Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vintage Patriotic Party with the White, Red and Blue

Today you get "He Said"
and "She Said"
let's listen in...

She said, LOVE the 4th of July!!!
(she says this ALL the time)

cookouts, fireworks, swimming, family
trips to the lake...

and some great patriotic decor.

But HE said...

What? you do that all the time,
You're attending A Vintage Patriotic Party...?

That needs to include some real Civil War artifacts!

She said, OK, let's put together a vignette from the battlefield.
Decor, decor, decor!!!

Officer's camp stool with carpet seat.
old drum and sticks with a tambourine and songbook.

Vintage flag and Grand Army of the Republic banner.

and a cannonball that should not be dropped on your toes
while you're arranging said battlefield vignette.

Then she said, wow, that was great!
Now, how about some vintage
"girlie" patriotic goods!

July 1916 Ladies Home Journal Magazine

vintage raised patriotic postcard

A biscuit tin depicting the making of the Liberty Bell.
with vintage grave marker flags
in her favorite wicker flower basket.

Old Canco candy box with a lovely lass dressed in the "colors".

And, how about some more patriotic fun
in the sunroom?

An advertising calendar plate
from Alma, Michigan.

And some vintage American flags.

They make a great couple
don't ya think?

Join in with Joan and all the party goers
to celebrate the
 Vintage 4th Party

And I'm sneaking in to
with Kathleen
Over at Faded Charm.
(just can't miss)

One more day!!!!
If you haven't entered the Give Away
there's still time.

More sunroom pics next post.

Hurrah for the

Red white and blue!!!

love y'all,


  1. Great post! Very inspiring! My party post and the link system will be up at noon {cst} so you can come by and link up your wonderful post! xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  2. honey, you have the best stuff!! great patriotic post. i sure hope you did NOT drop that cannonball on your foot. ouch!

  3. You have quite a lot of Independance Day goodies. Everything looks great!


  4. Wow! What wonderful vintage patriotic items! Love...love...love! You have all the best stuff;)!


  5. Now THAT is vintage patriotic! What a wonderful post, full of the kinds of things that I hope to one day have in my patriotic collection. So beautifully photographed too. I love it all Debra!
    Happy 4th!

  6. The divot in your head wasn't enough? You are risking a cannonball?

    Your home is so festive for such an important Holiday. Great Job!


  7. Beautiful, early patriotic items - love it all!

  8. FABULOUS! I might want to start thinking about some red, white and blue...I think I'm late!!!

  9. Some great vintage patriotic pieces!

  10. I salute your beautiful 4th decor!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  11. Very nice! I LOVE the vintage flags. Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

  12. Wow! I'm so impressed with your July 4th goodies. I'm going to show my husband the "manly" vignettes you have because at our next Hob Nobber occasional sale the husbands are having a corner of things they are collecting and we're calling it, "Mantiques". sandy

  13. Love it! You really have the best stuff!!

  14. Wow, you have some amzing pieces- I love the war songs, and the old drums.. Great Decoration- I could use those all year. Great 4th Vintage Decor- Glad i met you at (anything goes party) Just became one of your Followrs- So i will be back to see what you do,

  15. HI Debra,
    Your vintage Americana treasures are fabulous!!
    Thank you so much for yur sweet comment on my blog today, it really lifted my spirits. You are such a sweetheart!
    Have a lovely day.
    Sincere Blessings,

  16. Oh, Debra: What a collection of vintage patriotic goodies! I know one Handsome husband who would be over the moon for the drum and tamborine! Thanks for getting us in the spirit.

  17. What a fabulous post, Debra! I love American/Vintage decor! Thank you for your sweet comment on my clock...First, I drew them on from a stencil I made..then I just sat out on the porch with a tiny paintbrush - I paint allll the time..it's a great way to wind down on a sunny evening. Love you blog, Missy! :)
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  18. Hi Debra! You have an amazing collection and I love it all! You know what caught my eye? The plate from Alma... my highschool used to be in the same sports league with them so when I was in school (and a cheerleader) I was at all of the games against them! small world! I better start snapping pics for my post, Theresa

  19. Wow what wonderful Americana antiques and vintage treasures. Just where do you store all this wonderful stuff my dear. I'll come over and help you clean it out! LOL!

    Debra, you never cease to amaze me with your creative talent.


  20. Debra
    You are so amazing with your talent, you are my faraway bestie:)) You have got such a flair with all that you do. I am always so intrigued by your displays.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July

    God Bless

  21. Debra, what an amazing group of objects. It all makes a perfect vignette with patriotic spirit. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful 4th of July! ~ Sarah

  22. I am tickled that you have all these historic objects. You are a keeper of our history. Just don't bump that pretty and sweet head finding them. Luv Ya`olive

  23. Hi Debra,

    GREAT vintage patriotic finds!! Love the drum! That stuff is getting really hard to find! You have a fab collection!

    Have a great week!


  24. Wonderful vintage civil war artifacts. So amazing they are in great condition. Love the Ladies Home Journals too. Have a great 4th!

