
    Wow...those trays are gorgeous!!!
    Happy WW!

  43. Debra,
    The room loks fabulous, Infact so many times I have wanted more French color and then step back and stay pale French. I truely would love to sit in your fall sunroom and chat and thumb through the mags and be inspired.

    The kitty did not seem to mind the chage:)
    see you soon girl!!

  44. love your transferware - I'm a transferware addict - and your french trays. sooooooooooooooo beautiful.
    great post...
    now starts the fun of going thru your older post for more inspiration as I see there's no disappointment here as far as inspiration and charm are concerned.

  45. What a neat porch scape. Is that a word??? It is SO cute, and I love your fabrics and quilts on the little sofa. And the cuteness on the table. Neat! And let's not forget the transferware... wonderful!


    Sheila :-)

  46. Your transferware collection is just beautiful! It looks like you found a fabulous piece to begin the collection.

    Best wishes,

  47. Very pretty! Love the Frenchy tray and transferware pitchers...Christine

  48. Debra, those trays are beautiful, and I love all transferware, so I love seeing your pretty brown and white. Your wicker settee looks so pretty with that yellow floral quilt on it. Thank you so much for linking to Favorite Things Sat. (I'm not sure if you know that I "stole" a picture from you for one of my Fav. Things posts several weeks ago-hope that was ok). laurie

  49. Oh, your trays are so pretty but I am absolutely loving that huge A J Wilkinson pitcher with the nest and bird. I collect and sell transferware and haven't seen that pattern. I'm keeping my eye out for it now. I love anything with bird nests. Your room and display is so pretty and has such a warm, welcoming feel to it. Charming!!!

  50. Bravo! Bravo!
    Everything is sssooo beautiful!
    I am now a loyal follower!
    Thank you for sharing!


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