  25. Okay For Reals you and your hubs are leaving your vast assortment of artifacts to an important museum. Right? Yoy two continue to amaze me...luv ya`olive oh and that header is off the chain

  26. Every heart beats true with the red, white and blue!! Great Post Debra...Happy 4th to you and yours!

  27. Wow Debra, you've made a beautiful place to party!!! What a fabulous collection of vintage patriotic fun you have, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story and all the red, white & blue! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  28. Great post! I really enjoyed the pictures. 4th of July has become one of my top three holidays and I'm definitely looking forward to it, thanks for the fabulous pictures!!~Elisa

  29. I Love old Patriotic stuff..a few years ago, I had my den decorated all Old Glory stuff, but have since changed..but, still love it!!

  30. Wonderful! I can just see myself having coffee in your sunroom. Looks great!

  31. Great post! Very patriotic!!! I love the flags...

  32. Debra amor, what a beautiful post! I loved everything about it! I have so missed visiting your wonderful blog :) I feel like I have been gone so long and missed so much, I hope in the next couple of weeks to get caught up with all my dear friends and their wonderful posts that I have missed! Thank you so much amor for your comments of love & support for our family during this time, they have been so loved by us :) I have a huge question to ask you, did I ever email and thank you for my wonderful gift that you sent me? With everything that was going on in the last 2 months...I have lost track of soo much, and today in my studio I was admiring my beauties you sent & started to think that maybe I didn't and my tummy started to hurt with worry that I might have been so rude :( Please email me if I didn't because that means I owe you one heck of a THANK YOU :) Besos & huge hugs to you amor, Rose

    ps...my stars your having another wonderful giveaway and I almost missed out on it :)

  33. You've got some great vintage patriotic goodies. I love all your vignetes you've created with all of it.

    Thanks for still joining in with WW. You are so faithful and I appreciate it.


  34. What a wonderful vintage patriotic collection you have acquired. My favorite is the settee with the old flag pillow next to the blue ticking pillows.

  35. Miss Debra-
    You continue to provide us all with glimpses of wonderful- and now- historic treasures.
    I love the song book. That is your husband's , right?

    Have a Happy Fourth of July!


  36. GASP! I love it, my heart has never felt so red, white and blue as it has with my nephew fighting for my freedom! Big hugs and happy 4th!

  37. What a treasure of red, white, and blue goodies! Now I feel ready to celebrate! Thanks for sharing them with us sweetie! Blessings ~ Katie

  38. Love love love your collection...I think you win with the cannon ball!!!

    Joy...........all ways

  39. Hello Debra ~
    What a Wonderful Post..... Love the Collection & Of Course Our Wonderful Countries Red, White & Blue.... As soon as I finish catching up on all the W.W. Posts, I will be heading over to the R.W.& B "God Bless America"
    Have a Wonderful 4th

  40. Hi Debra,
    What great vintage patriotic pictures and vignettes! I just LOVE red, white and blue and especially love vintage flags!
    Thanks for sharing. I hope you will enjoy your 4th of July holiday weekend!!

  41. Wow...you sure got me to stand at attention! What a great collection. With my hand over my heart, I swear allegiance to the red, white and the blue!

  42. I love the vignettes you created with your vintage patriotic collection. I hope you have a wonderful Fourth Of July holiday.
    Hugs, Sherry

  43. Hurray for the Red White & Blue ~ Love it!!! I have that very same birdcage, its one of my favorite pieces. Happy 4th of July!!

  44. Adorable post ~ love all your R/W/B decor! I love the colors so much that our gameroom is decked out in those colors year-round, along with some of my favorite Uncle Sam's and flags!

    Happy WW!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  45. Loved it all! The best of both worlds...vintage and today where we're looking for a bit of that old American feeling.
    Thanks for taking us down memory lane
    Happy 4th ;-)

  46. What a fun post and yet it also has the poignancy to remind us of the freedom we are celebrating this Sunday! Thank you!

  47. Hooray for the red white and blue....love how your header is patriotic too!!!

  48. thanks for sharing your vignettes, fantastic items.

  49. Oh. My. Gosh.
    You actually OWN those things! You get to hold them in your hans. When you think of the stories they could tell . . .
    The civil war! I can't even imagine. I know when I was in Savannah - we went thru Thurman House (I think that was it's name, where the guy murdered someone . . . you know the story). The house was very nice, lots of interesting pieces, but the 2nd room from the last held a wedding gift from George and Martha Washington! I was in awe! I could've stood there gazing at that all day. JUST THINK! They TOUCHED those pieces. Gives me goosebumps.
    Your pieces are just wonderful. (I hope you didn't drop the cannonball on your foot - I wonder what is in those things anyway?)
    Loved, loved, loved this post. Wonderful job.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July! Happy Independence Day!
    Hugs! Karen

  50. I love your items. Today I was showing Revolutionary War items, and I loved that you did the Civil War. As a history nut and a decorating diva, I love everything you showed.

  51. Your home is always decorated so nicely. You have the best decor. I know some magazines out there must be knocking at your door. It's always a pleasure to see what you've done. Now I'm feeling extremely guilty for not putting out my Americana decor. Better go & get busy! LOL Have a great celebration.

  52. Beautiful decorations. You have some amazing stuff in your collection. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!


  53. Wow, you have a fabulous collection. I love the song book and Ladies Home Journal especially. Well, I just love it all. Very nice! Thanks for showing us!

  54. Your pictures are awesome...check out the Giveaway at A Baby Changes Everything

    Have a safe and happy Fourth. Celebrate America


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